Imagine that you are standing in a field and you see a group of butterflies. You notice an individual that looks significanlty different from the othr butterflies in the population. This difference allows the buterfly to escape predatoin more efficiently than other butterflies in the population. How might this trait have arisen in the individual?
There were more predators in the surrounding area, so the butterflies allowed themselves to be caught to save the faster butterglies in the population
There was a random mutation in a gene that led to differences in the ability to escape predation.
There was a mutation in a gene that led to differences in the ability to attract mates
A young girl is staring at the raindrops running down her window. She notices that the raindrops remain more or less intact, even as they cascade down the windowpane. This is a result of:
Covalent bonds between water molecules
Oxygen bonds between water molecules
Polar covalent bonds between water molecules
Hydrogen bonds between water molecules
Ionic bonds between water molecules
Bernice observed that when she supplemented her watering regime with a particular brand of fertilizer, "A", her plants seemed to grow taller. She thought to herself, "Brand A fertilizer is causing my plant to grow taller." Bernice collected 20 plants. She supplemented the normal watering regime of 10 plants with fertilizer A. The remaining ten plants recieved the normal watering regime without the fertilizer supplement. After two months she determined the average plant group of plants. What is the control group in the investigation?
The normal watering regime with fertilizer A
The normal watering regime without a fertilizer supplement
The watering regime
The control is that she statred all of the plants the same, with the expection of the fertilizer treatment
What is the experimental group in bernices investigation?
The normal watering regime with fertilizer A
The normal watering regime without a fertilizer supplement
The watering regime
The control is that she started all of the plants the same, with the exception of the fertilizer treatment
Bernices investigation is an example of a controlled experiment because:
It is not a controlled experiment becasue some plants recieved a fertilizer supplement and other did not
She used 20 plants
Ten plants recieved a fertilizer treatment and the other ten did not
She treated all of the plants the same with the exception of the fertilizer treatment
Synthesis of nucleic acids always occurs in the 5' --> 3' direction
A double stranded DNA molecule is being transcribed
A double stranded DNA molecule is being transcribed
Which of the follwing is the correct mRNA produced from the transcription of this DNA molecule?
During transcription in what directoin is the DNA template "read" by the polymerase?
Translation is the process by which:
Proteins are synthesized from RNA molecules
RNA is synthesized from protein
Proteins are synthesized from DNA molecules
RNA is synthesized from DNA
DNA is synthesized from protein
DNA is a type of macromolecule called a _____. Its monomers are called _____.
Protein; amino acids
Deoxyribonucleic acids; amino acids
Nucleotide; deoxyribonucleic acids
Deoxyribonucleic acid; nucleotides
In eukaryotes, the messenger RNA consits of the:
RNA transcript
RNA transcript with cap added
RNA transcript with cap added and introns removed
RNA transcript with cap added, introns removed and poly(A) sequence added
A major difference between eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells is that:
Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus and prokaryotic cells do not
Prokaryotic cells have a nucleus and eukaryotic cells do not
Neither of them have a nucleus
Both of them have a nucleus
Nucleic acids are important information storage molecules present in virtually every cell. Which of the following process are carrued out by a cell when it accesses that information in the DNA of the genes?
DNA replication and transcription
DNA replication and translation
Transcription and Translation
The three main groups, or domains, of organisms are:
Animals, plants and fungi
Animals, plants and bacteria
Bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes
Bacteria, archaea, and prokaryotes
In biology we say information flows from (hint: central dogma):
DNA directly to protein
Protein to RNA to DNA
DNA to RNA to protein
RNA to protein to DNA
How many molecules would be produced in making a polypeptide that is 14 amino acids long?
How is the information stored in DNA?
In the sequence of amino acids
In the sequence of nucleotides
In the sequence of covalent bonds
In the sequence of phosphate groups
In DNA molecules, complementary base pairs always include one purine nucleotide and one pyrimidine nucleotide. In the DNA of certain bacterial cells, 16% of the nucleotides are adenine nucleotides. What are the percentages of the other nucleotides in the bacterial DNA?
