Comp het bitch

When you're (debatably) attracted to a man, do you have a personality-based "type"? If so, what is it?
My type is tends towards traditional masculinity (loud, tough, self-assured).
My type tends towards traditional femininity (i.e., quiet, gentle, emotionally expressive).
I'm actively turned off by traditionally masculine traits.
I'm actively turned off by traditionally feminine traits.
I have no preference in that respect.
How about physically?
I don't mind anyone, no matter what their body type is.
My type is very tall or muscular, and that's because I think muscles are sexy.
My type is tall or muscular, and that's because I feel I need to be protected, or I feel an added sense of security around strong people who are "allied" with me, but aesthetically, I could care less about muscle.
I like guys who are smaller/softer, and I'm a sucker for doe eyes.
I don't have all that many preferences over body type, but guys who present noticeably androgynously pique my interest most often.
Have you ever looked through a crowd or yearbook or otherwise actively searched for someone to be attracted to, and more-or-less arbitrarily chosen someone (i.e., "oh, he has nice hair... I guess i'll like *him* this year")?
No, or you have, but only as a joke/game that you didn't act on.
Yes, and I was serious about it.
Yes. That's the only way I've ever gotten a crush on someone.
Have you ever dated a man pretty much exclusively for physical security (i.e., you're not into him, but he's strong and can protect you if you run into a threat)?
I've never dated a man (I have only dated women).
I've never dated anyone.
Yes, very frequently. / Why else would I date men?
No, and that sounds ridiculous to me.
Have you ever dated a man because you felt sorry for him and you believed you would be better able to comfort him as a girlfriend (i.e., you can skip the awkward bro-hug and just hug him like a normal person, or because it is more acceptable to behave in a motherly, sensitive fashion to someone you're dating)?
Yes, once.
No, but it sounds plausible.
I've never dated a man (I have only dated women).
I've never dated anyone.
Yes, very frequently. / Why else would I date men?
No, and that sounds ridiculous to me.
When are you more likely to become interested in a man?
Immediately upon seeing him.
When we're acquaintances.
After a fairly long span of close friendship.
Timing doesn't matter- I tend to be interested in men who pay attention to me consistently.
Timing doesn't matter- I tend to be interested in men who don't pay close attention to me, ditch me for other people, or ignore me.
I don't really care.
Whenever I feel a strong need to comfort him.
When/if you imagine your future as involving marriage with a man, how does it feel?
Pretty nice. Dreamy. I understand that life is difficult, but marriage sounds like a good thing in the midst of difficulty.
Realistic, I guess? Frazzled, weird sometimes, but with a sense of camaraderie and comfort.
Actively uncomfortable.
It sounds bearable up until I'm a bit into adulthood, but when I imagine myself any older than that, I cringe at the thought of having a husband, and hope he dies first, freeing me.
Exhausting. It feels like it's my duty to do it, but I'd be so tired all the time.
Have you ever become very confused by or afraid of a man and decided that getting into a relationship with him would be a good way to neutralize that threat?
Yes, frequently.
Yes, once.
No, and that sounds ridiculous.
No, but it sounds plausible.
Are you more likely to like a guy before or after he is revealed to be unavailable to you (i.e., you find out he is gay or has a girlfriend)
Before, and I'll stop having a crush on him when I find out.
Before, but I might keep crushing on him after I know. It feels unfortunate when this happens.
Do you have a tendency to go for unavailable guys (movie stars, comic book superheroes, obviously/out gay guys, anime characters) at the expense of potentially attainable guys (single straight boys who know you in real life)?
When a guy notices your interest and starts expressing interest back, are you okay with this?
Yes, I'm very glad he did.
Yes, only because then I can be comforting with him and it won't seem weird.
Do you tend to deliberately avoid any sexual media / Does that kind of thing freak you out?
I cannot bring myself to view sexual content of anyone.
I'm only uncomfortable with m/f content.
I'm only uncomfortable with f/f content.
I can view just about anything.
I'm only comfortable with very, very specific things, and they tend to be "unusual" or unexpected for me.
I tend to engage more with things that frighten me.
I'm only comfortable with m/m or other things that specifically don't involve women at all.
Do you want to be a lesbian?
Yes, and I feel I would be if only I had some kind of permission.
I don't really care either way.
No. I would, but I'm afraid of repercussions.
No, I don't like the idea of being a lesbian.
{"name":"Comp het bitch", "url":"","txt":"When you're (debatably) attracted to a man, do you have a personality-based \"type\"? If so, what is it?, How about physically?, Have you ever looked through a crowd or yearbook or otherwise actively searched for someone to be attracted to, and more-or-less arbitrarily chosen someone (i.e., \"oh, he has nice hair... i guess i'll like *him* this year\")?","img":""}
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