
An illustration depicting diverse cultural symbols and traditions, showcasing interaction among different cultures, with vibrant colors and a global theme.

Explore Cultural Definitions Quiz

Test your knowledge and understanding of key cultural concepts through this engaging quiz. Each question is designed to challenge your perception and broaden your knowledge.

  • 9 thought-provoking questions
  • Multiple choice format
  • Instant feedback on your answers
9 Questions2 MinutesCreated by LearningExplorer407
What do you think is the correct definition of "Culture"?
He ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society.
The place where the people live
The personality of a person
What do you think is the correct definition of "Tradition"?
The transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way
Something that's transmitted
What do you think is the correct definition of "Disorientation"?
A feeling of being confused about where you are, where you are going, or what is happening
The particular things that a person prefers, believes, thinks, or usually does
What do you think is the correct definition of "Unfamiliar"?
Something that doesn't belong to your family
Not known to you
Previously experienced or known
What do you think is the correct definition of "Cultural shock"?
A sudden change of culture
A feeling of confusion felt by someone visiting a country or place that they do not know
What do you think is the correct definition of "Behavior"?
The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others.
The way someone misconducts
What do you think is the correct definition of "Diversity"?
The fact of many different types of things or people being included in something; a range of different things or people
The fact that people or things look or are the same
What do you think is the correct definition of "Stereotype"?
A set idea that people have about what someone or something is like, especially an idea that is wrong
Not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed
What do you think is the correct definition of "Custom"?
a traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing something that is specific to a particular society, place, or time.
The quality of wanting to do something
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