ESAT RHM 2 Part 2 101-200
101. It is described in terms of luminous flux density in lumens per unit area.
A. Candela
B. Optical Power
C. Light Density
D. Light Intensity
102. It is also known as radiant flux. It measures the rate at which electromagnetic waves transfer light energy.
A. Candela
B. Optical Power
C. Light Density
D. Light Intensity
103. It is the decrease in the amount of light reaching the end of the fiber.
A. Signal wave
B. Signal distortion
C. Signal fading
D. Signal loss
104. It is a form of energy that is moved by wave motion.
A. Light Fiber
B. Wave energy
C. Light motion
D. Light wave
105. SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTS seem to show that light is composed of tiny particles, while other experiments indicate that light is made up of waves. Today, physicists have come to accept a theory concerning light that is a combination of ___________.
A. particle (ray) theory and wave (mode) theory
B. Light theory and fiber theory
C. Dust theory and light theory
D. None of these choices
106. Is the ratio of velocity of propagation of a light ray in free space to the velocity of propagation of light ray in a given material.
A. Refractive index
B. Velocity factor
C. Reflection coefficient
D. Snell’s law
107. It is the reflection from a perfectly smooth surface.
A. Rayleigh Criterion
B. Diffraction
C. Diffused Reflection
D. Specular Reflection
108. It states that semi-rough surface will reflect as if it were a smooth surface whenever the cosine of the angle of incidence is greater than "λ/8d"
A. Rayleigh Criterion
B. Snell’s Law
C. Huygens' Principle
D. Faraday’s Rotation
109. An earth station for use with a geostationary satellite has a dish antenna which sees a sky temperature of 25 K. It is connected to the receiver with a feedline having 1 dB loss. The receiver equivalent noise temperature is 15 K. Calculate the noise temperature for the system.
A. 95K
B. 79.5K
C. 104.5K
D. 54.5K
110. For radio signals, the skip distance is determined by the:
A. Power fed to the final
B. Angle of radiation
C. Type of transmitting antenna used
D. Height of the ionosphere and the angle of radiation
111. Skip distance is the:
A. The minimum distance reached by a signal after one reflection by the ionosphere
B. The maximum distance reached by a signal after one reflection by the ionosphere
C. The minimum distance reached by a ground-wave signal
D. The maximum distance a signal will travel by both a ground wave and reflected wave
112. The skip distance of a sky wave will be greatest when the:
A. Polarization is vertical
B. Ionosphere is most densely ionized
C. Angle between ground and radiation is smallest
D. Signal given out is strongest
113. The wavelength of operation in fiber optics is between _____.
A. 700 A and 1600 A
B. 700 um and 1600 um
C. 700 m and 1600 m
D. 700 nm and 1600 nm
114. The substance through which a wave travels from one point to the next. Air, water, wood, etc., are examples of this.
A. transmitter
B. receiver
C. medium
D. space
115. The portion of a sine wave below the reference line.
A. Positive alternation
B. Negative alternation
C. baseline
D. Peak
116. Objects that either reflect or diffuse light that falls upon them.
A. Luminous bodies
B. Non luminous bodies
C. Transparent bodies
D. Translucent bodies
117. It is also known as series tee. It is the electrical equivalent of connecting the arm in series.
A. H Plane Tee
B. Waveguide Tapers
C. Irises
D. E Plane Tee
118. These are used if change in polarization is needed. The length of twist is twice the wavelength.
A. H Plane Tee
B. E Plane Tee
C. Waveguide Twists
D. Waveguide Tapers
119. These are thin, flat metal strips, much less than a wavelength in thickness and with low conductivity that are located in the cross-section of the inside walls of the waveguide.
