What’s The Ideal Work Environment for Your Personality? [Quiz]

Which of the following most closely matches your own beliefs about work life balance:
Work and Life: Work is an integral part of who I am and how I think about life.
Work vs Life: Work is its own place and not mixed with my own social life.
Mostly Life: I appreciate small doses of social activity with co-workers.
Mostly Work: I like my social life to go hand-in-hand with my work life
Work-Life Balance: Work isn’t my entire life but part of my social scene.
Select your ideal preference for setting deadlines from the list below.
Set my own deadlines and be accountable for hitting.
Work with others to determine best deadline for moving parts.
Be given a deadline and trusted I will meet it.
Set most of my own deadlines, but some from another.
Set some of my own deadlines, be given some.
Which statement most closely matches how you gain or refuel your energy?
Spending time alone throughout the day to recharge and process.
Spending time alone in the evening to recharge and process.
Balancing time spent with myself and others.
Spending time with people to fuel from their energy.
Spending time meeting new people to fuel my energy.
How do you prefer to take quick calls during the work day?
In a private space, such as a phone booth or secluded room.
Right at my desk, headphones plugged in so others can’t hear.
While walking, whether in the halls or outside when weather permits.
Right at my desk without requiring headphones.
Anywhere I am without worry.
How does interacting with others impact your energy?
Gets me excited and more motivated for the task ahead.
Gets me temporarily stressed that I’m being distracted from my work.
Depletes my energy and keeps me from doing my work.
Effective in regaining my energy in controlled doses.
Doesn’t particularly impact me in any way.
Why do you wear headphones during the work day?
Listening to music / any form of sound helps me focus on my work.
To signal that I’m not available to chat whether or not anything is playing.
To cancel out the noise around me.
I don’t wear headphones in order to hear the people around me.
I don’t like wearing headphones during the work day.
When you need assistance from a co-worker, what’s your initial reaction:
Send an email requesting a time to chat.
Send an instant message (Slack, HipChat, Google Chat, etc.) with question.
Send an instant message (Slack, HipChat, Google Chat, etc.) to schedule chat.
Walk over to desk and quickly ask.
Knock on office door and request to chat.
Which of the following describes your ideal desk?
Minimal, just my laptop.
Decorated, including pictures of my family.
Optimized, with extra monitors, keyboards, and ethernet cable.
Cluttered, including swag or notes I’ve hoarded over time.
Varied, where it’s never the same but you like discovering new things.
What is your ideal project load?
One major project that requires my full and undivided attention.
One major project with a few side projects to help keep my day varied.
A number of different projects that I can cycle through as I see fit.
More than one major project, bring on the challenge.
No strong preference for either mix of options.
Which best matches your ideal commute?
No commute, I work from wherever I am.
Minimal commute, but like to travel sometimes.
Public transit or shuttle, quick ride under 30 minutes.
Public transit or shuttle, can be as long as it takes.
Driving with no one around me but me.
How do you come up with your best ideas?
Reading / researching online and thinking through individually.
Reading / researching online and thinking through with others.
Back and forth chatter with one other person to evolve the idea.
Seek inspiration from a variety of sources and places.
Group brainstorm sessions.
When someone interrupts you at work, do you …
Engage in conversation and then return seamlessly into your workflow.
Get temporarily distracted but eventually get back into swing of things.
Multi-task through the interruption to stay focused.
Doesn’t impact you in any way.
Get fully distracted and forget what you were working on.
{"name":"What’s The Ideal Work Environment for Your Personality? [Quiz]", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","emurl":1,"txt":"We all have a perfect work environment, which one is best for your productivity?","img":"https://www.poll-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png?sz=1200-00000000001000005300","accounts":"@OwlLabsInc"}
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