Are you an AZ?

Your mid laner is fed, you are not fed, what do you do?
Just play the game and focus
Complain at how bad he is
Complain why I cannot perform at this role
Complain why he doesn't gank
You see a gank coming from Lissandra towards botlane, what do you do?
Leave since the turret is low too
Pretend to not know
Complain at mid for not counter ganking even though I saw it coming
Protect my 5% hp turret, we can 2v3
You are behind in cs due to your poor laning phase, what do you do?
Steal all my laners farm and not carry with the gold
Complain at why my support sucks
Complain at Jungler and Mid because complaining at more than one person feels cooler
I continue to focus the game and let myself be carried if have to.
My midlaner ganked for our top and counterganked their jungle, what should I say?
Good work, and continue to focus on my game
I didn't expect Lissandra to come, blame midlaner,
Make an invalid argument because I'm always right I think
Complain that he doesn't gank
I'm losing lane pretty hard due to my weak laning phase as a player, what should I do?
Complain at my Jg and Mid for not helping.
Continue to focus on my game, I can still win this.
Complain at ONLY mid
Complain at ONLY jg
{"name":"Are you an AZ?", "url":"","txt":"Your mid laner is fed, you are not fed, what do you do?, You see a gank coming from Lissandra towards botlane, what do you do?, You are behind in cs due to your poor laning phase, what do you do?","img":""}
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