A. Waveguide Tapers
B. Attenuator
C. Posts and Screws
D. Irises
120. When the sun is the primary body and is in farthest point.
A. Apogee
B. Aphelion
C. Perigee
D. Perihelion
121. Also known as the line of apsides. The line joining the perigee and apogee through the center of the Earth.
A. Semi-major axis
B. Major axis
C. Minor axis
D. Semi-minor axis
122. It has an apogee and perigee that have large differences.
A. Geostationary Orbit (GEO)
B. Highly Elliptical Orbit (HEO)
C. Geosynchronous Orbit (GEO)
D. Medium Earth Orbit (MEO)
123. It is the dBm referenced to a zerotransmission level point.
A. dBm0
B. dBrn
C. rn (reference noise)
D. DLP (Data Level Point)
124. It is the process used to improve a basic telephone channel, wherein the attenuation and delay characteristics of a circuit are artificially altered to meet limits prescribed by the line conditioning requirements.
A. Echo suppressor
B. Echo canceler
C. Via Net Loss (VNL)
D. Line Conditioning
125. It is a signal returned to the talker after making one or more round trips between the talker and a distant reflection point.
A. Talker sidetone
B. Talker Echo
C. Listener Echo
D. Listener sidetone
126. It is the minimum angle of incidence at which light ray may strike the interface of two media and result in an angle or refraction of 90 degrees.
A. Angle of radiation
B. Angle of reflection
C. Critical Angle
D. Incident Angle
127. Is produced after rotating the acceptance angle around the fiber axis.
A. Critical Angle
B. Acceptance Angle
C. Numerical Aperture
D. Acceptance Cone
128. The light travels only in one path, and its core has smaller diameter.
A. Single mode
B. Graded mode
C. Multimode
D. Dominant mode
129. What happens to light rays when they encounter any substance?
A. Transmitted or absorbed
B. refracted
C. reflected
D. All of these choices
130. It is the wave that moves from the source to the object.
A. Incident wave
B. Reflected wave
C. Transverse wave
D. None of these choices
131. In the Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum, which is the range of UWB?
A. 784 MHz – 2.4 GHz
B. 3.1 - 10.6 GHz
C. 2.4 to 60 GHz
D. 2.402 GHz to 2.48 GHz
132. It states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
A. Snell Law
B. Law of acceptance angles
C. Law of incident angles
D. Law of reflection
133. It states that every point on a given spherical wavefront may be considered as a secondary point source of electromagnetic waves from which other secondary waves are radiated outward.
A. Rayleigh Criterion
B. Snell’s Law
C. Huygens' Principle
D. Faraday’s Rotation
134. It is when two waves are in phase with each other, they form an addition in amplitude.
A. Interference
B. Constructive Interference
C. Fading
D. Destructive Interference
135. It is the tendency of the sun to have a greyish-black blemishes, seemingly at random times and at random places, on its fiery surface.
A. Sunspots
B. Solar flare
D. Solar Flux
136. What effect does the D region of the ionosphere have on lower frequency HF signals in the daytime?
A. It absorbs the signals
B. It bends the radio waves out into space
C. It refracts the radio waves back to earth
D. It has little or no effect on 80-metre radio waves
137. Two or more parts of the radio wave follow different paths during propagation and this may result in phase differences at the receiver. This "change" at the receiver is called:
A. fading
B. baffling
C. absorption
D. skip
138. When a transmitted radio signal reaches a station by a one-hop and two-hop skip path, small changes in the ionosphere can cause:
A. Consistent fading of received signal
B. Consistently stronger signals
C. Variations in signal strength
D. A change in the ground-wave signal
139. The point on a graph where the vertical and horizontal axes cross each other.
A. zenith
B. peak
C. origin
D. elevation
140. A cellular telephone system uses a 12-cell repeating pattern. There are 120 cells in the system and 20,000 subscribers. Each subscriber uses the phone on average 30 minutes per day, but on average 10 of those minutes are used during the peak hour. Calculate: the average and peak traffic in Erlangs for the whole system.
