Which Detective Conan cop are you?

A colorful illustration of various characters from Detective Conan, including detectives, police officers, and the main characters in a crime scene setting with a kid observing curiously.

Which Detective Conan Cop Are You?

Ever wondered which cop from Detective Conan best matches your personality? Take this fun quiz to find out! With a series of engaging questions, you'll discover which character resonates with your traits, thoughts, and behaviors.

  • Multiple-choice questions
  • Fun insights into your personality
  • Relatable to fans of the series
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CuriousDetective102
Can you drive?
Really well! A little recklessly at times, but I know what I'm doing.
I'm a decent driver. I can go from one place to the next, nothing flashy.
Sure, I can drive. I don't own a car, though.
I can neither confirm nor deny my driving capabilities.
What are you, a cop?
Opinion on breaking the law?
What? Absolutely not! We're meant to be enforcing the law! What kind of hypocrites would we be if we just ignored it, even in the name of good?!
I'll only break the law if I absolutely have to, for the sake of justice. I'll accept my punishment as a result of it, too.
It's not pretty, but sometimes you need to do what needs to be done.
I can have little an illegal activity. As a treat.
It's okay if it's funny.
Pick a romance-related trope:
Love triangle
Childhood friends to (eventually) lovers
I think my s/o is hiding things from me...
Will they or won't they?
Trope? I just love my wife.
I'm too busy with work to get into relationship drama.
There's a kid running around the crime scene yet again, but he seems to be acting very careful not to disturb the body or the evidence.
Still, this kid's like 6 and is currently hovering over the corpse, and you're a responsible adult. What do you do?
Pick him up and tell him to leave. Kids don't belong at crime scenes!
Ask him if he noticed anything strange. This kid is pretty sharp!
Tell him off, but not too harshly. He shouldn't be here, but there's nothing wrong with being curious!
That's my boy!
Yell at him and kick him out. Sure, it might be a little harsh, but he should know better by now!
Be honest. How smart do you think you are?
I'd LIKE to consider myself at least averagely intelligent.
I am a genius among idiots, even if my brilliance is rarely appreciated by the common folk.
I'm confident in my smarts, but I know that there's still plenty to learn.
Honestly? I can be a little dumb, and that's okay.
What do you think of the aforementioned kid? (You know, the one that keeps showing up at crime scenes)
Are we sure he's not some god of death or something? I swear, I see him around murder scenes every other day.
There's definitely something weird about him, but he's a good kid.
Ugh. He's kinda annoying at gets in the way, but I have to admit that he has made a few good deductions.
He knows more than he lets on, but I'm not planning on digging into it too much. I look forward to seeing him!
I couldn't be prouder! He still has quite a ways to go, but with some hard work he would make a fine detective.
It's a family gathering! What are you doing?
Babysitting the young'uns.
Making sure grandpa doesn't say anything racist, again.
Helping to put the food away, since no one else seems to be doing it...
Chatting with my relatives! It's been a while, and I can't wait to tell them about what I've been doing.
Playing with the family dog in the corner until your mom politely asks you to come socialize, which you begrudgingly do, but the whole time you're thinking about how much you'd rather be petting the dog right now.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Nah, I'm a total skeptic. All the "evidence" towards ghosts can easily be disproved if you really look into it.
Ghosts, aliens, cryptids, you name it! The truth is out there!!
I do believe in ghosts, but I think those ghost hunting shows are bs. You can't keep showing me footage of dust and claiming that it's "orbs", Zak.
I'm open to the idea of ghosts.
Are you well-liked among your co-workers/peers?
I'd say I'm decently popular.
There's definitely some hostility there, but I try not to let it get to me.
Why WOULDN'T they like me? I'm great!
Eh. I don't particularly care. I have a few friends who I work well with, and that's all I need.
They love to hate me! :3c
I know they respect me, but "well-liked"? Gosh, I hope so.
How easily can your mind be changed?
Not easily at all. I'm pretty dead-set in my ways.
When the facts are in my face, it wouldn't be too hard to convince me.
I change my mind every five minutes!
Having a concrete opinion? In MY me?
Pick a bad quality:
I get into people's faces too much when we argue.
I get really jealous from time to time.
I jump to conclusions too often.
Bad qualities? I don't have any.
I can be painfully oblivious.
Rather than telling someone something outright, I'll forcefully make them figure it out themselves (I like watching them squirm).
I'm too hard-headed
I pepper proverbs into my everyday conversations because I think it makes me look cool.
Do you prefer to work with others, or to work alone?
I like working with a small group of people that I trust.
I like working with a variety of people!
I'd preferably like to work with at least one other person, but if need be I can work alone.
I like working alone, but I don't mind discussing my work with others.
I ONLY work by myself. Whenever I try to work with others, it never goes well.
What's your opinion on kids?
I'd love to be a parent someday!
They're annoying and loud.
I may not be the best at showing it, but I do love them.
I'm ambivalent. They're just small humans, do I need an opinion on them?
I love my kid(s) unconditionally. I make a point to be nice to other people's kids, too.
How physically fit are you?
I could toss a man across the room, if that's what you're asking.
I've... Been better.
Please do not rely on me in a fight.
I get winded when walking up a flight of stairs...
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