The Bank Underground Christmas Quiz

Question 1 (International Banking): Santa Claus lives at the North pole. What currency does his nearest cash machine dispense?
Canadian Dollars
Russian Roubles
Norwegian Krona
Icelandic Krona
Question 2 (History of Economic Thought): Which classical economist’s ideas are approvingly mentioned by Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”
Thomas Malthus
David Ricardo
Adam Smith
John Stuart Mill
Question 3 (Trade): What is the main goods export of Christmas Island?
Iron Ore
Passion Fruit
Question 4 (Central Banking): Which snowy central bank is this?
Swiss National Bank
Central Bank of Iceland
The Riksbank
Bank of Finland
Question 5 (Macroeconomics): Which Nobel prize winning American economist was born on Boxing Day?
Edward Prescott
Finn Kydland
Robert Mundell
Clive Granger
Question 6 (Banking): In the Bible, Jesus suggests that interest rates were above the zero lower bound in first century Judea. In his ‘Parable of the talents’, one protagonist exclaims “Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.”. In which gospel does this appear?
Question 7 (Financial Stability): A pivotal moment in the South Sea Bubble was the announcement that the company was going to defer its Christmas dividend for 12 months. Which year’s deferral was the harbinger of doom for the troubled company?
Question 8 (Banknotes): In 19th century, images of Santa Claus could be found on the banknotes of which country?
New Zealand
United States of America
Question 9 (Microeconomics): In Davis and Wohlgenant’s seminal 1993 American Journal of Agricultural Economics paper on Christmas tree pricing, what was the estimated price elasticity of demand for Christmas trees?
Question 10: (Macroeconomics): One might expect the January sales to show up in the aggregate price statistics. On average what is the month on month change in consumer prices index between December and January since 1989?
{"name":"The Bank Underground Christmas Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Question 1 (International Banking): Santa Claus lives at the North pole. What currency does his nearest cash machine dispense?, Question 2 (History of Economic Thought): Which classical economist’s ideas are approvingly mentioned by Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”, Question 3 (Trade): What is the main goods export of Christmas Island?","img":""}
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