Investor Profile Questionnaire

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When do you expect to withdraw a signficant portion (1/3 or more) of the money in your investment portfolio?
Less than 1 year
1-3 years
4-6 years
7-9 years
10 years or more
Which statement best describes your investment knowledge.
I have very little knowledge of investments and financial markets.
I have a moderate level of knowledge of investments and financial markets.
I have extensive investment knowledge; understand different investment products and follow financial markets closely.
What is your primary goal for this portfolio?
I want to keep the money I have invested safe from short-term losses or readily available for short-term needs.
I want to generate a steady stream of income from my investments and I am less concerned about growing the value of my investments.
I want to generate some income with some opportunity for the investments to grow in value.
I want to generate long-term growth from my investments.
What is your annual income (from all sources)?
Less than $25,000
$25,000 - $49,999
$50,000 - $74,999
$75,000 - $99,999
$100,000 - $199,999
$200,000 or more
Your current and future income sources are:
Somewhat stable
How would you classify your overall financial situation?
No savings and significant debt
Little savings and a fair amount of debt
Some savings and some debt
Some savings and little or no debt
Significant savings and little or no debt
What is your estimated net worth (investments, cash, home and other real estate less mortgage loans and all other debts)?
Less than $50,000
$50,000 - $99,999
$100,00 - $249,999
$250,00 - $499,999
$500,000 -$999,999
$1,000,000 or more
This investment account represents approximately what percentage of your total savings and investments. (Total savings and investments include all the money you have in cash savings, GICs, savings bonds, mutual funds, stocks and bonds)?
Less than 25%
More than 75%
What is your age group?
Under 35
65 or older
In making financial and investment decisions you are:
Very conservative and try to minimize risk and avoid the possibility of any loss
Conservative but willing to accept a small amount of risk
Willing to accept a moderate level of risk and tolerate losses to achieve potentially higher retu
Aggressive and typically take on significant risk and are willing to tolerate large losses for the potential of achieving higher returns
The value of an investment portfolio will generally go up and down over time. Assuming that you have invested $10,000, how much of a decline in your investment portfolio could you tolerate in a 12 month period?
I could not tolerate any loss
-$300 (-3%)
-$1,000 (-10%)
-$2,000 (-20%)
More than -$2,000 (more than -20%)
When you are faced with a major financial decision, are you more concerned about the possible losses or the possible gains?
Always the possible losses
Usually the possible losses
Usually the possible gains
Always the possible gains
The chart above shows the greatest one year loss and the highest one year gain on four different investments of $10,000. Given the potential gain or loss in any one year, which investment would you likely invest your money in:
EITHER a loss of $0 OR a gain of $200
EITHER a loss of $200 OR a gain of $500
EITHER a loss of $800 OR a gain of $1,200
EITHER a loss of $2,000 OR a gain of $2,500
From September 2008 through November 2008, North American stock markets lost over 30%. If you currently owned an investment that lost over 30% in 3 months you would:
Sell all of the remaining investment to avoid further losses
Sell a portion of the remaining investment to protect some of your capital
Hold onto the investment and not sell any of the investment in the hopes of higher future returns
Buy more of the investment now that prices are lower
The charts above show hypothetical annual returns (gains and losses) for four different investment portfolios over a 10 year period. Which investment portfolio would you be most comfortable holding?
Portfolio A
Portfolio B
Portfolio C
Portfolio D
{"name":"Investor Profile Questionnaire", "url":"","txt":"When do you expect to withdraw a signficant portion (1\/3 or more) of the money in your investment portfolio?","img":""}
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