16% thymine, 34% guanine, 34% cytosine
34% uracil, 16% guanine, 16% cytosine
34% thymine, 34% guanine, 16% cytosine
The strands in a DNA molecule are:
During eukaryotic translation, which of the following is NOT used?
RNA polymerase
Which of the following steps in translatoin is NOT part of the elongation phase?
Ejection of an uncharged tRNA from the E side of the ribosome
Movement of the ribosome three bases closer to the 3' end of the mRNA
Peptide bond formation
Binding of initiator tRNA to AUG start codon
Introduction of a charged tRNA into an unoccupied A site of the ribosome
How might you alter a tRNA carrying lysinde to a tRNA carying alanine?
Alter the anticodon
Alter the amino acid attachment site in lysine tRNA
Alter the codon
Alter the amino acid attachment site in alanine tRNA
If green molecules can pass thru membrane, which net direction will the green molecules first move (i.e. diffuse)
To the right
To the left
Both directions
If green molecules cannot pass thru membrane:In which net direction will the water molecules move?
Energy input in the form of ATP is needed in which of the following processes?
Why does ADP have less potential energy than ATP?
Because ATP has ribose as a sugar
Because ADP has only two phosphate group
Becasue ATP has adenine in it
Which of the following transformations would yield products with more organized than the starting material
The conversion of monosaccharides to starch
The conversion of a polypeptide to amino acids
The conversion of RNA to nucleotides
How many steps are there in glycolysis
Which kind of metabolic poison would most directly interfere with glycolysis?
An agent that reacts with oxygen and depletes its concentration in the cell
An agent that binds to pyruvate and inactivates it
An agent that closely mimics the structure of glucose but is not metabolized
An agent that reacts with NADH and oxidizes it to NAD+
An agent that blocks the passage of electrons along the electron transport chain
In glycolysis, for each molecule of glucose oxidized to pyruvate _____.
Two molecules of ATP are used and two molecules od ATP are produced
Two molecules of ATP are used and four molecules of ATP are produced
Four molecules of ATP are used and two molecules of ATP are produced
Two molecules of ATP are used and six molecules of ATP are produced
In addition to ATP, what are the end products of glycolysis?
CO2 and H2O
CO2 and pyruvate
NADH and pyruvate
CO2 and NADH
Glycolysis is active when cellular energy levels are ___. The regulatory enzyme, phosphofructokinase, is ____ by ATP.
Low; activated
Low; inhibited
High; activated
High; inhibited
Most of the ATP produced during cellular respiration is generated through:
Substrae-level phosphorylation
Oxidative phosphorylation
Reduction of NAD+
Reduction of FAD
Oxidation of pyruvate
In plants, which of the following is the "waste" of the light reaction in photosynthesis?
A and C
Chloroplast ATP synthases are powered by the flow of protons from the:
Intermembrane space to the cytoplasm
Thylakoid lumen to the stroma
Stroma to the intermembrane space
In terms of energy production, humans have nothing in common with plants.
A cell undergoing mitosis in a small mamal contains 8 homologous pairs of chromosomes. How many chromosomes are there in the mammals cell at the end of G2 phase?
8 chromosomes
16 chromosomes
32 chromosomes
64 chromosomes
In human and many other eukaryotic species cells the nuclear membrane has to disappear to permit ___.
The attachment of microtubules to kinetochores
The splitting of the centrosomes
The disassembly of the nucleolus
How is plant cell cytokinesis different from animal cell cytokinesis?
The contractile filaments found in plant cells are structures composed of carbohydrates; the cleavage furrow in animal cells is composed of contractile phospholipids
Plant cells deposit vesicles containing cell-wall building blocks on the metaphase plate; animal cells form a cleavage furrow
The structural proteins of plant cells separate the two cells; in animal cells, a cell membrane seperates the two daughter cells
Plant cells divide after metaphase but before anaphase; animal cells divide after anaphase
During anaphase I, which of the following separate?
Homologous chromosomes
Sister chromatids
Sex chromosomes
The product of the p53 gene ___.
