Hogwarts Houses Sorting Quiz

An illustrated scene depicting the four Hogwarts houses: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff, with vibrant colors and elements representing each house's traits.

Hogwarts Houses Sorting Quiz

Discover your true Hogwarts house through our engaging quiz! Answer a series of thought-provoking questions to see if you belong in Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff.

What to expect:

  • Fun and relatable questions
  • Insightful results based on your personality
  • Share your results with friends!
13 Questions3 MinutesCreated by SortingHatWizard42
What is your temperament?
Sanguine: enthusiastic, active, and social
Choleric: short-tempered, fast, and irritable
Melancholic: analytical, wise, and quiet
Phlegmatic: relaxed and peaceful
What role do you prefer in a group project?
Presenting the project to the class as the main speaker
Collecting references and properly formatting the research and the project
Putting together everyone's work in the main document and polishing it for presentation
Submitting the bare minimum and letting the others do most of the work
Taking over the project alone; better than relying on others
Delegating tasks, and keeping the most important to yourself
Volunteering to help wherever, but submitted work is messy and riddled with errors
Posting links to references in the group doc but not actually doing work of real substance
Solo: begging the teacher to let you do this by yourself
Do your friends tend to come to you about their emotional problems?
Of course: you try your best to walk them through their feelings and reach a solution
Yes: you tend to just listen quietly but for the occasional "mm hmm" so your friend can feel understood
Yes: you listen for a bit, and try to give a rousing speech to lift their spirits.
Yes: they know you will take them out for drinks to beat back those feelings with a stick
Sometimes: when someone better suited is not available, but you're usually in a crisis yourself
Sometimes: you listen, but can usually offer no more than a curt "that sucks"
No: you speak the truth and your advice is spot on, but your friends tend to not like what you have to say
No: you don't do feelings, and you'd rather keep things light
No: you're going through a lot, and your friends know better than to dump their problems on you
Never: if someone came to you, you'd be bewildered and probably laugh because, *really?*
No? You have people you hang out with, but they're not really friends, so no one opens up...
Pfftttt what are friends?
Do you prefer to be assigned a topic for a project or get to choose your own?
Assigned: you get to focus on your work right away when it's already picked
Assigned: choosing your own results in choice anxiety
Assigned: you're aware the instructor's bias plays a large part in how you're graded, so it's risky choosing a topic they might not care for
Choose: you like to get creative and unconventional with projects, which makes it more fun
Choose: you work better when you're passionate about the topic, which is more likely when it's your choice
Choose: your topic of choice reflects your perspective and values, and your best works come from a place of authenticity
Which D&D class aesthetic resonates with you the most?
How do you deal with rules that are unfair and unjust?
Grumble, but follow anyway and hope something changes
Petition the rule-maker, and if that doesn't work, go over their head
Malicious compliance! You follow the rule in a way that intentionally causes harm or discord, just to demonstrate why it should be revoked.
Break. That. Rule.
Could you make a long-distance relationship work?
Yes: you believe it would take more work, but you're willing to give your all
Yes: you're willing to try, even though you know it takes effort from the both of you, and you're afraid of getting ghosted.
Yes: you're not very outwardly affectionate or needy, so you're able to compartmentalize the time and space between you
Yes: you could manage as long as you could talk to them every day in some form
No: you need their presence and their comfort and it's painful to be apart for long
No: you're worried about your partner cheating
No: you're worried that you might cheat
No: letters and video calls can't replace touch
No: you need routine and structure in your relationships to keep them stable and healthy, and there are too many unforeseeable variables in LDRs
Do you believe there are some problems that can only be solved with violence?
Violence for violence is the law of beasts. Never.
Masters don't lift their boots from your necks just because you ask them nicely.
Only in the most extreme, dire circumstances, where lives are on the line.
You grew up fighting to defend yourself everyday from neighborhood bullies, abusive family members, etc. You think the alternative, being a punching bag, is worse.
Sometimes the only way to eliminate a problem is a complete purge, and if it's a violent purge, so be it.
You'd rather die than raise your hand against another, and cannot fathom taking a life.
If a reference from a friend landed you a job opportunity by pushing you ahead of others who had to go through a lengthy application/interview process, would you take it?
Yes, but you'd feel guilty about it.
Yes. A clear conscious won't keep food on the table or pay the rent.
Yes, having references is a part of the work, not just resumes and portfolios.
Yes, because everyone works hard, but the sad truth is not everyone can have the job.
No, because it feels like cheating.
No, you'd rather try for the job without the reference to prove your worth.
No, because you abhor nepotism and elitism.
No, because it makes you question the ethical practices of the hirer and what your job conditions would be like.
How do you feel about personality tests?
They're amusing, but shallow.
You dismiss them but find yourself taking 20 in a row on a Sunday evening.
You'd never hang it all on them, but you like a little affirmation for your self-perception.
You think humans are too complex to be neatly categorized into boxes with labels.
You like the concept of them, but realize that the bias of the tested means the results can never be accurate.
You live for them; it makes you feel like you're part of something bigger.
You think they can be great for personal development if you're careful, but they shouldn't be used to evaluate people for careers or relationships.
You can't stand them and vocally admonish them, and yet here you are, 11 questions deep.
How emotive do you come off toward others?
Which do you think is more powerful: absolute truth, or perceived truth?
Absolute: regardless of who knows it, the truth cannot be changed.
Absolute: it can unite people and reveal the real problems we need to tackle.
Perceived: the truth is whatever the many perceive it to be.
Perceived: the heart of diplomacy is controlling how things appear to be, not how they are.
Tied: truth and lies are levers that can guide people depending on the circumstances.
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