Newborn Care Knowledge Quiz

a colorful and informative illustration depicting a nurse caring for a newborn baby in a hospital setting, surrounded by baby-themed educational materials

Newborn Care Knowledge Quiz

Test your knowledge on newborn care and transition to extrauterine life with our comprehensive quiz. Designed for nursing students and healthcare professionals, this quiz consists of 30 multiple-choice questions covering vital concepts essential for neonatal care.

  • Assess your understanding of newborn physiology and care practices.
  • Perfect for students preparing for exams or professionals seeking to refresh their knowledge.
  • Engaging format to make learning fun and informative!
30 Questions8 MinutesCreated by CaringNurse512
A nursing student is helping the nursery nurses with morning vital signs. A baby born 10 hours ago via cesarean section is found to have moist lung sounds. What is the best interpretation of these data?
D. The lungs of a baby delivered by cesarean section may sound moist for 24 hours after birth.
The nurse should notify the pediatrician stat for this emergency situation.
The neonate must have aspirated surfactant.
If this baby was born vaginally, it could indicate a pneumothorax.
When teaching parents about their newborn’s transition to extrauterine life, the nurse explains which organs are nonfunctional during fetal life. They are the
Lungs and liver
Kidneys and adrenals
Eyes and ears
Gastrointestinal system
Nurses can prevent evaporative heat loss in the newborn by
Drying the baby after birth and wrapping the baby in a dry blanket
Keeping the baby out of drafts and away from air conditioners
Placing the baby away from the outside wall and the windows
Warming the stethoscope and nurse's hands before touching the baby
A first-time dad is concerned that his 3-day-old daughter's skin looks "yellow." In the nurse's explanation of physiologic jaundice, what fact should be included?
Physiologic jaundice occurs during the first 24 hours of life.
Physiologic jaundice is caused by blood incompatibilities between the mother and infant blood types.
The bilirubin levels of physiologic jaundice peak between the second and fourth days of life.
This condition is also known as "breast milk jaundice
To provide competent newborn care, the nurse understands that respirations are initiated at birth as a result of
An increase in the PO2 and a decrease in PCO2
The continued functioning of the foramen ovale
Chemical, thermal, sensory, and mechanical factors
Drying off the infant
In fetal circulation, the pressure is greatest in the
Right atrium
Left atrium
Hepatic system
Pulmonary veins
The nurse should alert the physician when
The infant is dusky and turns cyanotic when crying.
Acrocyanosis is present at age 1 hour.
The infant's blood glucose is 45 mg/dL.
The infant goes into a deep sleep at age 1 hour.
While assessing the newborn, the nurse should be aware that the average expected apical pulse range of a full-term, quiet, alert newborn is _____ beats/min.
80 to 100
100 to 120
120 to 160
What is a result of hypothermia in the newborn
Shivering to generate heat
Decreased oxygen demands
Increased glucose demands
Decreased metabolic rate
The infant with the lowest risk of developing high levels of bilirubin is the one who
Was bruised during a difficult delivery
Developed a cephalhematoma
Uses brown fat to maintain temperature
Breastfeeds during the first hour of life
In administering vitamin K to the infant shortly after birth, the nurse understands that vitamin K is
Important in the production of red blood cells
Necessary in the production of platelets
Not initially synthesized because of a sterile bowel at birth
Responsible for the breakdown of bilirubin and prevention of jaundice
A meconium stool can be differentiated from a transitional stool in the newborn because the meconium stool is
Seen at age 3 days
The residue of a milk curd
Passed in the first 12 hours of life
Lighter in color and looser in consistency
When the newborn infant is fed, the most likely cause of regurgitation is
Placing the infant in a prone position after a feeding
The gastrocolic reflex
An underdeveloped pyloric sphincter
A relaxed cardiac sphincter
Which statement is correct regarding the fluid balance in a newborn versus that in an adult?
The infant has a smaller percentage of surface area to body mass.
The infant has a smaller percentage of water to body mass.
The infant has a greater percentage of insensible water loss.
The infant has a 50% more effective glomerular filtration rate.
The most likely interpretation of an elevated immunoglobulin M (IgM) level in a newborn is
The infant was breastfed during the first hours after birth
Transference of immune globulins from the placenta to the infant
An overwhelming allergic response to an antigen
D. A recent exposure to a pathogenic agent
Heat loss by convection occurs when a newborn is
Placed on a cold circumcision board
Given a bath
Placed in a drafty area of the room
Wrapped in cool blankets
Infants in whom cephalhematomas develop are at increased risk for
Caput succedaneum
Erythema toxicum
A maculopapular rash with a red base and a small white papule in the center is
Mongolian spots
Erythema toxicum
Cafe-au-lait spots
A new mother asks, "Why are you doing a gestational age assessment on my baby?" The nurse's best response is
"This must be done to meet insurance requirements."
"It helps us identify infants who are at risk for any problems."
The gestational age determines how long the infant will be hospitalized."
It was ordered by your doctor."
Which nursing action is designed to avoid unnecessary heat loss in the newborn?
Place a blanket over the scale before weighing the infant.
Maintain room temperature at 70° F.
Undress the infant completely for assessments so they can be finished quickly.
Take the rectal temperature every hour to detect early changes
What characteristic shows the greatest gestational maturity?
Few rugae on the scrotum and testes high in the scrotum
Infant's arms and legs extended
Some peeling and cracking of the skin
The arm can be positioned with the elbow beyond the midline of the chest
A sign of illness in the newborn is
More than two soft stools per day
Regurgitating a small amount of feeding
A yellow scaly lesion on the scalp
An axillary temperature greater than 37.5° C
An African-American woman noticed some bruises on her newborn girl’s buttocks. She asks the nurse who spanked her daughter. The nurse explains that these marks are called
Vascular nevi
Nevus flammeus
Mongolian spots
What is the quickest and most common method to obtain neonatal blood for glucose screening 1 hour after birth?
Puncture the lateral pad of the heel.
Obtain a sample from the umbilical cord.
Puncture a fingertip.
D. Obtain a laboratory chemical determination.
A new mother states that her infant must be cold because the baby’s hands and feet are blue. The nurse explains that this is a common and temporary condition called
Erythema neonatorum
Harlequin color
Vernix caseosa
The parents of a newborn ask the nurse how much the newborn can see. The parents specifically want to know what type of visual stimuli they should provide for their newborn. The nurse responds to the parents by telling them
Infants can see very little until about 3 months of age.”
The infant’s eyes must be protected. Infants enjoy looking at brightly colored stripes
Infants can track their parent’s eyes and can distinguish patterns; they prefer complex patterns.”
It’s important to shield the newborn’s eyes. Overhead lights help them see better
A first-time father is changing the diaper of his 1-day-old daughter. He asks the nurse, “What is this black, sticky stuff in her diaper?” The nurse’s best response is
€�That’s meconium, which is your baby’s first stool. It’s normal.”
€�That’s transitional stool.”
€�That means your baby is bleeding internally.”
Oh, don’t worry about that. It’s okay.”
By knowing about variations in infants’ blood count, nurses can explain to their patients that
A somewhat lower than expected red blood cell count could be the result of delay in clamping the umbilical cord.
The early high white blood cell count (WBC) is normal at birth and should decrease rapidly.
Platelet counts are higher than in adults for a few months.
Even a modest vitamin K deficiency means a problem with the blood’s ability to clot properly.
The cheeselike, whitish substance that fuses with the epidermis and serves as a protective coating is called
Vernix caseosa
Caput succedaneum
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