Unit 5: Judicial Branch

Which of the following did the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights attempt to limit?
Social contract theory
The divine right of kings
The right to resist illegitimate government
Unalienable rights
What was the Enlightenment?
A religious revival that introduced the divine right of kings.
An absolute monarch’s discovery of electricity.
A revolution to overthrow all imperfect forms of government.
An intellectual movement that questioned existing political forms.
How did the Enlightenment contribute to the American Revolution?
Governments created systems to protect individual rights.
Philosophers began to question traditional notions of power.
Governments began to rule according to principles of justice and equality.
Philosophers established the concept of rule by divine right of kings.
Use the excerpt to answer the question: “All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…” Which Enlightenment philosopher influenced this excerpt from the Declaration of Independence?
William Blackstone
Charles de Montesquieu
John Locke
Thomas Jefferson
The concept of natural rights was a radical departure in thought at the time of the Enlightenment because:
It rejected the idea that rights were given by the ruler.
It created a new system of government, rejecting the social contract.
It consolidated power in the hands of the monarch.
It allowed the formation a written constitution.
Where did John Locke believe governments derive their power?
The people
The laws
A social contract exists when:
The government rules according to the consent of the governed.
The people agree to follow the laws put in place by the police.
The people have an agreement to overthrow the government.
The government agrees to protect unalienable rights.
Use the excerpt to answer the question: “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” Which of the following concepts does the excerpt illustrate?
The divine right of kings
Social contract theory
Unalienable rights
Separation of powers
Which of the following concepts did Charles de Montesquieu develop?
Unalienable rights
Separation of powers
Social contract theory
The divine right of kings
Why did American colonists believe they had to set up forms of self-government?
The British government was requiring the colonists to send representatives.
The colonists migrated so they could revolt against the British government.
The British government was too remote to govern the colonies directly.
The colonists wished only to farm in villages along the coastal areas.
Which of the following was a form of colonial self-government?
Declaration of Independence
Virginia House of Burgesses
Magna Carta
British Parliament
How did the Seven Years' War affect the relationship between the colonies and Great Britain?
It decimated the population of the colonies because of the military service requirement
It increases ties between the two because the colonists required greater protection.
It increased tension between the two because Great Britain increased taxes to pay for the war.
It reduced the size of the colonies because Great Britain lost much of its territory.
Why was the government created by the Articles of Confederation ineffective?
It was too weak.
It was never intended to last beyond the war.
It did not severe ties with Great Britain.
It overpowered the state governments.
Which of the following best describes John Adams' contributions to the writing of the Constitution?
He argued against the adoption of the Bill of Rights.
He developed and wrote the main sections of the document.
He argued for a bicameral legislature and the separation of powers.
He wished to include a national banking system in the document.
What did the conflict between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson center on?
The creation of a Declaration of Independence
The separation of power into three branches with checks and balances
The validity of the Articles of Confederation as a form of government
The amount of power that a central government should hold over the states
Why is James Madison considered the “father of the Constitution”?
He played a pivotal role in drafting the Bill of Rights.
He developed the structure of the Constitution.
He selected all the delegates to the Constitutional Convention.
He was the first and greatest critic of the Articles of Confederation.
Which of the following best describes John Jay’s contributions to the writing of the Constitution?
He developed the guidelines for how the system of checks and balances should operate.
He argued that there should be a judicial branch included with the executive and legislative branches.
He was successful in getting slavery outlawed under the Constitution.
He helped author the Federalist Papers in support of a strong central government.
George Mason and John Jay were similar in that they both:
Wrote the Federalist Papers.
Signed the Constitution.
Opposed a bicameral legislature.
Argued for an end to slavery
Which of the following best describes Roger Sherman’s contributions to the writing of the Constitution?
He helped negotiate the Great Compromise.
He favored equal voting power for all states.
He proposed the Three-Fifths Compromise.
He proposed the bicameral legislature.
Which of the following individuals was most influential on how the executive branch functions?
John Jay
George Mason
George Washington
Roger Sherman
Which of the following best describes James Wilson’s contributions to the writing of the Constitution?
He proposed the bicameral legislature.
He helped negotiate the Great Compromise.
He proposed the Three-Fifths Compromise.
He favored equal voting power for all people.
Why did larger states favor the Virginia Plan for representation?
Representation would be equal between all states.
Representation would be based on the slave population.
Representation would be based on the geographic size of the state.
Representation would be based on population.
What did the Great Compromise create?
A method of counting the slave population
A method of electing the president
A unicameral legislature
A bicameral legislature
Why was the Electoral College created?
To create a compromise between slave owners and abolitionists
To reconcile differences between states' rights and federal rights supporters
To allow the president to be directly elected from the population
To provide for a greater representation of all states in the legislature
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