Answer these questions and find out which AELLA house you belong to!
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Create an image of a mystical library filled with ancient books, enchanted artifacts, and a backdrop of various landscapes representing different fantasy worlds, medley of pastel colors and a whimsical design.

Which AELLA House Are You?

Embark on a whimsical journey to discover your true place in the AELLA universe! This enchanting quiz presents a series of thought-provoking questions that align your personality with the unique AELLA houses.

Explore the mysterious options and uncover:

  • Your ideal living situation
  • Your greatest strengths and weaknesses
  • How you handle stress and deadlines
  • Your sense of style and philosophy
9 Questions2 MinutesCreated by WanderingWolf42
Where would you rather live?
In a faraway, ruined manor in the middle of the moors, with a couple of tormented ghosts in the cellar for roommates.
In a hole in the ground (not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole, but a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort).
In London, circa 1600: you can hear the persistent racket of the bustling streets down below as you scribble down yet another play on cheap parchment.
On the road: you only need shelter when the weather is too harsh. You might find it in a passing tavern—for you are on a quest, and home is where glory awaits.
What is your greatest weakness?
It would seem that you have a tendency to see ghosts and take on their multiple requests for revenge – and procrastinate on this very task.
Your manners, your conceit, your pride, your selfish disdain of the feelings of others are sure to convince Elizabeth what you would be the last person in the world whom she could ever be prevailed on to marry.
There was that one time the lady of the lake told you to become king of the Britons. You listened. You should never have listened. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. You should probably start thinking things through.
You went to save a princess from a dragon and got distracted by its hoard of treasures. You slew the dragon, took its treasure and went back home. Only then did you realise: you forgot the princess. You’re kind of a very forgetful knight in shining armour.
How do you handle deadlines?
You put on your boots, go for a long walk in the wilderness and forget about everything. You find strength in the sublime and come back to your essay with a new understanding of your subject.
The same way you handle a snarling, venomous beast! You tackle it head-on, sword at the ready, and smile proudly at the reaping of your efforts. Glory is yours.
Friends find you in the nearest tavern, sweating over your essay. They sit down and put their brains at work. Together, you come out of this struggle stronger.
You yell at your books, and they yell back at you. You pace dramatically around the room until the inspiration hits you in full force. You sit down. You yell some more. Somehow… it works.
How do you like your coffee?
As dark and sour as the evil creatures you slay on a daily basis.
There is a very specific ratio behind your coffee making routine: 10% coffee, 60% milk, and 30% of sugar. Is it really coffee?
You only drink tea. Why would anyone drink anything else is beyond your understanding.
You don’t care – as long as you get your needed shot of energy, you wouldn’t mind it if it turned out to be a watery, coffee-tasting kind of beverage. It’s only coffee, for Milton’s sake.
What's your ideal date?
Waiting endless days and nights at the top of a tower for your knight in shiny armour; they’re traveling across the country on a charrette d’infamie to steal you away from your very rude captors. You really long for the inherent romanticism of this specific lack of agency.
Saving the world a couple of times with your significant other sounds pretty good, to be perfectly honest. You both really enjoy being plagued with the star-crossed lovers trope, preventing you to snog to your hearts content until the bad guy has been slayed in the third act.
Barely brushing hands in the middle of a busy ball room, heart racing as you try to escape the vigilant eye of your chaperones in order to exchange thinly-veiled insults (that turn out to be, unsurprisingly, confessions of eternal love).
Going to the theatre and finding out that the story unfolding on stage is a very obvious metaphor for your very own love story. Who knew tales of murder and royal conspiracies could be so relatable?
If you had to get a tattoo, what would it be?
The silhouette of a mountain; birds flying over a vertigo-inducing cliff; a stylized depiction of a landscape; a few words of meaningful poetry.
A mighty, legendary sword with prophetic words in a forgotten script inscribed on the blade.
An old, dusty castle; a grimoire with a battered, yet breath-taking cover; a beautifully illuminated page with complex calligraphy only you can decipher.
A stylised skull in a background of faded flowers; the ethereal shape of faery creatures; a beautiful, yet sinister crown.
What describes more your style?
A comfy, oversized jumper with obscure references written on it; a battered jean vest; cute beanies – You don’t really care, as long as it’s comfortable enough for an entire day in the library. You really have a soft spot for beanies, though.
You hide your nerdiness behind impeccable style, yet some hints of it can be found in the details: a few meaningful pins on your bag, the bright colours of your oversized scarf, the grunginess of your leather boots…
It’s all about the aesthetic, really. Whatever you wear, it’s as if you were made to be pinned on a Pinterest board. You look out of place, but in a meaningful, beautiful way: your clothes tell a story, and refer to a mood, a place or a specific point in time. You really enjoy flowers too.
You are everything grunge, as if you’d jumped straight out of a TV show from the nineties. Most of your wardrobe is made of black clothes, you enjoy coats a lot, and you like to infuse your t-shirts with a few references to your favourite works of fiction. The nerd in you is out for everyone to see.
What's your favourite study spot?
At home, where you are the most at peace, with a purring and annoying cat spread out over your books.
In the library – you can find everything in the library. Also: it’s quiet. It’s easier to pretend you’re a productive person there.
In a coffee-shop; it makes for cute and inspiring Instagram posts, and you can get as much coffee as you need to power through your essays.
You could study anywhere, really. Beggars can’t be choosers: you’ve learned your lesson on the road in your many adventures.
Which line of classic poetry is your favourite?
€�Gentle Knight was pricking on the plaine, / Y clad in mightie armes and siluer shielde, / Wherein old dints of deepe wounds did remaine, / The cruell markes of many’ a bloudy fielde; / Yet armes till that time did he neuer wield.”
€�So long as men can breathe and eyes can see / So long lives this and this gives life to thee.”
€�Beauty is truth, truth beauty / That is all ye know on earth and all ye need to know.”
€�All that is gold does not glitter, / Not all those who wander are lost; / The old that is strong does not wither, / Deep roots are not reached by the frost.”
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