Who are you?

Your crush has a girlfriend. What do you do?
Flirt with him until he leaves her.
Convince her that he's cheating on her and suggest she leaves him.
Wait until they fight, then show off in front of him and make him like you.
Wait a while. If they don't break up, respect their space and leave them.
You see a cute boy strolling down the beach. What do you do?
Giggle and stare at him.
Show off how cute you are.
Approach and flirt.
Ignore him to make him work to get you.
Your boyfriend breaks up with you. What do you do?
Cling to him and beg that he takes you back.
Cry nonstop for a year.
Be sad, but move on to another cute guy.
Wait, then try to get him back.
Someone flirts with your boyfriend. What do you do?
Hold his hand or hug him and say romantic things to let her know he's your man!
Steam comes our of you're ears because you're so angry!
Yell at her!
Walk away with your boyfriend!
A ball is coming up. What do you wear?
A luxurious purple and gold ball gown with golden heels and a gold smokey eye.
A flowy purple dress with a soft, romantic makeup look.
A deep purple, knee length dress with a natural makeup look.
You borrow a soft blue dress and do a warm makeup look.
Are you interested in boys, girls, or both?
What do you enjoy doing most with your boyfriend?
Walking around stores
Making out
Watch a movie
Someone tries to hurt you. What do you do?
Scream and flail
Defend yourself
Run away
Hide until they go away.
Who's the cutest?
August Arendalle
Jackson Lynch
Clay Chang
Brendon Bones
Lysander Scamander
Basil Groff
If you could only save one, who would you save?
Sacrifice myself to save them all
Who's your best friend?
Jessica Pan-Darling
Faya Male
Rose Weasley
Terra Black
Aura Alvey
Raven Riddle
What's your life motto?
Flower power!
No pain, no gain.
Being brave doesn't mean you aren't scared.
{"name":"Who are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Your crush has a girlfriend. What do you do?, You see a cute boy strolling down the beach. What do you do?, Your boyfriend breaks up with you. What do you do?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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