Current Event

How many girls are still missing from Chibok?
The Bathroom Bill requires
Trans people to use the bathroom they identify with.
A gender neutral bathroom to be created for all to use.
Nothing it didn't get approved.
Trans people to use the bathroom of the sex on their birth certificate.
What is Donald Trumps stance on the Bathroom issue?
He thinks Transgenders should be banned from all bathrooms.
He thinks Transgenders should use the bathroom they feel necessary.
He created the Bathroom Bill.
He doesn't care.
What was the name of the terrorist group that kidnapped the girls?
Al Queda
Boko Harlem
Boko Haram
What was the stance of the political cartoonist?
For bathroom bill.
Against bathroom bill.
{"name":"Current Event", "url":"","txt":"How many girls are still missing from Chibok?, The Bathroom Bill requires, What is Donald Trumps stance on the Bathroom issue?","img":""}
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