
A vibrant illustration of magpies in an Australian landscape, showcasing their distinctive black and white feathers, with a focus on their natural habitat and behavior.

Discover the World of Magpies

Test your knowledge about one of Australia's most fascinating birds: the Magpie! This quiz will challenge you with questions about their diet, gender differences, distribution, and age identification.

  • 4 engaging multiple-choice questions
  • Learn more about these unique birds
  • Perfect for bird enthusiasts!
4 Questions1 MinutesCreated by FlyingFeather27
What do Magpies eat?
Insects and small animals and sometimes steal human food ( peanuts are okay to feed them)
How do you tell the difference between female and male
Only boys sing that lovely flute like warble
Boys are purely black and white while girls have grey as well.
They look the same
They are found pretty much all over Australia ( not desert )
How do you tell their age?
Young ones are much smaller
Young ones don't make many sounds
Young ones have very fluffy grey tummys and as they get older it changes to black tummy
{"name":"Magpies", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge about one of Australia's most fascinating birds: the Magpie! This quiz will challenge you with questions about their diet, gender differences, distribution, and age identification.4 engaging multiple-choice questionsLearn more about these unique birdsPerfect for bird enthusiasts!","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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