General Psychology Quiz 2; Chapter's 2, 3, 4

(Beginning of Ch 2 Questions) A(n) __________________ is a nerve cell.
Glial cell
The function of glial cells in the nervous system is to
Remove waste products from the nervous system
Insulate and nourish neurons
Direct the growth of neurons
All of these
The part of the neuron that receives messages from a neighboring neuron is the
The part of the neuron that sends messages to other neurons is the
Within their first year of life, babies have problems walking and performing other physical acts because the _____________of many neurons are not fully developed.
Myelin sheaths
Neurons will not fire unless the incoming messages combine to reach a certain strength called the
A neuron conveys a message to a neighboring neuron across a junction called a
Transmitter site
Receptor site
When the neural impulse reaches the axon terminals, the vesicles release varying amounts of
Electrical impulses
Electrochemical substances
Neurotransmitters find their way to ___________ and subsequently trigger firing of that neuron
Receptor sites
Terminal buttons
Synaptic vesicles
Transmitter sites
The hippocampus is a brain structure that is involved in the formation of
Motor movements
One theory of schizophrenia is that people who suffer from it may have more receptor sites for what neurotransmitter?
Deficiencies in __________ have been linked to anxiety, mood disorders, eating disorders, and insomnia.
Which of the following neurotransmitters is believed to be involved in reducing anxiety reactions?
A nerve is
A soma
A bundle of axons
A cell body
A neuron cell
The brain and spinal cord make up the
Peripheral nervous system
Central nervous system
Automatic nervous system
Sympathetic nervous system
The two main divisions of the peripheral nervous system are the
Sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system
Somatic nervous system and the motor nervous system
Automatic nervous system and the central nervous system
Automatic nervous system and the somatic nervous system
The two divisions of the autonomic nervous system are the
Sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system
Peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system
Somatic nervous system and the motor nervous system
Peripheral nervous system and the somatic nervous system
The structure that serves as a relay station for incoming sensory stimulation and directs this information to appropriate brain sites is the
With epileptic patients, the purpose of severing the corpus callosum is to
Rid the patient of brain seizures
Confine the seizures to one hemisphere
Minimize the seizure activity to both hemispheres
Mimic a lobotomy
Endocrine glands secrete _____________ that regulate various bodily functions.
The gland that is often referred to as the "master gland" is the
Adrenal gland
Thyroid gland
Pituitary gland
The _________________ regulates the pituitary gland.
Hormone center
None of these
An extra chromosome on the 21st pair would cause what?
Monozygotic twins
Down Syndrome
DZ twins
Nothing out of the ordinary to happen.
Which of the following would not be possible without the functioning of the nervous system?
Ideals, thoughts, and plans
Imagery and cognitions
Behaviors, emotions, and cognitions
All of these
The electrochemical discharge of a nerve cell or neuron is called a(n)
Neural impulse
Afferent impulse
The Shakespearean character Juliet took a potion that paralyzed her and affected her muscles used for breathing. She probably took something that blocked the action of
Phenothiazines, a group of drugs used to treat schizophrenia, block the action of dopamine. A severe side-effect of this medication, if used over a long period of time, could be
Parkinson's-like symptoms
Alzheimer's disease
Thought disorders
If there were a drug that blocked the reuptake of norepinephrine, we would expect that the effect would most likely be
Too much sleep
Psychomotor retardation
Which of the following is true about endorphins?
They may produce the pleasurable "runner's high"
They may increase the functioning of the immune system
They may increase our sense of competence
All of these
A person highly trained in yoga and meditation is capable of controlling his heart rate and blood pressure, that is, raising and lowering it at will. A student of psychology knows that these functions are controlled by the
Motor cortex
Somatosensory cortex
Motor nervous system
Autonomic nervous system
After a serious car accident, Dr. Murray tests the reflexes of an unconscious victim. Lack of response may indicate that he has injuries to his
Limbic system
Spinal cord
Frontal lobes
After a gunshot wound to the head, a patient is unable to form new memories but can recall old ones. You would expect that the wound was to the
If a patient has damage to Broca's area, they usually
Comprehend language but have difficulty with speech
Do not comprehend language and have difficulty with speech
Have both impaired comprehension and speech
None of these
The left hemisphere of the brain is more involved in cognitive functions requiring
Logical analysis and problem solving
Visual-spatial functions
Emotional responses
Creative mathematical reasoning
Jerry and his nephew exhibit the same musical talent, yet Jerry's brother (the child's father) does not demonstrate this skill. Why is this possible from a genetic standpoint?
Parents and chilren only share 50% overlap in genetic endowment
Aunts and Uncles and their nieces and nephews, related by blood have a 25% overlap in genetic endowment
Both a and b
None of these are applicable
Researchers who study twins in adoptive homes attempt to
Determine evidence for a genetic role in the appearance of a trait
Sort out the effects of nature vs. nurture
Rule out environmental influences
All of these
If someone steps on your toes, resulting in pain and the movement of your foot, which of the following describes this process?
