Copyright Law Quiz

My visual illustration of a cartoon character with the food groups is protected by copyright law even though it is not necessarily a written document.
If I am referencing a derivative work that relates to the diagram of the human skeletal composition, derivative work is regarded as which of the following?
Derivative work is a creation that is authentic.
Derivative work is modeled after prior subjects.
In the case of UCLA Professor Dr. Williams and Edwin Weisser, the court found that Weisser used derivative works to compile his notes and therefore was not at fault for copyright infringement.
If a student were to sell notes based off of my class lectures, I would be at liberty to file for suit upon infringment of my copyrighted material. Furthermore, lectures are not considered derivative works.
The 'teacher exception' would protect which of the following categories of instruction materials in my classroom? Hint: The remaining answers are considered property of the employer or school.
Homework Problems
Federal protection of the Copyright Act would allow me to possess exclusive rights over the reproduction and distribution of my creative works, regardless of the format it is distributed as.
Which law changed the requirement of having to place an easily recognizable copyright symbol on an individual's creative works?
The Berne Convention Implementation Act
The Copyright Application Act
The Distinguishable Mark Act
If a copyright notice is required for my work, an I must exercise which of the following terms in order reapply copyright notices I may have erased prior?
Rational effort
Expedited notice
Reasonable effort
My copyright will last how many years following my death?
In order to sell or transfer the rights of my copyright material, I would need to convey this transition in what type of confirmation?
Verbal oath
Firm handshake
If I create a joint work of a conditioning exercise with a fellow teacher in my department, I do not need to ask for permission to do with the material whatever I please.
If I create a lesson plan on personal hydration, that material isn't considered property of the school and the 'work made for hire' rule is irrelavant.
If a student in your class has evidently used an illegal downloading site to hyperlink a video or music into their class presentation on lifelong hobbies, the action is permissable because copyright laws do not pertain to works posted on the internet.
Copying an article from a Health periodical is prohibited in the regards that it is utilized for 'scholarly purposes'.
As mentioned above, if I use that same Health article for the purposes of instruction and research, that would be best considered which of the following exceptions?
Common law
Fair use
Acceptable use
If I were to distribute pennants with John Wooden quotes in order to earn monetary gains, I would be infringing upon fair use copyright laws?
I can make multiple copies of a full essay in the confines that it is less than how many words?
I am restricted to making only one copy if I am copying an entire chapter from a book.
If I wanted to make multiple copies of the human muscular diagram from our Human Anatomy textbooks, then I would be able to do so under the fair use exception.
My class is in the middle of a pickleball unit. I come across a helpful visual that helps demonstrate how to perform a proper serve in pickleball on my Pinterest feed for physical education. I am permitted to use this material because of fair use in which of the following capacities?
Cumulative effect
Timely instruction
My school library has made copies of a journal entry pertaining to sports medecine. Am I at liberty to use those materials in the respect that they were created without intent to sell?
I want to incorporate Digital Wish computer software into my classroom, can I copy one of the programs to use for the rest of my students in the effect of fair use?
If I am not allowed to tape a news program for instructional purposes, who in my community, if anybody, is allowed to do so?
School Administration
Technology Specialist
Our library tapesa local news cast of our high school students working with our youth track program. How long will this material be made available to the public (from the library) before the material is erased or destroyed?
40 days
45 days
50 days
I want to request access to videotape and gain copyright of a Boise State University women's basketball weight training video demonstration. Specification of the material to be copied, how many copies will be made, and the purpose for copying this material will be needed.
If I am proven to have purposefully infracted upon copyright laws, I may face as much as $150,000 in penalties and dues.
If I am to show the movie, "Remember the Titans" for my fitness and conditioning course, the film must be legally obtained or created.
In the circumstance that I would use copyrighted material to instruct distance learners in my class, I would be protected under which amendment of the Copyright Act?
The COPY Act
In the circumstance that I create a unit packet that contains copyright material, it is best practice as an educator to never solicit these materials in exchange for monetary gain!
Under the educational use exemption, I would be allowe to display copyright materials in my classroom under the criteria that they were used in what capacity?
Direct teaching
Face to face teaching
Summative teaching
{"name":"Copyright Law Quiz", "url":"","txt":"My visual illustration of a cartoon character with the food groups is protected by copyright law even though it is not necessarily a written document., If I am referencing a derivative work that relates to the diagram of the human skeletal composition, derivative work is regarded as which of the following?, In the case of UCLA Professor Dr. Williams and Edwin Weisser, the court found that Weisser used derivative works to compile his notes and therefore was not at fault for copyright infringement.","img":""}
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