Prenatal Development

Stimulation of the lips causes swallowing, and palmar grasp reflex is present.
Week 10
Week 8
Week 13
Week 17
Cartilaginous skeleton forms with no joints.
Week 8
Week 5
Week 6
Week 9
Baby is considered full term.
Week 37
Week 38
Week 36
Week 39
Heart divides internally, lungs divide into lobes, lymphatic system develops.
Week 6
Week 7
Week 9
Week 5
Movement is more coordinated, thumb sucking occurs.
Week 17
Week 13
Week 10
Week 27
Baby turns toward sound.
Week 22-25
Week 17-20
Week 27
Week 28
Neural tube closes (if it doesn't, this is when spina bifida can occur).
Day 24-27
Day 13-19
Week 5
Day 20-23
Spinal cord cord and associated nerves are present throughout. Embryonic development is complete.
Week 9
Week 7
Week 10
Week 8
Baby swims in the womb. Mother can feel baby move.
Week 13-16
Week 13
Week 17
Week 17-20
Baby is sensitive to visual stimuli.
Week 29
Week 28
Week 28-35
Week 27
Neural plate and folds appear. Baby is considered an embryo.
Day 24-27
Day 20-23
Day 13-19
Week 5
Movement is first seen on ultrasound.
Week 9
Week 6
Week 8
Week 7
Rapid growth continues to occur, fingerprints develop. (if growth is abnormal, limb length discrepancy can occur)
Week 17
Week 17-20
Week 13
Week 13-16
Brain myelination begins.
Week 35-38
Week 38
Week 37
Week 28-35
Somites (basis of skeleton) form. Cephalic and caudal ends are distinguishable.
Day 24-27
Day 13-19
Day 20-23
Week 6
Spontaneous, rigorous movement. Rigorous rooting reflex.
Week 9
Week 8
Week 10
Week 7
Baby can survive if born during this time because surfactant is produced which prevents alveoli form collapsing.
Week 27
Week 22-25
Week 28
Week 17-20
Movement becomes smoother, fetus gets fatter.
Week 29
Week 28
Week 22-25
Week 28-35
Eyes and ear vesicles form, limb buds are present. Primordia of liver, pancreas, lungs, thyroid gland, kidney and heart appear.
Week 5
Day 24-27
Day 20-23
Week 6
Spinal cord myelination. Eyebrows and fingernails develop.
Week 17
Week 22-25
Week 13-16
Week 17-20
Baby has best chance of survival if born early. Full movement necessary for life. Active and passive tone are present.
Week 28
Week 29
Week 27
Week 26
Extensor and flexor tone are present.
Week 28-35
Week 35-38
Week 37
Week 38
First heartbeats occur.
Week 5
Day 20-23
Week 6
Day 24-27
Flexor tone should exceed extensor tone.
Mother needs diet sufficient in ______ for proper spinal cord myelination to occur.
Folic acid
Women should take folic acid for _____ prior to conception.
3 months
6 months
1 year
30 days
Most congenital hip dislocations occur at this stage.
Day 20-23
Week 6
Week 8
Day 24-27
Peripheral nerves move to limbs and trunk. Feeling is present in limbs.
Week 5
Week 7
Week 8
Week 6
{"name":"Prenatal Development", "url":"","txt":"Stimulation of the lips causes swallowing, and palmar grasp reflex is present., Cartilaginous skeleton forms with no joints., Baby is considered full term.","img":""}
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