Animation movie brainstorm

A colorful collage of animated characters from various classic cartoons, including a friendly bear, a whimsical wolf, a cheerful crow, and a flying ship, all set against a vibrant, playful background.

Animation Movie Brainstorm Quiz

Test your knowledge of animated movies with this fun and engaging quiz! Discover how much you know about classic cartoons and beloved characters. Perfect for fans of animation of all ages!

  • 8 exciting multiple choice questions
  • Find out your animation IQ
  • Challenge your friends and family
8 Questions2 MinutesCreated by JumpingPanda425
What is the name of the studio which produced "The Three Bogatyrs" cartoon?
Black Hole
Pyramid Films
Who is the best friend of Winnie-the-Pooh?
Donkey Eeyore
What phrase did a wolf from "Once lived a dog" say?
Unfortunately, the birthday happens only once a year
Drop by in case you ever need anything else
Not the neigbors neither friends nobody can recognize me
They call us baddies
Choose a cartoon which sings about itself
Old Father Frost
Domovyonok Kuzya
The Tale of the Priest and of his Workman Balda
Plasticine Crow
Who are friends of the saddest character from the cartoon "Flying Ship"?
Frogs and leeches
Butterflies and birds
Crocodiles and turtles
Fish and dragonflies
Who is the toxic character of the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino"?
Cat Matroskin
Uncle Fedor
Dog Sharik
Postman Pechkin
How many birds can you count in the cartoon "Smeshariki"?
But who are the "fixes"?
Screw-nut and screw-bolt
It's a big, big secret
Kind animals
{"name":"Animation movie brainstorm", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of animated movies with this fun and engaging quiz! Discover how much you know about classic cartoons and beloved characters. Perfect for fans of animation of all ages!8 exciting multiple choice questionsFind out your animation IQChallenge your friends and family","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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