Present Tenses, form 11

A classroom setting with students engaged in learning English grammar, including elements representing present tenses like clocks, books, and worksheets.

Present Tenses Mastery Quiz

Test your knowledge of present tenses with this interactive quiz designed for learners of all levels. Improve your understanding of English grammar while having fun!

  • Multiple-choice questions
  • Text-based corrections
  • Engaging format that reinforces learning
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by LearningVerb321
Vardas, pavardė
Is it true, that this sentence below is written in the PRESENT SIMPLE? ----> I go to the work every day
Which sentence is written in the correct form of Present Tenses?
Yesterday I was in restaurant.
I'm going to play football (intention).
Look! My brother is playing valleyball now.
America was discovered by C. Columbus.
Find two sentences which are written in present tense.
Do you like your sister?
You mustn't smoke here.
We're reading books now. They are so interesting!
He said me that I hadn't been at school yesterday.
Incorrect phrase: I doesn't like sushi. Correct this phrase.
Incorrect phrase: I am making food at the moment; my brother is working now, because he every day go to the work. Correct this phrase.
Which sentence (-es) is (are) incorrect?
I have been waiting for the doctor for 3 hours.
I'm liking to go to school.
My mum always reads a book on Saturday.
I'm cooking my breakfast now.
Now questions in Lithuanian :) Ką parodo present simple laikas?
Veiksmą, kuris vyks ateity.
Veiksmą, kuris įvyko praeitį
Ką parodo present continuous?
Veiksmą, kuris vyksta dabar.
Veiksmo momentą šiuo metu, dabar.
Veiksmą, kuris įvyko vakar.
Nėra teisingo atsakymo.
Ką parodo present perfect laikas?
Veiksmas įvyko praeity, bet nežinome kuriuo metu.
Veiksmas įvyko praeity, bet žinome kuriuo metu.
Iki kada atliksime veiksmą.
Veiksmo momentą gilioje ateityje.
Nėra teisingo (-ų) atsakymo (-ų)
Kokiu laiku parašytas šis sakinys? -----> I have been waiting for the bus for four hours.
Present Simple
Past Simple
Present Continuous
Present Perfect
Past Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
Fututre Perfect Continuous
The passive voice
Parašykite šį sakinį PRESENT CONTINUOUS laiku. Sakinį rašykite didžiosiomis raidėmis. ---> They are eating food yesterday [veiksmas vyksta dabar]
This sentence is written in present tenses. ---> I'm going to the cinema (intention).
{"name":"Present Tenses, form 11", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of present tenses with this interactive quiz designed for learners of all levels. Improve your understanding of English grammar while having fun!Multiple-choice questionsText-based correctionsEngaging format that reinforces learning","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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