Reading Check #5

The success of the penny newspapers (penny press) was based on...
The application of new technology toincrease production
The use of new content strategies to attract avariety of readers
Ncreased circulation and financing based onadvertising
All of these
The colonial press that had the ability to argue with the government wascalled a(n)
Adversarial press
Fourth estate
Argumentative press
Objectivity is the approved way to
Research a news story
Present a news story
Organize a news story
All of the above
Newspaper chains developed
Because the post office increased mailingrates
As a way to limit government censorship
As a way to decrease competition foradvertising
N order to increase the number of dailynewspapers
For US newspapers, most of the advertising revenue comes from
Retail advertising
National advertising
Classified advertising
Death notices and wedding announcements
A newspaper’s advertising–editorial ratio is
Usually about 30 percent advertising/40percent news
Determined by the advertising department
Determined by how many news events occureach day
Usually about 60 percent advertising/40percent news
In order to attract more readers, the newspaper industry is
Trying to make their newspapers look moreattractive
Providing sections that target key audiences
Putting greater emphasis on covering localnews
All of these
Companies that sell news, editorial matter, cartoons & photos to newspapersare called
Wire services
General assignments desks
All of the above
Determining where to market a newspaper include all of the followingaspects, except
Consumer opinion
Consumer loyalty
Newspaper competition
Printing plant location
In modern digital journalism, this is a barrier that prevents people fromaccessing digital material without first paying for it.
Fire wall
Pay wall
Portal login
Login screen
Exhibition in the newspaper industry hasn’t changed all that much in recentyears, despite the exploding trend of online papers.
The goal of a hard-news reporter is to organize a story in a subjective, highlypersonal manner.
The advertising money collected from online activities represents a verysignificant percentage of all newspaper revenue.
Shoppers are typically aimed at people in particular neighborhoods.
When advertisers buy space in a newspaper, a major way they evaluate thepurchase is by looking at the cost per thousand readers (CPM).-
One way the circulation department determines where to market anewspaper is to look at the location of consumers that major advertiserwould like to reach.
The news hole is the number of pages left over and available for editorialmatter (based on the number of pages needed for advertisements).
The Great Depression and the rise of radio adversely impacted thenewspaper industry in the 1930s.
The newspaper industry saw rapid development in the United States duringthe 16and 17 century.
Newspaper distribution includes bringing it to shops, vending machines andpeople’s doorsteps.
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