Science 10-1 Final Exam : Practice

(A) List one or more common components of Physical Property.
(A) List one or more common components of Chemical Property.
(A) Which of the following information CORRECTLY relates to examples of Physical change and Chemical change?
[Physical]: Process of melting ice is reversible [Chemical]: Process of burning paper is irreversible.
[Physical]: Water heats resulting to evaporation. [Chemical]: Metal is bent and can be shaped back into its original form.
[Physical]: Candle that is lit [Chemical]: Acids eating away metals
[Physical]: Separating water into pieces. [Chemical]: Sugar dissolving in water.
(A) Fill in one of the missing information in the chart below.
Symbol / Element Number Of Protons Number Of Electrons Electric/Ion Charge
Na 11 11 (A)
Ca2+ 20 18 2+
Fe3+ (B) 23 3+
O2- 8 (C) 2-
Pb4+ (D) (E) 4+
A = 1, B = 10, C = 26, D = 82, E = 78
A = 0, B = 26, C = 10, D = 82, E = 78
A = 0, B = 26, C = 10, D = 82, E = 86
A = 1, B = 26, C = 8, D = 82, E = 86
(A) Which of the following compounds have the exact name, chemical equation, and type of chemical reaction.
Sodium Carbonate, Na2CO3 = CO2 + Na2O, Single Replacement
Potassium Iodine, KI = K + I, Synthesis
Iron(III) Sulfate, Fe2(SO4)3 = 2 Fe + 3 SO4, Decomposition
Magnesium Phosphide, Mg2P3 = 3 Mg + 2 P, Decomposition
(B) An electric train is travelling at an average speed of 6.9 m/s for 4.0 s. Calculate the distance travelled by the train.
2.4 m
0.4 m
27.6 m
28 m
(B) What is the mass of an object moving at 3.5 m/s and which has a kinetic energy of 78 J?
13 kg
12.7 kg
45 kg
44.5 kg
(B) Photosynthesis occurs in plants for the production of glucose. The energy change that occurs is
Chemical energy to light
Light to chemical energy
Heat to light
Light to heat
(B) Which of the following are the fundamental units of Work?
Kg × m / s
Kg × m2 / s
Kg × m2 / s2
N / m
(B) Why is it impossible to achieve in creating a PERFECT MACHINE?
(C) In 1668, (x) the idea of spontaneous generation was that maggots arose spontaneously from rotting meat. In the first major experiment to challenge spontaneous generation, he placed meat in a variety of sealed, open, and partially covered containers. Later, (y) the theory was disproved by an experiment where beef broth was sterilized through boiling in two flasks, one that was exposed to air and another that was protected from it. The one that was exposed to contaminants clouded, showing microbial growth, while the sealed one did not. What were the names of the scientists on proposing and disproving the ideas of spontaneous generation?
(x) Francesco Redi (y) Robert Brown
(x) Zacharias Janssen (y) Louis Pasteur
(x) Louis Pasteur (y) Francesco Redi
(x) Francesco Redi (y) Louis Pasteur
(C) Which of the following information ACCURATELY describes the process of Water Transport in Plants?
(1) Minerals are absorbed by active transport. (2) Water enters roots by Osmosis. (3) Forces water into the cells through the xylem. (4) Water moves against gravity from stems to leaves. (5) Evaporation of water creates transpiration pull and draws water to leaves. (6) Lots of water is lost through evaporation.
(1) Water enters roots by Osmosis. (2) Minerals are absorbed by active transport. (3) Forces water into the cells through the xylem. (4) Water moves against gravity from stems to leaves. (5) Lots of water is lost through evaporation. (6) Evaporation of water creates transpiration pull and draws water to leaves.
(1) Minerals are absorbed by active transport. (2) Water enters roots by Osmosis. (3) Water moves against gravity from stems to leaves. (4) Forces water into the cells through the xylem. (5) Evaporation of water creates transpiration pull and draws water to leaves. (6) Lots of water is lost through evaporation.
(1) Minerals are absorbed by active transport. (2) Forces water into the cells through the xylem. (3) Water enters roots by Osmosis. (4) Water moves against gravity from stems to leaves. (5) Lots of water is lost through evaporation. (6) Evaporation of water creates transpiration pull and draws water to leaves.
(C) Determine the following levels of the structural body from smallest to largest.
Tissues, cells, organs
Cells, tissues, organs
Atoms, organs, tissues
Atoms, tissues, cells
(C) Select one of the following components that support this plant cell structure.
Cell membrane
Cell wall
Golgi apperatus
Nuclear envelope
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
(C) An object is shaped like a rectangular prism - length 10mm, width 15mm, height 2mm. Calculate the surface area ratio and volume ratio.
300mm3 / 400mm2
200mm2 / 300mm3
400mm2 / 300mm3
300mm2 / 300mm3
(D) Which of the following EXAMPLES supports the difference between weather and climate.
Weather: hourly precipitation of about 5mm Climate: today is sunny and 10°C
Weather: Alberta's average summer temperature ranges from 14°C to 20°C, and in winter from -24°C to -9°C. Climate: today is cold and sunny, tomorrow may be overcast and warmer
Weather: conditions changing every hour Climate: weather patterns changing over time
Weather: today is cold and sunny, tomorrow may be overcast and warmer Climate: Alberta's average summer temperature ranges from 14°C to 20°C, and in winter from -24°C to -9°C.
(D) How is thermal energy transferred around the world?
Global winds
Coriolis effect
Wind energy
Jet stream
(D) Calculate how much thermal energy is required to completely vaporize 30.0g of liquid water, given that water has a molar mass of 18.02g/mol and the heat of vaporization of water is 40.65 kJ/mol.
67674 J
67.7 J
6.77 J
(D) This agreement was created in 1994 and is ratified by 189 countries, it sets an overall framework for intergovernmental efforts to tackle the challenge posed by climate change.
The Montreal Protocol
The Kyoto Protocol
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
The Greenhouse Contribution
(D) Which of the following statements BEST applies to the definition of angle of incidence?
The angle increases with distance from the equator. As a result, the same amount of solar energy is spread over a larger surface area at more polar latitudes.
Imaginary lines that run parallel to the equator
The tilt of Earth's axis is 23.5° from the perpendicular of the plane of its orbit.
The angle between a ray falling on a surface and the line of the perpendicular to that surface.
{"name":"Science 10-1 Final Exam : Practice", "url":"","txt":"(A) List one or more common components of Physical Property., (A) List one or more common components of Chemical Property., (A) Which of the following information CORRECTLY relates to examples of Physical change and Chemical change?","img":""}
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