Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-th on Tue, 29 Mar 22
[2203.13828] Davide Bufalini, Sergio Iguri, Nicolas Kovensky et al.: Worldsheet Correlators in Black Hole Microstates
[2203.13835] F. C. E. Lima, C. A. S. Almeida: New class of solutions in the non-minimal O(3)-sigma model
[2203.13839] Michael Gutperle, Nicholas Klein: A note on co-dimension 2 defects in N=4,d=7 gauged supergravity
[2203.14212] Sourav Roychowdhury, Prasanta K. Tripathy: Penrose limits in massive type-IIA AdS$_3$ background
[2203.14249] Sean Knight: Evaporation of Black Holes in Anti-de Sitter Space-time
[2203.14314] Masahito Yamazaki: Quiver Yangians and Crystal Melting: A Concise Summary
[2203.14330] Kiran Adhikari, Sayantan Choudhury: ${\cal C}$osmological ${\cal K}$rylov ${\cal C}$omplexity
[2203.14334] Kartik Prabhu, Gautam Satishchandran, Robert M. Wald: Infrared Finite Scattering Theory in Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity
[2203.14350] Dimitra Karabali: Aspects of higher dimensional quantum Hall effect: Bosonization, entanglement entropy
[2203.14351] V.P. Nair: Entanglement Entropy and Matter-Gravity Couplings for Fuzzy Geometry
[2203.14388] Alessio Marrani, Olivera Miskovic, Paula Quezada: Spontaneous Scalarization of Extremal Black Holes
[2203.14436] Cynthia Yan: Crosscap Contribution to Late-Time Two-Point Correlators
[2203.14447] Yang Li, Pieter Maris, James P. Vary: Chiral sum rule on the light front
[2203.14449] Bo Feng, Tingfei Li, Hongbin Wang et al.: Reduction of General One-loop Integrals Using Auxiliary Vector
[2203.14489] Si-wen Li, Sen-kai Luo, Ya-qian Hu: Holographic QCD\textsubscript{3} and Chern-Simons theory from anisotropic supergravity
[2203.14578] Rui Wang, Chun-Hong Zhang, Fu-Hao Zhang et al.: CFT approach to constraint operators for ($β$-deformed) hermitian one-matrix models
[2203.14656] George Savvidy: Stability of Yang Mills Vacuum State
[2203.14730] Ke Li, Yuxin Liu, Qi-Shu Yan et al.: Shifts in BCFW method for QED
[2203.14745] H. Blas, M. Cerna Maguiña, L.F. dos Santos: Modified AKNS model, Riccati-type pseudo-potential approach and infinite towers of quasi-conservation laws
[2203.14774] Mariia Anosova, Christof Gattringer, Nabil Iqbal et al.: Phase structure of self-dual lattice gauge theories in 4d
[2203.14900] Massimo Bianchi, Giorgio Di Russo: Turning rotating D-branes and BHs inside out their photon-halo
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-th on Tue, 29 Mar 22","img":""}
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