A. 3.47 E; 27.8 E
B. 416 E; 3333 E
C. Erroneous problem
D. None of the above
141. Another name for the REFERENCE LINE.
A. baseline
B. Point of zero displacement
C. Zenith
D. Line of apside
142. A triangular-shaped glass that refracts and disperses light waves into component wavelengths.
A. Anechoic chamber
B. Echoic chamber
C. Prism
D. laser
143. It is a device that reduces the signal strength as the microwave signals enter the waveguide.
A. Waveguide Tapers
B. Capacitive Post and Screw
C. Attenuator
D. Posts and Screws
144. It is also known as hot-carrier diode which replace the point-contact diode.
A. Varactor Diode
B. Tunnel Diode
C. Schottky Diode
D. Trapatt Diode
145. The power loss of an optical fiber cable is usually expressed in decibels per kilometer (dB/km). If the signal at the beginning of a cable with 0.3 dB/km rated loss has a power of 10 mW, what is the signal power (in mW) 9 km away?
A. 7.35
B. 3.57
C. 4.12
D. 5.37
146. It is also known as snap-off varactor diode, which is made with gallium arsenide or silicon.
A. Varactor Diode
B. Tunnel Diode
C. Schottky Diode
D. Step-recovery Diode
147. It is the angle between the equatorial plane of the Earth and the orbital plane of the satellite.
A. Angle of Elevation
B. Angle of Declination
C. Angle of Radiation
D. Angle of Inclination
148. It is a point on the circular orbit where the satellite crosses the equator and its move from north to south.
A. Apogee
B. Descending Node
C. Perigee
D. Ascending Node
149. It is an orbit with a circular shape and has no inclination, thus it is in line with equator.
A. Prograde Orbit
B. Polar orbit
C. Equatorial orbit
D. Inclined Orbit
150. It is the result of sustained oscillations due to positive feedback in the telephone amplifiers or amplifying circuits.
A. Sidetone
B. Singing
C. Reflection
D. Echo
151. Is the method of providing high-speed data transmission on twisted-pair telephone loops by using high-frequency carrier.
A. VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)
C. Dial up
D. ADSL (Asymmetric digital subscriber line)
152. It is a device used to originate and terminate calls, and to transmit and receive signals into and out of the telephone network.
A. Trunk
B. Instrument
C. Local Loop
D. Central office
153. It is the graphical representation of the value of the refractive index across the fiber.
A. Index profile
B. Numerical aperture
C. Refractive index
D. Mode
154. The index of refraction of the core is not constant, instead it varies smoothly and continuously over the diameter of the core.
A. Step Index
B. Graded Index
C. Mono Index
D. Multi Index
155. Impurities in the fiber absorb the light and convert it to heat.
A. Ultraviolet absorption
B. Absorption Loss
C. Attenuation
D. Material Scattering Loss
156. It describe how light energy is transmitted along an optical fiber.
A. Ray theory
B. Mode theory
C. Both ray and mode theory
D. None of these choices
157. Meridional rays can be classified as bound or unbound rays. This ray remain in the core and propagate along the axis of the fiber also propagate through the fiber by total internal reflection.
A. Bound ray
B. Unbound ray
C. Domestic ray
D. Internal ray
158. The index of refraction of the cladding material is _______ that of the core material.
A. Less than
B. Greater than
C. equal
D. None of these choices
159. It is the propagation mode wherein the radio waves are radiated from the transmitting antenna in a direction that produces a large angle with reference to the Earth.
A. Space Wave Propagation
B. Sky Wave Propagation
C. Wave Propagation
D. Ground Wave Propagation
160. It is a region directly above the troposphere where no weather is seen but circulation does occur.
A. Ionosphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Troposphere
D. Mesosphere
161. It is the upper portion of the E Layer. It is a thin layer of very high ionization density, sometimes making an appearance with the E layer. It is caused by solar flares and sunspot activity.
