Closing Information

Have you scanned the QR code on the bulletin board?
I'm going to scan it RIGHT NOW
What day to quiet hours start?
Friday December 1
Sunday December 3
Monday December 4
There are no quiet hours...
What times are quiet hours
Normal (10pm-10am)
When do you have to be out of your dorm?
By 5pm on Friday 12/8
By 10am on Saturday 12/9
By 12pm on Saturday 12/9
What things do you need to do before leaving?
Take out your trash
Unplug Appliances
Unplug your microfridge
Turn off the lights
Close and lock your window
Put your heat on high
Leave your backpack and keys in your dorm
Take valuables with you
Leave your alcohol and drugs out in the open
Leave your personal items in your friends' room
True/False: You need to take your keys, phoenix card, and other valuables home with you
True/False: Staff will not be going into my room after closing
Who should you ask if you have questions?
Our Community Director, Jordyn
Neighborhood Office
Your RA
{"name":"Closing Information", "url":"","txt":"Name:, Have you scanned the QR code on the bulletin board?, What day to quiet hours start?","img":""}
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