Are you capable of joining an academic discourse community?

Are you good at peer social interaction?
Most of the time
Do you join in during class discussions?
Forget. That.
Are you capable of learning a higher or new vocabulary?
Already got one;)
I will if I have to
Nah I'm not changing
Too much effort
Would you consider yourself a good writer?
No but I can get better
I'm an engineer.. So no
Nope and I don't plan to be
Are you open to growth, and willing to start from the bottom of a community
Absolutely, the only way to the top is the hard way
I can fake anything, I'll start from the top
I don't like leaving my comfort zone and knowing nothing
Pfffft. I am already in every community i'll ever need to be in
Are you able to use general knowledge that you have in order to become or seem like an expert?
Oh ya, faking is the name of the game
I can fake it alright, but I learn fast anyway
Still don't like leaving my comfort zone
I have plenty of general knowledge, I think I fit in just about everywhere
Are you a good collaborator?
If I like the group members, sure
Depends on the collaboration
Do you have what it takes to become an "expert" in a subject?
Am I not already an expert in everything? lol
Absolutely, I can learn everything about anything
I don't think I could ever consider myself as an expert
Becoming an expert in something sounds like a lot of work...
Can you tolerate and objectively hear conflicting arguments with your own opinion?
I'll hear anybody out, even some facebook idiot
If you don't agree with me, I have nothing to say
Absolutely, but they better be prepared for a rebuttal!
If you disagree with me, you must be wrong.
Will you respect professors and trust that they are masters of the discourse you hope to become a part of?
Nah, what do they know?
Their word is law
I will take what they say with a grain of salt
{"name":"Are you capable of joining an academic discourse community?", "url":"","txt":"Are you good at peer social interaction?, Do you join in during class discussions?, Are you capable of learning a higher or new vocabulary?","img":""}
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