Afferent neurons transmit the sensation of pain to the spinal cord and to the brain followed by efferent neurons sending the message to your foot to move
Efferent neruons trasmit the sensation of pain to the spinal cord and to the brain followed by afferent neurons sending the message to your foot to move
Efferent neurons trasmit the sensation of pain to the spinal cord and to the brain followed by efferent neurons sending the messages to your foot to move
Afferent neurons transmit the sensation of pain to the spinal chord and to the brain followed by afferent neurons sending the message to your foot to move.
Cocaine and amphetamines increase the production of which neurotransmitters?
GABA and endorphins
Norepinephrine and dopamine
Acetylcholine and endorphins
Acetylcholine and GABA
You and a friend are studying psychology at the dining room table when you hear something stirring underneath it. You lean over to investigate, and a rat scurries across the floor. Which nervous system kicks into gear in both you and your friend?
The afferent nervous system
The parasympathetic nervous system
The sympathetic nervous system
The central nervous system
You are about to take part in a sleep study. Which of the following brain study techniques might be used by the researcher?
Brain lesioning
Brain ablation
You have gone to a neurologist and she tells you that you need additional tests. One procedure will require that you receive an injection of a mild radioactive substance mixed with glucose or a tracer. You know immediately that you are being scheduled for a
Injury to the ___________________ can result in a lack of motor coordination, such as stumbling and loss of muscle tone.
Some people are overweight because of
(Beginning of Ch 3 Questions) A mechanical process resulting in the stimulation of the senses and the transmission of sensory information to the brain or spinal cord is called
Absolute threshold
Dark adaptation
The _______________________ is the minimum amount of stimulation needed to produce a sensation.
Absolute threshold
Difference threshold
Weber's threshold
Darkness threshold
Which sensory system is dominant for most individuals?
The process of dark adaptation happens more quickly for ___________________ which can adjust to lower lighting in about _____________ minutes.
Cones; 10
Rods; 10
Cones; 45
Rods; 45
What is the source of all color?
According to trichromatic theory, three types of cones are differentially sensitive to which of the following colors?
Red, yellow, and violet
Black, white, and red
Blue, red, and green
Orange, yellow, and red
The opponent-process theory of color vision is based on the idea that the retina contains
Three types of simple receptors sensitive to red, green, and blue
Three types of receptors, two sensitive to color and one to differences in brightness
Three sets of cells responsive to brightness
Three types of receptors responsive to primary colors
George is partially colorblind yet his sister is not, but her sons are partially colorblind. These family traits are best described by which of the following statements?
Partial color blindness occurs only in men
The gene responsible for partial color blindness has nothing to do with gender
George's and his sister's eye color chromosomes are different.
Partial color blindness is a sex-linked trait that affects mostly males.
A perceptual tendency to integrate disconnected pieces into a whole image is called
The Gestalt rule describing the perceptual tendency to see objects that are near each other as belonging to a set is termed
The loudness of a sound is determined by the ___________________ of sound waves.
Frequency of sound waves determines ________________, and amplitude determines _________________.
Pitch; loudness
Timbre; pitch
Loudness; timbre
Pitch; timbre
The membrane at the end of the outer ear, which vibrates in response to sound waves, is the
Oval window
Organ of Corti
Round window
Place theory advances the idea that pitch discrimination depends upon the
Area of the middle ear stimulated
Number of auditory neurons activated
Frequency at which auditory neurons fire
Area of the basilar membrane that vibrates to the sound
The four qualities of taste are
Bitter, spicy, sweet, and sour
Salty, bitter, sweet, and hot
Sweet, sour, bitter, and salty
Sweet, sour, spicy, and hot
The skin sense include
Touch and pressure
Cold and warmth
All of these
Researchers believe that acupuncture relieves pain by
Stimulating nerves that reach the hypothalamus
Causing the release of endorphins
Blocking pain receptors
A and b
Through the process of sensory adaptation we become ___________________ sensitive to stimuli that are low in magnitude and ______________ sensitive to unchanging stimuli.
Less; more
More; less
Less; less
More; more
If a man of normal color vision looks at a green paper for about 30 seconds and then shifts his gaze to a sheet of white paper, that paper will appear
Your professor has just called you a trichromat. What does this mean?
You can only perceive three colors
You have normal color vision
You have damaged cones in your retina
You have damaged rods in your retina.
