Guided discipline quiz

A classroom scene showing a teacher engaging with students, demonstrating effective discipline strategies, with educational materials visible in the background.

Guided Discipline Quiz

Test your understanding of effective classroom management strategies with our Guided Discipline Quiz. This quiz is based on Lieber's approach to handling various student behaviors in the classroom.

  • Assess your responses to classroom scenarios.
  • Learn strategies to promote positive student interactions.
  • Improve your classroom management skills.
16 Questions4 MinutesCreated by TeachingGuide123
A student comes to class without her homework.
Off-task behavior
Procedural Infraction
Impulse control problem
Active aggression
You ask a student to please come up to the board and he folds his arms and refuses.
Procedural Infraction
Impulse control problem
Off-task behavior
A student keeps checking her phone when she should be writing her essay.
Impulse control problem
Procedural Infraction
Off-task behavior
Active aggression
A student curses out one of her classmates
Procedural Infraction
Active aggression
Academic/learning gap
A student is talking to their friend in class, over and over, even after you've told them not to. Which of the following could this NOT be categorized as, according to Lieber?
Off-task behavior
Impulse control problem
Academic/learning gap
Active aggression
Challenge yourself - go back to the previous question and explain how EACH of those explanations (except the one that was incorrect) could be a way of interpreting/categorizing the behavior.
And then...explain how YOU would go about trying to assess what the source of the problem was.
A student keeps texting under the table where he thinks you can't see it. Lieber would recommend you try WHICH of the following strategies FIRST?
Chastize the student in front of the entire class
Use proximity (walk up close to the student)
Give the student a detention
Stop what you're doing and go over the cell phone policy with your entire class
Send the student to the principal
Several of students can't seem to pass materials around to their classmates - whenever the papers or pencils or whatever get to them, chaos ensues. Lieber would recommend you try WHICH of the following strategies FIRST?
Chastize the students in front of the entire class
Separately, or as a class, re-rehearse and practice the procedure for passing out materials
Call the parents of each of the students and explain your frustration
Give the students a detention
Send them to the principal
When you announce the beginning of an activity, a student folds her arms, says "This is stupid - I'm not doing this." Lieber would recommend you try WHICH of the following strategies FIRST?
Separately, or as a class, re-rehearse and practice the procedure for beginning an activity.
Use proximity (walk up close to the student)
Chastize the student in front of the entire class
Check in with the student one-on-one (during workshop time, or in the hall) and ask her what's going on.
Give her a detention
Send her to the principal
Two students get into a shoving match in the middle of class. Lieber would recommend you try WHICH of the following strategies FIRST?
Ask them calmly what the problem seems to be.
Interrupt the fight, separate them and talk to them after they cool down, one-on-one, either on your own, or after sending them to the principal's office.
Separately, or as a class, re-rehearse and practice the procedure for safe and respectful classroom norms.
Call the students' guidance counselors
A student picks up a desk and starts to throw it at you. Lieber would recommend you try WHICH of the following strategies FIRST?
Get out of the way and call security immediately
Attempt to wrestle the desk away from the student
Scold the student loudly in the hopes it will "shock" them out of the aggression
According to Lieber, 80% of classroom management challenges can be prevented through:
Prayer, and lots of it
Establishing clear routines and procedures
Making a public example of the first student who breaks a rule
Not smiling until Christmas
What do you feel the most valuable part of the Lieber readings was?
What questions or concerns do you have after reading Lieber's typology and advice?
{"name":"Guided discipline quiz", "url":"","txt":"Test your understanding of effective classroom management strategies with our Guided Discipline Quiz. This quiz is based on Lieber's approach to handling various student behaviors in the classroom.Assess your responses to classroom scenarios.Learn strategies to promote positive student interactions.Improve your classroom management skills.","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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