Natha Perkins Campanella: Intuitive Council + Astrology presents
Which element are you? Fire, Water, Earth or Air?
Do you like to be able to predict an outcome with accuracy before you move into action?
You seem to know things about people that have nothing to do with what they’ve told you.
Do you feel anxious and insecure when you have a "system" for doing something, but someone wants to do it differently?
Do you like to surprise people and be a little bit shocking with what you say in certain conversations?
I can experience a level of jealously that makes me feel a little insane.
I feel that my emotions as a child were discounted or unseen by my family.
All the time
Quite often
Not really
I have a hard time relaxing unless my partner is relaxed too
Quite often
It depends on the situation
Not really
Nothing turns me on more than a highly interesting conversation.
Usually true
Depends on the content of the conversation
Who cares about the conversation?
The way food tastes and feels in my mouth is of high importance to me.
For the most part
Depends on how hungry I am
I don't care, I'll eat anything
Occasionally I lie to people because you don’t want to upset them or hurt their feelings.
Mostly true
It depends on the person
I always tell the truth
I have a deep interest in what makes people tick and the lives people lead.
For the most part
It depends on the person
I'm more interested in other things
When it comes to finances, I don’t spend freely, I save my money.
That's me
For the most part
I try to save but sometimes it's hard
I'm an impulse buyer
People describe me as a nurturing and safe person.
All the time
For the most part
It depends on who you're asking
Not really
I like to laugh and play and have fun (sometimes a little too much!)
I love the attention
I can be pretty playful
It depends on how comfortable I am
I don't really know how to "play"
People love listening to me tell elaborate tales about my life.
Yes and I have a lot of them
It depends on who I'm sharing them with
I don't have that many stories
I'm too private to share my life with people
Travelling makes me feel like I'm truly alive.
I travel as much as possible
It depends on where I'm traveling to
I like to travel certain places and hate to travel to others
Travelling is exhausting and I try to avoid it
I want to be seen as responsible, intelligent and respectable.
For the most part
Those things aren't necessarily my priorities
Who cares if people think I'm respectable
I always feel compelled to help, assist and take care of people.
I just love helping
Depends on who it is that needs me
Not really
Sometimes people describe me as flighty, but I just have so many thoughts in my head that I get distracted easily.
My mind never stops
As long as I'm thinking about something interesting
I am rarely distracted
People never call me flighty
I am thoughtful and tactful but can also be overly accommodating.
Guilty as charged
I go above and beyond for certain people
I don't really do things to please people
My own needs are more important than someone else's, to be honest.
I am lively and witty but can also be restless and gossipy.
This is true
This is often how I keep myself entertained
I'm lively but not gossipy
Not so much
I like to think outside of the box, and sometimes I can be emotionally distant.
Yes to all of the above
This describes how I am sometimes
I love ideas but I wouldn't say I'm emotionally distant
This doesn't sound like me at all
If I’m feeling stressed out, I can be very pessimistic and cynical.
It depends on my confidence level
Every once in a while
This isn't my reaction to stress
I am patient and reliable but sometimes I get resentful and greedy.
Yes to all of the above
It depends on my stress level
I am some of these but not all
This doesn't sound like me
I am efficient and helpful but I can also be nervous and opinionated.
Yes to all of that
Most of that is true
I am some of these but not all
This doesn't sound like me
People would say that I can be sentimental and caring but also overly emotional and demanding.
Yes to all of that
Most of that is true
I am some of these but not all
This doesn't sound like me
I am a very compelling and passionate person but I can also be a little intense and chaotic.
Yes to all of that
Most of that is true
I am some of these, but not all
This doesn't sound like me
I can be really positive and visionary but also a little disorganized.
Yes to all of that
Most of that is true
I am some of these, but not all
This doesn't sound like me
I am candid and enthusiastic but also impulsive and impatient.
Yes to all of that
Most of that is true
I am some of these, but not all
This doesn't sound like me
{"name":"Natha Perkins Campanella: Intuitive Council + Astrology presents Which element are you? Fire, Water, Earth or Air?", "url":"","txt":"Do you like to be able to predict an outcome with accuracy before you move into action?, Are you likely to put the needs of others before your own?, Occasionally, I tell little white lies to protect my personal freedom.","img":""}