Chapter 1 Government Quiz

Which of the following is a good formal definition of politics:
A controlled study of the impact of an independent variable on a dependent variable
The process through which individuals and groups reach agreement on a course of common action even as they continue to disagree on the goals of the action
Any system where the governed make all important decisions regarding governance
A two-party system that governs nationally
An example of collective action is which of the following:
Parents and a teenager negotiate over the use of the family car
A boss and an employee haggle over pay
Organized crime families jockey over turf for illegal activity
All of the above
Politics occurs whenever a solution to a problem requires cooperation even when that cooperation is, which of the following:
Achieved through force alone
Costly or difficult
Irrelevant to the success of the course of action
Already what everyone agrees upon
Successful politics almost always requires which of the following:
cheating the other side
lying and misrepresentation
imposing one's will on the opponent
Bargaining and compromise
Political institutions include which of the following:
A set of rules prescribing a political process for reaching and enforcing collective agreements
The places where the former Yugoslav government put dissidents
training centers for party operatives and campaign workers
the official buildings where government employees work
Without rules and procedures for promoting successful collective action, as participants and preferences multiply:
government grows more efficient
broadly acceptable collective decisions are made more rapidly
Unstructured negotiation rarely yields a collective decision all parties can accept
the institutions of governance become less important
All organizations are governed by rules and procedures:
that are very difficult to change
that rarely impact the actual decisions made by those organizations
for the resolution of contested elections
For making and enforcing decisions
Constitutions, charters, and bylaws all serve which of the following purposes:
inhibiting the whims of the majority
resolving every conceivable conflict in an organization
Guiding the organization's members in making essentially political decisions
avoiding any disputes that could ever arise in any political decision-making process
Which of the following is true of the constitution of a nation:
it is always written
it is divinely inspired and theologically grounded
It creates the governing institutions and the set of rules prescribing the political process these institutions must follow to reach and enforce collective agreements
it creates barriers to collective agreements so as to ensure that the political process does not get captured by special interests
Which of the following is a formal definition of a government:
Those institutions created by a constitution and the legally prescribed process for making and enforcing collective agreements
only those systems that elect a prime minister and parliament
only those systems that elect a president and congress
any institution that relies on force to implement its decisions
Government institutions consist of which of the following:
only well-known popular icons
the mechanisms through which revolutions are always planned
the rules of government that exist apart from the roles of government
Offices that confer on their occupants specific authority and responsibilities
The difference between authority and power is which of the following:
Authority is the right to make a particular decision and power is the actual influence the institution has over that action
authority is seized and power is given
there is no difference; they are perfectly interchangeable
power describes the formal parameters of influence while authority describes the informal parameters
"Collective action" refers to which of the following:
The efforts of a group to reach and implement agreements
action by an individual on behalf of the collective, usually without the collective's permission
the decisions made by absolute dictators
whether people participate in their government
An example of a coordination problem is which of the following:
members of a string quartet playing their individual portions of a piece in order to create one coherent performance
senators detemining the rules of procedure in the Senate
the decision made by a government regarding on which side of the road its citizens should drive
All of the above
A "prisoner's dilemma" arises in which of the following instances:
when a convict pleads guilty to a crime he or she did not commit
Whenever individuals who ultimately would benefit from cooperating with each other also have a powerful and irresistable incentive to break the agreement and exploit the other side
whenever there are conflicting provisions in a constitution
when a civilian is the commander in chief of the military
A member's withholding his or her contribution to a group's undertaking is referred to as which of the following:
a protest vote
an institution
A free-rider problem
a voluntary tax
The problem that arises from the costless consumption by a large number of individuals of a public good that results in its ruination is called:
A tragedy of the commons
a perfectly elastic supply curve
an imperfect market solution
institutional rigidity
Assigning to make and implement decisions to a smaller number of persons who are expected to act on behalf of the larger group's interest is an example of which of the following:
a conformity cost
an example of an institution
a prisoner's dilemma
Two distinguishing features of public goods are that:
Their costs are born collectively and no one can be excluded from their benefits
they are paid for by the rich in order to benefit the poor
they are paid for by the poor in order to benefit the rich
their costs are paid as they are used and most people can opt out of paying for them
The Electoral college is an example of the command authority in practice.
{"name":"Chapter 1 Government Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Which of the following is a good formal definition of politics:, An example of collective action is which of the following:, Politics occurs whenever a solution to a problem requires cooperation even when that cooperation is, which of the following:","img":""}
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