A. D Layer
B. E (Sporadic) Layer
C. F2 Layer
D. F1 Layer
162. A group of 20 servers carry a traffic of 10 Erlangs. If the average duration of a call is three minutes, calculate the number of calls put through by the group as a whole is one hour per period.
A. 200 calls
B. 10 calls
C. 35 calss
D. 267 calls
163. On the VHF and UHF bands, polarization of the receiving antenna is very important in relation to the transmitting antenna, yet on HF bands it is relatively unimportant. Why is that so?
A. The ionosphere can change the polarization of the signal from moment to moment
B. The ground wave and the sky wave continually shift the polarization
C. Anomalies in the earth's magnetic field produce a profound effect on HF polarization
D. Greater selectivity is possible with HF receivers making changes in polarization redundant
164. How does the bandwidth of a transmitted signal affect selective fading?
A. It is the same for both wide and narrow bandwidths
B. It is more pronounced at wide bandwidths
C. Only the receiver bandwidth determines the selective fading effect
D. It is more pronounced at narrow bandwidths
165. Reflection of a SSB transmission from the ionosphere causes:
A. Little or no phase-shift distortion
B. phase-shift distortion
C. Signal cancellation at the receiver
D. A high-pitch squeal at the receiver
166. When they encounter any substance, they are either transmitted, refracted, reflected, or absorbed.
A. Sound waves
B. Sine waves
C. Light rays
D. None of the choices
167. It is the basic optical material property that measures the speed of light in an optical medium.
A. Numerical aperture
B. Snell’s law
C. Acceptance angle
D. Index of refraction
168. Electromagnetic frequencies that fall between 3 kilohertz and 300 gigahertz and are used for radio communications.
A. Sound frequencies
B. Radio frequencies
169. The object that responds to a wave or disturbance. Same as detector.
A. Receiver
B. transmitter
C. medium
D. Demodulator
170. The effective isotropic radiated power measured at the focal point of a gain antenna is 64 watts, what is the gain of the antenna in dBi if the power produced by the transmitter connected to the gain antenna via a lossless transmission line is 250 mW?
A. 72
B. 36
C. 11.2
D. 24
171. The wave that reflects back from a medium.
A. Transmitted wave
B. Reflected wave
C. Radiated wave
D. Reradiated wave
172. It is also known as Esaki diode, which is also a negative resistance diode which has the ability to add energy and permit amplification and oscillation.
A. Trapatt Diode
B. Schottky Diode
C. Varactor Diode
D. Tunnel Diode
173. Is a metal wrapped around the antenna aperture to eliminate side lobes which may cause interference to nearby microwave stations.
A. Shroud
B. Trap
C. Radome
D. Dish
174. It is a single transmission path from transmitter to receiver.
A. Link
B. Zone
C. Skip
D. Hop
175. Are those lines drawn on the surface of the Earth from the north pole to south pole.
A. Equator
B. Longitude
C. Latitude
D. Prime Meridian
176. It has a rotation period of 5 to 12 hours and remain in sight from an Earth station for 2 to 4 hours.
A. MEO (Medium-Earth Orbit Satellite)
B. LEO (Low-Earth Orbit Satellite)
C. GEO (Geosynchronous Satellite)
D. HEO (Highly Elliptical Orbit)
177. Is the most common gas used for satellite's jet thruster.
A. Deisel
B. Hydrazine
C. Gasoline
D. Solar Energy
178. Are used to interconnect two telephone offices.
A. Inter-Toll Trunk
B. Interoffice Trunk
C. Trunk Circuit
D. Tandem Trunk
179. It is used to connect a local exchange and a tandem office.
A. Trunk Circuit
B. Tandem Trunk
C. Interoffice Trunk
D. Inter-Toll Trunk
180. Is a telephone call that was completed within a single local exchange.
A. Interoffice call
B. Intraoffice call
C. Hand over call
D. Call forwading
181. It is the result of photons of light that are absorbed by the atoms of the glass core molecules.
A. Ultraviolet absorption
B. Infrared absorption
C. Attenuation
D. Absorption Loss
182. It is due to the imperfections in the fiber that are formed during manufacturing process. When light strike these impurities they are diffracted, this is known as Rayleigh scattering loss.
