Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in hep-th on Fri, 14 Aug 20
[2008.05474] Oem Trivedi: Swampland Conjectures and Single Field Inflation in Modified Cosmological Scenarios
[2008.05477] Jared Kaplan, Sandipan Kundu: Closed Strings and Weak Gravity from Higher-Spin Causality
[2008.05483] Laura Donnay, Gaston Giribet, Felipe Rosso: Quantum BMS transformations in conformally flat space-times and holography
[2008.05491] Mohamed M. Anber, Stephen Baker: Natural inflation, strong dynamics, and the role of generalized anomalies
[2008.05493] Jaume Gomis, Ziqi Yan, Matthew Yu: T-Duality in Nonrelativistic Open String Theory
[2008.05541] Alejandra Castro, Alberto Faraggi, Israel Osorio: A note on the $\mathcal{N}=2$ super-$\mathcal{W}_3$ holographic dictionary
[2008.05542] Marios Metaxas, Peter Schmelcher, Fotis Diakonos: Non-local divergence-free currents for the account of symmetries in two-dimensional wave scattering
[2008.05577] Marieke van Beest, Antoine Bourget, Julius Eckhard et al.: (Symplectic) Leaves and (5d Higgs) Branches in the Poly(go)nesian Tropical Rain Forest
[2008.05630] Horatiu Nastase: Holographic cosmology solutions of problems with pre-inflationary cosmology
[2008.05726] Lucas Sourrouille: Landau levels for graphene layers in non-commutative plane
[2008.05862] M.G. Ivanov, A.E. Kalugin, A.A. Ogarkova et al.: On Functional Hamilton-Jacobi and Schrödinger Equations and Functional Renormalization Group
[2008.05934] Ray Otsuki: Exotic Aspects of Extended Field Theories
[2008.05944] Wung-Hong Huang: Perturbative Complexity of Interacting Theory
[2008.06047] Gregor Kälin, Zhengwen Liu, Rafael A. Porto: Conservative Tidal Effects in Compact Binary Systems to Next-to-Leading Post-Minkowskian Order
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-th on Fri, 14 Aug 20","img":""}