What region of Sense are you from?

What kinds of board games/party games do you like best?
Trivia or word games
Cooperative or team games
Build-your-own-empire games
Games that require skill more than luck
Physical games (like sports, charades)
Drinking games
What would you be most likely to collect?
What social justice movement is most important to you, currently?
Preserving freedom of speech
Gun regulation
Student loans/education
LGBT+ or gender equality
Racial equality
Healthcare for all
If you could keep any of these plants alive on your desk, which would you choose?
A bonsai tree
A bouquet (that never wilts)
A variety pot of different succulents
A rose bush
A bird of paradise or a hibiscus
What type of beer or wine sounds best right now?
Something nonalchoholic
A complex red wine
A hard cider or seltzer
A classic lager
A dry white wine
A crazy-sounding craft brew
{"name":"What region of Sense are you from?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/Q3TRW32","txt":"What kinds of board games\/party games do you like best?, What would you be most likely to collect?, What social justice movement is most important to you, currently?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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