How Assertive Am I ?

A thoughtful person standing at a crossroads, pondering choices in various everyday scenarios, with a blend of assertive and passive expressions.

How Assertive Are You?

Are you curious about your assertiveness in various situations? This engaging quiz will help you identify your assertive tendencies and provide insights into your communication style.

Answer a series of scenarios related to everyday situations and find out:

  • Your level of assertiveness
  • Areas where you can improve
  • How to better communicate your needs
11 Questions3 MinutesCreated by SpeakingTruth2023
Quiz : How Assertive Am I?
This is a short quiz designed to help you asses how assertive you are at this time.
It’s important to answer each question honestly so that you’ll have an accurate
assessment of your profile.
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Quiz : How Assertive Am I?
This is a short quiz designed to help you asses how assertive you are at this time.
It’s important to answer each question honestly so that you’ll have an accurate
assessment of your profile.
Please click NEXT to enter the Quiz
1. You are at McDonald’s and order a chicken legend burger with mayonnaise, but they give you one with salsa. You would :
Accept it since you sort of like salsa anyway
Angrily refuse the burger and insist on seeing the manager to complain about the poor service
Call the waiter and indicate you ordered your burger with mayonnaise
2. You are a customer waiting in line to be served. Suddenly, someone steps in line ahead of you. You would :
Let the person be ahead of you since he/she is already in line
Pull the person out of line and make him/her go to the back
Indicate to the person that you are in line and point out where it begins
3. After walking out of a store where you purchased some items you discover you were short-changed. You would:
Let it go since you are already out of the store and the store clerk looked busy
Go to the manager and indicate how you were cheated by the clerk, then demand the proper change
Return to the clerk and inform him/her of the error.
4. You are in the middle of watching a very interesting television program when your family comes in and asks you for a favour. You would
Do the favour as quickly as possible, and then return to the program to finish watching it
Say "no," then finish watching your program
Ask if it can wait until the program is over and, if so, do it then
5. A friend drops in to say hello, but stays too long, preventing you from finishing an important task. You would:
Let the person stay, then try and squeeze your work in later
Tell the person to stop bothering you and to get out
Explain your need to finish your work and request he/she visit another time
6. You ask at the movie theatre for a small drink (Rp. 20.000), however, they give you a large by mistake and ask you for Rp.40.000. You would :
Pay the Rp. 40.000 since the drink is already poured and you will probably drink it or share it with someone anyway
Demand to see the manager and protest being ripped off.
Indicate you only asked for a small drink and request you give them the original Rp. 20.000
7. You suspect someone of harbouring a grudge against you, but you don't know why. You would
Pretend you are unaware of his/her anger and ignore it, hoping it will correct itself.
Get even with the person somehow so he/she will learn not to hold grudges against you.
Ask the person if they are angry, then try to be understanding
7. You take your device to a shop for repairs and receive a written estimate. But later, when you pick it up, you are billed for additional work and for an amount higher than the estimate. You would
Pay the bill since it must have needed the extra repairs anyway
Refuse to pay, and then complain to the head office or the Better Business Bureau
Indicate to the manager that you agreed only to the estimated amount, and then pay only that amount.
8. You invite a good friend to your house for a dinner party, but your friend never arrives and neither calls to cancel nor to apologize. You would:
Ignore it, but manage not to show up the next time your friend invites you to a party.
Call your friend names and complain about them to other friends
Call your friend to find out what happened.
9. You are in a group discussion about a project at work that includes your Boss. A work mate asks you a question about your work, but you don't know the answer. You would:
Give your co-worker a false, but plausible answer so your Boss will think you are on top of things
Do not answer, but attack your work mate by asking a question you know he/she could not answer.
Indicate to your co-worker you are unsure just now, but offer to give him/her the information later.
{"name":"How Assertive Am I ?", "url":"","txt":"Are you curious about your assertiveness in various situations? This engaging quiz will help you identify your assertive tendencies and provide insights into your communication style.Answer a series of scenarios related to everyday situations and find out:Your level of assertivenessAreas where you can improveHow to better communicate your needs","img":""}
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