Quarterly Quiz Q1 2018 - Sales Central Europe

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Welcome to our Quarterly Quiz!
Please read the following instructions before starting the quiz:
  • There is always ONE correct answer UNLESS stated "multiple correct answers", in which case you have to select more than one good answer.
  • You have to click on 'NEXT' after each category to move on.
  • You won't be able to go back to the previous category once you clicked on 'NEXT'.
  • You have to complete the quiz to have your results captured. If you stopped in between, your results may not be accounted for.
  • Your results + the correct answers will be shown to you when you finish the quiz.
Please select when you started at Criteo:
What is the scope of application of the GDPR?
Collection of personal data in the EU territory, disregarding the location of the data controller
Collection of EU citizens' personal data by EU companies
Collection of EU citizens' personal data by international companies with an entity in Europe
Collection of only personal sensitive data in EU countries
What category of data does Criteo collect? (Multiple correct answers)
The category of data collected by Criteo is anonymous data
The category of data collected by Criteo is pseudonymous data
We only collect a sub-category of personal data that offers more warranties to the users in terms of confidentiality
The category of data collected by Criteo is directly identifying information
What are the most appropriate legal basis for Criteo services? (Multiple correct answers)
Vital interest of users
Legitimate interest of data controller
Unambiguous consent of users
Explicit consent of users
What is needed for an unambiguous consent of users? (Multiple correct answers)
Freely given
Deriving from a positive action from the user
Opt-in consent
What are the most appropriate legal basis for Criteo’s clients? (Multiple correct answers)
Vital interest of users
Legitimate interest of data controller
Unambiguous consent of users
Explicit consent of users
According to GDPR, which of the following is NOT an obligation for our clients?
Be transparent with consumers regarding data collection, usage and opt out
Show a privacy message to users
Drop cookies only after the user provides consent
Obtain explicit opt-in from the user for data collection
According to GDPR, which of the following is NOT an obligation for Criteo as a data collector?
Obtain explicit opt-in from the user for data collection
Only collect and process pseudonymous data
Comply with the rights that consumers have to access their data
Comply with rules on data retention
What does Criteo do to respect consumer rights and control? (Multiple correct answers)
Inform users about data collection and how we are protecting their privacy
Stop tracking and retargeting users in case of opt outs
Keep browsing data no longer than 5 years
Give users access to their data upon request
What is NOT considered personal data under GDPR?
Data allowing direct identification of a person
Highly aggregated data on a definite or indefinite group of people
Mobile Device IDs
Do our clients and partners have to inform their users about the use of Criteo technologies on their websites?
Yes, they are solely liable for the information of their users
Yes, Criteo and our clients and partners are both liable for the information of their users
No, Criteo is solely liable for the information of the users
No, the data collected by Criteo does not require prior information
Safari Browser Support
Safari Browser Support
Why do we need to deploy Safari Browser Support?
Some browsers are defaulted to block all cookies which hinders Criteo’s ability to tag users
We need to deploy SBS to be fully compliant with GDPR
SBS allows privacy decisions to be in the hand of consumers not intermediaries
SBS is required to increase our reach in app
What are the client benefits of enabling SBS? (Multiple correct answers)
Advertisers can increase their overall campaign reach
No impact on the user experience of the client’s website other than an in-browser message
Advertisers can change the look and feel of the notification to better engage their Safari users
Clients will see 60% greater efficiency in identifying and tracking Safari users with the latest upgrade
How do clients enable Safari Browser Support? (Multiple correct answers)
The client must enable SBS in Management Center
The client must install Criteo OneTag
The client must re-sign contractual documents to enable SBS.
TS must activate SBS via TOP
Which of the following are characteristics of our SBS notifications? (Multiple correct answers)
The notifications appear as headers only
The notifications can appear as headers or footers on the website
The default language is English if the language of the browser is not available
The notifications are the same for every Safari browser version
How many notifications do we display to a new Safari user?
One notification to give the user the option to opt-out
One notification to inform the user of our cookie placement
Two notifications: one to inform the clients of our cookie placement and one to thank them for enabling our cross-site tracking & reminding them they can opt-out.
