Quality improvement in Healthcare

Roughly what percentage of UK hospital admissions involve an adverse incident?
What does PDSA stand for?
Plan Do Study Act
Practice Delivery Standards Analyse
Probe Demonstrate Study Assess
Plan Demonstrate Standardise Analyse
What are the benefits of the PDSA cycle, select all that apply
Driven by clinicians
Cycle of continuous improvement
Requires recognised Standards
Can be implemented in a timely manor
When Planning an Improvement which of the following should you consider?
How can I define success - What can I measure?
What has been tried before?
What is my aim? How can I define it?
Collaboration with the Multi-disciplinary team
What is a 'SMART' aim?
Sensible, Meaningful, Analysed, Real-time, Tested
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely
Standardised, Measured, Assessed, Right, Time-bound
Specific, Modelled, Aimed, Robust, Tangible
Whilst implementing your plan - what should record? Select all that apply
Unexpected effects
Problems with implementation
Just positive comments
Suggestions for improvement
Who can design and implement a quality improvement project?
Departmental managers
Medical students
Foundation doctors
What should you do once you have implemented your plan
Measure the outcome
Rethink your plan if no better
Abandon the project if you have not demonstrated improvement
Consider rolling out a successful innovation on a larger scale
Share your experiences with the department
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