Inhibits the cell cycle
Slows down the rate of DNA replication by interfering with the binding of DNA polymerase
Causes cells to reduce expression of genes involoved in DNA repair
Allows cells to pass on mutations due to DNA damage
Meiosis of one diploid cell results in the production of _____.
2 diploid cells
2 haploid cells
4 diploid cells
4 haploid cells
DNA is synthesized through a process known as ____.
Semiconservative replication
Conservative replication
Which enzyme is incorrectly paired with its function?
DNA polymerase III- proofread DNA base pairs
DNA ligase- synthesize okazaki fragments
DNA helicase- unwind DNA
Primase- correct replication mistakes
Which of the following sequences would result from replicatoin of this DNA template strand? 3'-AAGTCAGT-5'
The mutation resulting in sickle-cell disease changed one base pair of DNA so that a codon now codes for a different amino acid so it is an example of a ___.
Nonsense mutation
Frameshift mutation
Silent mutation
Missense mutation
Alternative versions of individual genes are called ____.
When crossing an organism that is homozyhous reccessive for a single trait with a heterozygote, what is the chance of producing an offspring with the homozygous recessive phenotype?
In certain plants, tall is dominant to short. If a heterozygous plant is crossed with a homozygous tall plant, what is the probability that the offspring will be short?
Cinnabar eyes is sex-linked, recessive characteristics in fruit flies. If a female having cinnabar eyes is crossed with a whild-type male, what percentage of the F1 males will have cinnabar eyes?
In a populatoin of mendels garden peas, the frequency of the dominat A (yellow flower) allele is 80%. Let p represent the frequency of the A allele and q represent the frequency of the a allele. Assuming that the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equlibrium, what are the genotype frequencies?
64% AA, 32%Aa, 4%aa
50% AA, 25% Aa, 25% aa
16% AA, 40% Aa, 10% aa
75% AA, 15% Aa, 10% aa
80% AA, 10% Aa, 10% aa

A single species of fish, three-spined sickleback, once inhabited a large lake. At some point in the lakes history, lava flowed from a nearby volcano into the lake cutting into three completely isolated mini-lakes. Despite the hear from the lava, a few individuals from the original population of stickleback survived in each mini-lake. Three million years later, a researcher finds that each mini-lake is inhabited by its own species of stickleback. Which of the figures most closely reflects how the three species of spiny back are related to one another?
Tree 1
Tree 2
Tree 3
Tree 4
The biological species concept states that the species are actually oe potentially ____ populations that are reproductively isolated from other such groups.
Physically similar
Genetically identical
You observe two groups of birds that appear to be closely related. Males from the first goup have bright red stripes on their tail feathers that they display in a courtship dance preceding mating. Females only respond to coloration patterns exhibited by males of their species. This is an example of ____ reproductive isolation between two species.
Two indivduals of the opposite sex are members of the same species if they:
Behave similarly
Share genetic information
Can produce fertile offspring
An ancestral population is split into two different groups, and they no longer interbreed after seperation. Which graph correctly illustrates the number of genetic difference that would be seen between the two population?
Screenshot 2023-12-11 180752

Graph 1
Graph 2
Graph 3
{"name":"BIO", "url":"","txt":"Imagine that you are standing in a field and you see a group of butterflies. You notice an individual that looks significanlty different from the othr butterflies in the population. This difference allows the buterfly to escape predatoin more efficiently than other butterflies in the population. How might this trait have arisen in the individual?, A young girl is staring at the raindrops running down her window. She notices that the raindrops remain more or less intact, even as they cascade down the windowpane. This is a result of:, Bernice observed that when she supplemented her watering regime with a particular brand of fertilizer, \"A\", her plants seemed to grow taller. She thought to herself, \"Brand A fertilizer is causing my plant to grow taller.\" Bernice collected 20 plants. She supplemented the normal watering regime of 10 plants with fertilizer A. The remaining ten plants recieved the normal watering regime without the fertilizer supplement. After two months she determined the average plant group of plants. What is the control group in the investigation?","img":""}
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