Foci Quiz

You have manifested strange new abilities! You aren't too sure how they work or even what they are but, you want to get started right away. What do you do?
Push yourself. There is no time like the present to get things done.
Take your time. Learn everything you can about these abilities.
Be cautious. You should use your abilities to help others but, be very careful with them.
Enjoy your gift. You are special, it's time to figure out the limits so that you can break them.
Your alarm rings, waking you up. It seems that you don't have abilities after all. Time to rise and shine. You're late for work, again.
I'm late for work! Rush to get dressed and go.
I can talk my way out of getting in trouble.
There's no way that I'm late, my clock is set exactly 30 minutes in advance.
It doesn't matter, Everything falls apart anyway.
You're standing at the train platform, waiting to get to work. Suddenly, you notice that an elderly woman's purse has been snatched! You have to do something, right?
I run to catch them and tackle them to the ground... Not sure what I'll do after that.
The theif is obviously going for the western exit, I just have to call the police and have them catch him there. No need to get my hands dirty.
I call the police, the system is better equipped to deal with this kind of thing.
I yell "Snake!" at the top of my lungs, causing enough chaos that I can easily snatch the purse back.
You arrive at work late. It isn't your fault but, your boss doesn't seem to care. What do you do?
Boss? What boss? I've blown past him and am already working. He won't bother me now.
I explain to the boss that ever since he has taken the position, the company's profit has seen a dip. I further suggest several brilliant ways to maximise profits without any real downsides. He can't resist.
I apologize profusely and suggest that maybe I should be fired for my incompetence. If I can't know my place in the scheme of things, maybe I don't deserve a place at all.
I point to the copy machine and explain that since the copy machine is broken, there is no way that I could have arrived on time. I walk away while the boss is trying to understand.
It's lunch time but, when you go to the refrigerator you realize that someone has stolen your sandwich. You're pretty sure that you know who it was.
No sandwich? No problem. I grab Jeff's fruit cup and Tanya's salad. I've got to be back at my desk in 38 minutes and don't want to bother with drama.
Craig did it. You know he did because he keeps looking up and pretending not to see you staring at him. You smile as you walk over to him. It should only take about 10 minutes before you can have him buy you lunch.
Someone violated your sandwich! This kind of thing should not go unpunished. You march right to H.R. And begin filing the TS398 report so that they can find the perpetrator and punish them accordingly.
It has to be Helen. The stench of her cheap perfume is all over the place. It's okay. You'll just have to remove the enter key from her keyboard.
You've finished most of your work for the day but there's still a couple hours before it's time to go. How do you pass the time?
I have 2 hours and 28 minutes left? Okay, I'll just do some of tomorrow's work. Less to do overall.
After Mike finishes my work for the day, I give him the tickets to the new movie that he's been dying to see. Then, I explain to the boss that I have to be at the orphan center early to help set up.
The clock must be wrong. I know exactly when I'm going to finish work and when I do, it's the end of the day. Obviously, something is wrong with the clock.
Sure. There's only 2 hours or so left but, any minute now the boss is going to lose his mind about the stock dip in taiwan. He just has to catch up to the connections.
You leave work to hang out with some friends. What kind of friends do you even have?
I make friends with anyone that wants to be friends with me. No sense in being picky when you don't have forever. Anyone can be useful at some point.
I need the kind of people who can see through my deception but understand that I only manipulate them for their own good.
I enjoy being around people who are dependable. People who have a strong sense of what they want and how they fit in the world.
I like to be around people who live for the moment. There is no need to worry about yesterday and tomorrow. Today is all you really have.
You're home and hungry. What do you have for your late night snack?
I don't eat because I can have breakfast tomorrow.
Are kidding? I had the cab driver stop for Chinese on the way home.
I don't have a late night snack because I try to stick to eating at specific times.
I throw some eggs and bacon with hot sauce. Whatever is in the fridge.
{"name":"Foci Quiz", "url":"","txt":"You have manifested strange new abilities! You aren't too sure how they work or even what they are but, you want to get started right away. What do you do?, Your alarm rings, waking you up. It seems that you don't have abilities after all. Time to rise and shine. You're late for work, again., You're standing at the train platform, waiting to get to work. Suddenly, you notice that an elderly woman's purse has been snatched! You have to do something, right?","img":""}
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