
In October 2005, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service banned the importation of beluga caviar, the most prized of caviars, from the Caspian Sea. What happened in the market for caviar in the United States
The supply curve shifted to the left
The supply curve shifted to the right
The demand curve shifted to the right
The demand curve shifted to the left
Scarcity refers to the situation in which
Unlimited wants exceed limited resources
Unlimited resources exceed limited wants
A nation's poverty level increases faster than its population
A country's population is larger than its resource base
Opportunity cost is defined as
The benefit of an activity
The monetary expense associated with an activity
The highest valued alternative that must be given up to engage inan activity
The total value of all alternitives that must be given up to engage in an activity
In economics, the accumulated skills and training that workers have is known as
Human capital
Physical capital
{"name":"Econ", "url":"","txt":"In October 2005, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service banned the importation of beluga caviar, the most prized of caviars, from the Caspian Sea. What happened in the market for caviar in the United States, Scarcity refers to the situation in which, Opportunity cost is defined as","img":""}
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