VEX IQ Health & Safety

This question relates to the hazards of working with batteries. Check all the boxes that apply. You should alert your teacher when...
The battery is too cold.
The battery is too hot.
The battery is appears to be broken.
The battery light is showing green.
This question also relates to the hazards of working with batteries. Check all the boxes that apply. You should never...
Pierce batteries.
Let batteries run entirely out of charge.
Touch the terminals of the batteries.
Short charge batteries.
This question relates to the hazards of working moving parts. Check all the boxes that apply. You should..
Tie up hair when working with robots.
Roll up your sleeves and tuck in ties when working with robots.
Ensure your robot is switched off when working with robots.
Use the pin puller to remove pins.
This question relates to trip hazards. Check all the boxes that apply. It is best practice to...
Download and run a project on the worktops.
Download and run a project on the floor.
Download and run a project on the arena.
Leave parts/components on the floor.
This question relates to sharp edges. Check all the boxes that apply. You should...
Tell your teacher if you require first aid
Report any broken parts/components to your teacher.
Attempt first aid yourself.
Ignore it.
{"name":"VEX IQ Health & Safety", "url":"","txt":"This question relates to the hazards of working with batteries. Check all the boxes that apply. You should alert your teacher when..., This question also relates to the hazards of working with batteries. Check all the boxes that apply. You should never..., This question relates to the hazards of working moving parts. Check all the boxes that apply. You should..","img":""}
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