Kovar Wedding Trivia

What did they do on their first date?
Japanese Grill & Shopping
Steakhouse & A Movie
Trap Shooting
Where did they meet?
At a school dance
At a friends bonfire
At the Butler County Fair
Who initiated their first kiss?
What did Brittany think of Cody the first time they met?
Handsome Guy
A Player
Shy and Boring
When did Cody say he knew he would marry Brittany some day?
The first day they met
At his college graduation
When she was with his family celebrating Christmas
What is Brittany's favorite quality about Cody?
His Smokin' Hot Bod
His love of movies
His kindness towards EVERY person he meets
How did they come to decide on wearing camo vests for the wedding?
Brittany lost a bet
Cody was hoping to be invisible to avoid all the pictures
Brittany had promised he could wear a camo suit to prom, and never came through on her word.
What was their worst date memory?
A Trip to Plamor that ended up with frustration over trying to learn new dance moves
When they went to a fancy restaurant and Cody tripped and had to go to the hospital.
What would be Cody's favorite type of date?
Dinner, Movie, and a bonfire
Dinner and Dancing
Going for a long walk, and getting some ice cream afterwards
Where did they get engaged at?
A local park
There family's home
On a trip to Missouri
Who was there to help with the proposal surprise?
Brittany's Roomates
Cody's Best Man Dylan
Three strangers he had met in the bathroom at the restaurant
June 24th 2018 would be what dating anniversary for them?
If there was an injured bird who would be the first to help it?
Brittany because she's a vet
Cody because he loves everything, and to Brittany it's just a bird
If Brittany and Cody won the lottery what store would they spend the money at?
Best Buy
Von Maur
What is Cody & Brittany's Dream Vehicles (Respective Order)?
A Rigged up School Bus (For their 77 kids)
A '68 Camaro and Lifted Truck
A Lifted Ford Pickup and Ford Excursion
What was Cody's favorite date with Brittany
Their first date
When they went to Kansas City for the weekend and camped/adventured?
When Brittany made him lasagna for his Birthday
What movie has the most ongoing jokes with the couple?
The Titanic
A Dog's Purpose
Who said I love you first?
We honestly don't remember
Who is the one person Cody might have allowed to object to the wedding and why?
Dylan- Because he will always be Brittany's greatest competition.
His Mom- Because she's a saint and she'd probably have a good reason to object.
Demi Lovato- Because he'd be too awe struck to stop her.
How long were Brittany and Cody dating before he started spelling her name correctly?
2 months
1 year
3 years
If Brittany had to pick out her favorite outfit for Cody to wear she'd pick:
Jeans, boots, and button up
Bro Tank with Plaid Shorts
His Birthday Suit
What is Cody more afraid of than Brittany?
What is the most embarrassing thing Cody does to Brittany in public?
Will talk in crazy accents with strangers- and keep a straight face
Will make really odd sounds- loudly
Will order Salads and light dishes specifically when Brittany orders a Hearty Meal just to mess with waitresses when they bring us our food.
Who is more of the night owl in the relationship?
Which of the options is a place they HAVEN'T talked about honeymooning to?
Oklahoma on a hog hunt
Who was more persistent about getting to wear their wedding ring before the big day?
Who does the gardening and who does the landscaping/yardwork?
Cody does the gardening, and Brittany does the landscaping/yardwork
Brittany does the gardening, and Cody does the landscaping/yardwork
What is Brittany's favorite task in the kitchen?
What is the one skill Cody has that Brittany (wrongly) doubts- a smidge?
Cody has a red beard, and Brittany has red hair- if they had 100 kids, how many would you hope to have red hair?
None- because they will just be subject to endless jokes from the family
All- because it's the best color of hair
What bill does Brittany complain about the most
Any bill connected to technology
The water bill
The gas bill
If there was a bet on who could go longer without their phone, who would win?
Who probably spent more time crying today?
Brittany's Parents
Cody's Parents
If Cody could change anything about Brittany what would it be?
Fix her motion sickness so she can play Call of Duty with him
Give her the ability to read/type a text and talk to him at the same time
Make her do less work during the day and more relaxing
If Brittany could change anything about Cody what would it be?
Make him enjoy going for walks and doing couple exercises
Make him read with her in the evenings
Be able to tell him about her gross (but exciting) days at work, and have him be able to listen without getting sick or asking her to stop.
What is the best narrative to describe their thoughts about having kids (these are honest conversations)
Brittany, "Hey I have good news (about anything non-child related)", Cody, "Your Pregnant?!"
Brittany, "How many kids do you want" Cody, "Tw..." Brittany, " --7? Awesome!"
What rooms in their home someday are Cody and Brittany most excited for (respectively)?
Gaming/Theatre Room & the Kitchen
The Man Cave & the Closet
The Garage & Tool Shop
What color are Cody and Brittany's eyes (respectively)?
Blue and Green
Brown and Brown
Green and Blue
Blue and Brown
When it's times for gifts:
They always surprise each other
They ask each other how much they spent on the gift to help choose the others
They are always store bought
What casual moments with Cody are Brittany's favorites to see/watch?
When he sings in church and in vehicles
When he is working on a project
When he does the dishes or other housework
{"name":"Kovar Wedding Trivia", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"What did they do on their first date?, Where did they meet?, Who initiated their first kiss?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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