A. Modal Dispersion
B. Attenuation
C. Material Scattering Loss
D. Absorption Loss
183. It is predominantly caused by small bends and kinks in the fiber.
A. Microbend
B. Bending Loss
C. Attenuation
D. Constant-Radius Bend
184. The material used for a buffer is a type of plastic. The buffer is elastic in nature and prevents ______.
A. abrasions
B. leak
C. contamination
D. Ray loss
185. Ray theory is also called as ________.
A. Geometric optics approach
B. Wave representation approach
C. Light wave optics approach
D. None of these choices
186. Mode theory is also called as _______.
A. Geometric optics approach
B. Wave representation approach
C. Light wave optics approach
D. None of these choices
187. It is the highest frequency at a given ionization density that will be returned down to the Earth when beamed vertically upward.
A. Optimum Working Frequency
B. Maximum Usable Frequency
C. Lowest Usable Frequency
D. Critical Frequency
188. It is the highest angle of radiation that will return the wave to the Earth at a given density of ionization in the layer for the frequency or wavelength.
A. Maximum Usable Frequency
B. Critical Frequency
C. Lowest Usable Frequency
D. Critical Angle
189. It is the frequency that provides the most consistent communication. Operating at a frequency of 85% of the MUF.
A. Maximum Usable Frequency
B. Lowest Usable Frequency
C. Critical Frequency
D. Optimum Working Frequency
190. How long is an average sunspot cycle?
A. 17 years
B. 5 years
C. 11 years
D. 7 years
191. What is the solar-flux index?
A. Another name for the American sunspot number
B. A measure of solar activity that compares daily readings with results from the last six months
C. A measure of solar activity that is taken at a specific frequency
D. A measure of solar activity that is taken annually
192. Which two types of radiation from the sun influence propagation?
A. Subaudible and audio-frequency emissions
B. Polar region and equatorial emissions
C. Infra-red and gamma-ray emissions
D. Electromagnetic and particle emissions
193. __________occurs because the mode propagation constant (β) is a function of the size of the fiber's core relative to the wavelength of operation.
A. Chromatic dispersion
B. Coherent dispersion
C. Waveguide dispersion
D. Material dispersion
194. The wave moving back to the sending end of a transmission line after reflection has occurred.
A. Transmitted wave
B. Reflected wave
C. Radiated wave
D. Reradiated wave
195. The multiple reflections of sound waves.
A. reverberation
B. singing
C. echo
D. None of the choices
196. The name given to the end of a two wire transmission line that is connected to a source.
A. Source
B. Destination
C. transmitter
D. receiver
197. These are points in the microwave communications system where baseband signals may be reconfigured or where RF carriers are simply repeated or amplified.
A. Microwave Repeater
B. Repeater Station
C. Terminal Station
D. Active Repeater
198. It intercepts, amplifies and retransmit the signal and provides gain.
A. Active Repeater
B. Repeater Station
C. Microwave Repeater
D. Terminal Station
199. Occurs when the power that leaks out the back and sides of a transmit antenna interferes with the signal entering the input of a nearby receive antenna.
A. Fading
B. Ringaround
C. Multi-hop interference
D. Single-hop interference
200. Is the process of adjusting the orbit of a geostationary satellite so that it appears to remain stationary above a point on the Earth.
A. Attitude control
B. Station keeping
C. Tracking
D. Stabilization
{"name":"ESAT RHM 2 Part 2 101-200", "url":"","txt":"101. It is described in terms of luminous flux density in lumens per unit area., 102. It is also known as radiant flux. It measures the rate at which electromagnetic waves transfer light energy., 103. It is the decrease in the amount of light reaching the end of the fiber.","img":""}
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