Which Rider Are You?

What's your usual reason for traveling?
Meeting with friends
Where are you headed?
South -- Fremont, Santa Clara, San Jose
North-east -- Davis, Sacramento, Auburn
Somewhere in between -- Oakland, Berkeley, San Francisco
Doesn't matter!
Traveling with your bike?
You're riding on BART. Someone is wearing a T-shirt with your favorite band on it. You:
Give them a high-five. It's your buddy from pickling class!
Catch eye contact with them, point at their shirt, and give them two approving thumbs up.
Make a mental note about how cool they are and go back to browsing news on your phone.
Tap them on the shoulder and strike up a conversation about music and become instant besties.
Do you keep a planner or use a planning app?
Yes, my life is neatly organized!
Nope! I need room for spontaneity.
You're stuck in a major traffic jam on the freeway. What's going through your mind?
"I wonder where I should go this weekend..."
"Wow, I can't imagine doing this every morning."
"I'm going to call the bestie and see if they wanna go to that concert on Friday..."
"I'm already late for work! I hate driving!"
There's an obscure talk you really want to go to tonight, but your friend that was supposed to accompany you bailed. What do you do?
Send out a mass-text asking if anyone would want to come with you.
Get on Tinder and take the first person you match with.
Take it as a cue to stay home and watch TV instead. It's the weekend -- you'd rather veg out!
Go to the talk by yourself. You find yourself to be great company!
You just got back from vacation and it's your first day back to work. What are you doing?
Already planning your next getaway, this time with a group of friends.
Actually working, of course! You were late again because of traffic!
Planning a shorter weekend trip.
What's work?
Your close friend is planning a surprise birthday party for a mutual friend and they ask you to help. What do you say?
Are you kidding? Everyone knows I'm the planner in the group.
"Of course! I have all the time in the world."
"Sorry, but my long commute tires me out so much I don't have the brainpower. I'll see you at the party though! Maybe..."
"I'm on vacation, but I'll help when I get back!"
You're traveling alone. At the airport, you realize you left your Kindle at home. What do you do?
Pull out your laptop and refine your itinerary.
Find a stranger to talk to!
Buy a best-seller at the airport bookstore.
Do some exploring around the airport until it's time to board the plane.
{"name":"Which Rider Are You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"What's your usual reason for traveling?, Where are you headed?, Traveling with your bike?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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