Odors are detected by sites on receptor neurons in the
Olfactory membrane, which is located just inside each nostril
Olfactory membrane, which is located deep within each nostril
Olfactory nerve
Vomeronasal organ
You can feel that there are two rods touching your cheeks, but have difficulty feeling two rods if you are touched with them on your calves. This is because
Touch receptors are more densely packed in your calves
Touch receptors are more densely packed in your cheeks
More of the sensory cortex is devoted to the perception of sensation on the face
Both b and c
Your grandfather lost a leg in WWII. He sometimes complains of pain in his leg, even though it was amputated. Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning this situation?
Your grandfather is not alone; 2 out of 3 combat veteran amputees complain of the same thing
This is known as phantom limb pain
The pain might be from an activation of the nerves in the stump of the missing limb
The pain is not real, it is imaginary.
Tammy caught her thumb in the door. Why did her friend tell her to rub and scratch the thumb?
She wanted to distract Tammy from the pain
Based on the gate theory, this can prevent the pain message from reaching the brain.
This would promote the release of endorphins
Based on stimulation theory, this would relieve the pain.
Which of the following is true regarding extrasensory perception?
Psychologists prefer to study perception that involves sensation.
ESP refers to perception of objects or events without the use of sensory organs
No one has reliably demonstrated extrasensory perception from one occasion to another or with more than one researcher.
All of these
The image of a cat from 20 feet away occupies about the same amount of space of your retina as an inch-long piece of candy in your hand. Yet you still perceive the cat as larger than the piece of candy because of _____________________.
Shape constancy
Retinal disparity
Size constancy
Brightness constancy
Wallace lives near a major railroad changing station. He is desensitized to the noise of the roaring trains. What has taken place?
Positive adaptation
Negative adaptation
Signal detection
Just noticeable difference
Artemis is watching television with the lights out. Seymour walks into the room and flips on the light, which momentarily blinds Artemis because her
Corneas are slow to adapt
Lenses have not yet thickened to accommodate the increased light
Retina continues to hold afterimages of the television screen
Pupils need a brief time to adjust to the increased light.
Jim sees only in white and black. After careful examination of his retina, the ophthalmologist concludes that Jim's _____________________ have degenerated.
Bipolar cells
Horizontal cells
Ganglion cells
Brad hurt his left eye in football practice and was given an eye patch to wear. Brad discovered that his depth perception was not as good as usual, especially when driving in unlit roads at night. This is because he could make use of only
Binocular cues
Monocular cues
As Jeannine turns up the volume of the stereo system, we may conclude that
More auditory neurons fire
Fewer auditory neurons fire
Auditory neurons fire less frequently
Overtones are more consonant
If you wash your hands in barely warm water after spending an hour shoveling snow without wearing gloves, the water is likely to seem uncomfortably warm. This is because sensations for temperature are
True for outside temperatures
Produced by the warm receptors only
Relative to the skin temperature
Not noticeable below 45 degrees Celsius
Five year old Ben, loves to spin around until he can't stand up. This loss of balance is due to receptors in his
(Beginning of Ch 4 Questions) When we say that we are "conscious of" seeing something or hearing a sound, we are referring to consciousness as
A stream of thought
A metaphysical concept
Stream of sensorium
Sensory awareness
Certain kinds of stimuli have been found to capture people's attention more easily than others. Among these are __________________ stimuli.
All of these
Altered states of consciousness refer to
Hypnotic trance
Drug-induced perceptions
All of these
When a person's brain waves are high in frequency, it is indicative of
Hypnotic trance
Altogether, there are ____________________ stages of sleep.
The deepest sleep, and the one from which it is hardest to be awakened, is
Stage 1
Stage 4
The hypnagogic state
REM sleep
Paradoxical sleep is also known as
REM sleep
The hypnagogic state
Stage 4
None of these
Dreams are most vivid during
REM sleep
NREM sleep
The hypnagogic state
None of these
According to the activation-synthesis model of dreaming,
Acetylcholine and the pons stimulates the reticular activating system
The reticular activating system arouses us, but not to wake up
Activated memory areas synthesize brain activity into a dream
All of these
Which of the following statements about sleep apnea is correct?
Individuals periodically stop breathing up to several hundred times per night
Individuals are stimulated not quite to wakefulness by a buildup of carbon dioxide
It can lead to high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes
All of these
Sleepwalkers typically
Do not remember their nighttime excursions
Become violent if awakened during their excursions
Do not respond to questions while they are up
All of these
Today, hypnotism is used to
Help people control weight and quit smoking
Help manage Alzheimer's disease
Help people overcome fear and anxiety, and control pain
Both a and c
Bodily functions that were once thought to be beyond voluntary control but that can nowadays be changed with biofeedback include
Heart rate
Blood pressure
All of these
One problem that cannot be controlled through biofeedback is
Muscle tension
Blood pressure
None of these
Accoridng to the American Psychiatric Association, the crucial factor(s) in substance abuse is (are)
The amount you consume
The social setting of your consumption
The disruption of your life by your pattern of use
All of these
An inherited tendency toward alcoholism may involve greater sensitivity to alcohol and
Less withdrawal from alcohol
Less tolerance for alcohol
Less muscle control with alcohol
Greater tolerance for alcohol
How many Americans die each year as a result of smoking-related illnesses?