Three headers: one notification to inform the clients of our cookie placement, one to thank them for enabling our cookies, and one to give them an opt-out option
Who sees an SBS notification on Safari? (Multiple correct answers)
Users who haven’t seen the headers in safari versions 11.0 and beyond
Users who saw the headers in previous versions of safari 11.0, but have since reset their first-party cookies
Users who visit a new website on Safari for the first time
Users who visit a website on Safari, regardless if they’ve seen the notification before.
How do users give their consent for use of Criteo’s cross-site tracking technology in Safari?
Users must change their device settings
Users must click on a link in the in-browser message to adjust their settings to give consent.
Users must click or tap on any link on the client’s web page to give consent.
Users do not have to give their consent as consent is assumed when they are shown the in-browser notification.
How is our new IDFS solution for iOS 11.2 different than the previous solution?
The new solution leverages HSTS protocol to assign and read user IDs.
The new solution leverages a new patent-pending technology to retarget users.
The new solution displays an in-browser message and requests consent for use of Criteo’s cross-site tracking technology.
The new solution displays an in-browser message to thank the user for enabling Criteo services.
Which clients are eligible to deploy SBS?
All clients are eligible to use the new solution.
Clients who have not previously enabled Safari Browser Support.
Clients who use Safari Browser Support to drop cookies on their own domain (formerly known as Traktor)
Clients who use Safari Browser Support to drop Criteo.com cookies (formerly known as EBS).
How does the new IDFS solution comply with privacy regulations? (Multiple correct answers)
Criteo collects valid “non-ambiguous” consent as defined by the GDPR.
Criteo’s solution is privacy by design
Criteo’s opt-out mechanism ensures that tracking users is technically impossible until a user continues with their browsing experience
Users cannot opt-out of our cross-site tracking technology in IOS11.2.
How can clients access the transparency reports? (Multiple correct answers)
Through an API call to a secure server
Through a download directly from Management Center
Directly through the Swagger UI
Through a visualization platform
As part of our transparency reports which of the following information is NOT shared with our clients?
Criteo margin
Publisher domain
Media cost from the client’s perspective
Device type
Can publishers opt out from the transparency reports? (Multiple correct answers)
Yes, only French publishers can opt out
Yes, any publisher can opt out and it will be valid for both inventory bought directly and through RTB
Yes, publishers outside of France can opt out but it will be ignored for French advertisers
Yes, publishers outside of France can opt out but if they sell through RTB they might still appear in the reports
Some traffic can be labeled as “null” instead of the publisher domain in the transparency report. Which of the following is TRUE about “null” traffic? (Multiple correct answers)
This is blind traffic where Criteo doesn’t receive the exact publishers domain URL
This happens in case of publisher opt outs when Criteo can’t share the publisher information
Traffic labeled as “null” would only be coming from major RTB partners with strong safety mechanisms
This is traffic coming from the 2% smallest publishers. Criteo only shares information on the top 98% of the displays
Data from which campaign categories are included in the transparency report?
Data from all campaigns will be included in one report
Only data from CDR campaigns will be included
Only data from CDR & CAM campaigns will be included
The client must request separate reports for each campaign type
What guidance should be given to clients about using the report’s data? (Multiple correct answers)
Criteo provides only the raw data to clients
Criteo provides raw data and aggregated data by publisher URL or campaign category
Criteo will add new data fields to the report upon client request
The client is responsible for how they use the data and Criteo will not provide any guidelines on how the data can be used
When reports are made available, some clients might get back to you with blacklisting requests. Which of the following is TRUE regarding Criteo’s blacklisting policy?
Criteo focuses on performance rather than on where ads are displayed. Blacklisting will impact the performance and is not a recommended option
Only blind traffic can be blacklisted after evaluation of RexT impact and with management approval
Blacklisting is a good option if the client has brand safety concerns
No management approval is required for blacklisting
Can the client choose what transparency data they would like to access?
Yes, if the client is participating in the Transparency beta.
Yes, if the client is accessing the data via API only.
No, they cannot. Flexibility is currently not offered on the data to be shared.
Yes, if the client meets minimum spend thresholds for customized transparency data.
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