More than one million
Nearly 430,000
The same number of people who die from car accidents, alcohol and drug abuse, suicide, homicide, and AIDS combined
Less than 100,000
When you wake up, and you feel as if you have not slept at all,
You were probably awakened while still in stage one
You stayed in stage two of your sleep cycle
You stayed in stage three of your sleep cycle
You were constantly awakened by sleep spindles
Meditation can be explained as
Various ways of focusing one's consciousness to alter one's relationship to the world
A process in which people seem to suspend thinking and allow the world to fade away
A method of altered consciousness
All of these
When Clay joined AA in order to stop drinking he received a pamphlet that described the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. These included
High blood pressure and rapid pulse
Restlessness and tremors
All of these
A school counselor shared the facts about alcohol with the junior class at a high school. One of the comments he made was incorrect. This would be that
Alcohol is not a drug
Excessive drinking has been linked to lower productivity, loss of employment, and downward movement in social status
Alcohol is classfied as a depressant
10 to 20 million Americans are alcoholics
Researchers believe that alcohol lowers inhibitions because
Alcohol may impair thought processes needed to inhibit impulses
When drunk, people may be unable to see the consequences of their behavior
Drinking may increase thoughts about moral beliefs
Both a and b
With regular use of opiates, the brain stops producing the natural pain relieving ________________; and as a result of physiological dependence, the person experiences __________________.
Endorphins; withdrawal
Morphine; withdrawal
Endorphins; tolerance
Morphine; tolerance
Some of your friends are taking diet pills. These pills are likely to be
Bobby has attention deficit disorder. He is given Ritalin because
It is one of the most effective depressants to control this disorder.
Hyperactivity may be connected with immaturity of the cerebral cortex, and Ritalin stimulates the cortex to exercise control over more primitive centers in the brain.
Hyperactivity may be connected with immaturity of the central nervous system, and Ritalin stimulates the nervous system to exercise control over more primitive centers in the brain
None of these
Which of the following best describes how cocaine works in the brain?
Cocaine works by binding on receptor sites that normally reuptake dopamine, serotonin, and norephinephrine, resulting in more of these substances in the synapse producing a rush
Cocaine works by eliminating the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, and norephinephrine released into the synapse, producing a rush
Cocaine works by increasing the amount of dopamine, serotonin, and norephinephrine released into the synapse, producing a rush
None of these
Aunt Nelda fell and broke her hip. Could the fact that she has smoked cigarettes for 30 years have anything to do with the fracture?
Probably not
Yes, women that smoke show reduced bone density
Yes, smoking causes dizziness which is probably the reason why she fell
Yes, smoking interferes with motor skills which led to her fall
When a new mother was told by her doctor not to smoke, he probably mentioned that smoking during a pregnancy can lead to
Higher risk of miscarriage
Pre-term births
Low birth weight
All of these
Smoking marijuana interferes with performance in the areas such as
Short term memory
Driving a car
Learning new information
All of these
You have been having some major problems sleeping. To help diagnose the problem, the doctor has ordered a(n)
Uncle Fred has a disorder that causes him to fall asleep in the middle of a conversation. This is known as
Sleep apnea
Sleep terror
Sleep paralysis
Your nephew is nearly 7 years old, and still wets the bed at night. This problem is probably the result of
Immaturity in his nervous system
His premature birth
Sleep terrors
Patients who undergo surgery require less anesthetic when _______________ is used.
Post operative medication
Carlos is said to have hypnotic suggestibility. He is likely to
Ignore the words spoken by the hypnotist
Focus on his own internal state
Want to cooperate with the hypnotist
Fear the hypnotist
Ivana is a college student who has developed a tolerance to heroin and experiences withdrawal symptoms whenever she doesn't have a "fix" at least every eight hours. She feels that she has lost control and has to organize her life around her habit. She would be classified as having
Substance abuse
Substance dependence
Substance use
No diagnosable problem, according to the American Psychiatric Association
At a local hospital, a doctor prescribes Methadone for a patient. The reason for this prescription is to
Stimulate blood flow around wounded tissue
Help addicts avert the symptoms caused by withdrawal from heroin
Prevent side effects of heroin
Activate nausea and vomiting when alcohol is consumed
Walter is a regular cocaine user. As a result of this use, he is likely to experience
A decrease in the oxygen supply to his heart
Both physiological and psychological dependence
Tremors, nausea, convulsions, and delusions if he overdoses
All of these
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