According to Sri Krishna, how can one know Him completely without any doubt?
A) By reading many scriptures and speculating by oneself
B) By meditation and penance
C) By performing many yagnas and dhaanas
D) By performing yoga with mind fully fixed on Krishna and surrendering unto Him
By knowing what, according to Sri Krishna, there would not be anything more to be known
A) Knowledge of attaining the self (jeevathma)
B) Knowledge of aathma (saankhya gnaana)
C) Knowledge about swarupa of the Lord, prakruthi and purusha (jeevathma) belonging to Him, dependent on Him and are different from Him in swarupa and swabhava
D) Prakruthi, jeeva and paramathma are one and the same
Jeevathmas are considered as
A) Belonging to Krishna and separate from Him
B) Apara prakruthi that support para prakruthi
C) Para prakruthi that support Apara prakruthi
D) Both A & B are correct
E) Both A & C are correct
All the bhoothas in the universe from Lord Brahma to minute atomic being
A) Are independent of Krishna
B) Are same as Krishna
C) Have Krishna as their origin and destruction
D) Are just illusion and non-existent in reality
Choose one or more correct options
A) Krishna is one of many devathas told in Vedas
B) Krishna is the chief among the devathas
C) Krishna is infinitely superior to all devathas and not one among devathas
D) Prakruthi, Jeeva and Krishna are non-different from each other
E) Krishna is antharyami of all (Prakruthi, Jeeva, deva and all bhoothas)
F) There is none among devathas, manushya, thiryak and sthavara who is equal or greater than Krishna.
Choose one or more correct options
A) Sun and moon can manifest brilliance by themselves
B) Omkara is the essence of all Vedas
C) Humans beings do penance because of their own capacity and their penance itself gives them the result
D) Krishna is the cause of the light in sun and moon
E) Krishna forms the capacity of penance and also giver of the result for penance
How many kinds of qualities (Gunas) does prakruthi have?
A) None
B) Four
C) Many
D) Three
According to Bhagavad Ramanuja, in the verse 'daivi hy esha guNamayi: mama ma:ya: duratyaya:' what does ma:ya: mean?
A) Prakruti which exists temporarily, but does not exist in reality
B) Illusion, which is a temporary effect, but does not exist in reality
C) Prakruthi, which exists as a reality
D) Sufferings given by God
How can one transcend the Maya?
A) By understanding that they are in illusion
B) By knowing that they are aathma but not body
C) By worshipping any ishtadevatha with great devotion
D) By surrendering to Krishna alone without any second option
E) By understanding that they are themselves God and everything is mithya
F) By giving up everything, going to the forest, sitting in a suitable asana, with a seat not too high, not too low, sitting on deer skin, focusing on the tip of the nose and meditating on void or bright light
If a person worships Krishna for wealth, he may be called as
A) Dushkrutha
B) Moodha
C) Jignasu
D) Arthaarthi
Those who have positive knowledge about Krishna and His manifestations but hate Krishna are known as
A) Aarthah
B) Mooda:h
C) Naraadhamah
D) Asuram bhaavamashrithah
What does “Ekabhakthi” mean
A) Worshipping Krishna only when in difficulties
B) Worshipping Krishna only for wealth
C) Worshipping Krishna only for self-realization
D) Worshipping Krishna only with love for Krishna and wanting only Krishna but not something materialistic that is given by Krishna
Who is considered as ATHMA of Krishna
A) Udharaha
B) Sukruthaha
C) Jnaani
D) All of them
Why do people worship other devathas when Krishna is superior to everyone?
A) Because of the materialistic desires they have
B) Because they think that all devathas are independent and can give results by themselves
C) Because they are deluded by prakruthi
D) Because they are ignorant of this fact
E) Because they are envious of Krishna
F) All are correct
Choose one or more correct answers
A) Devathas are independent and can give whatever their devotees want
B) It is Krishna that gives the results even from devathas by being their antharyami
C) It is Krishna who makes one develop Shraddha and bhakti towards their ishtadevatha
D) Devathas are like bodies and Krishna is the aathma
E) Devathas are very powerful that they can liberate their devotees from the Maya
If all prayers made to devathas reach their antharyami Krishna and it is Krishna who in fact gives the results which seem to be given by devathas, then (choose one or more)
A) Worshipping all devathas gives the same result
B) Worshipping all devathas is equal to worshipping Krishna
C) Though it is Krishna, who gives the results, He gives only temporary and limited results according to the ability of the devathas and hence the results vary
D) Those who worship Krishna directly get the highest results according to the infinite ability of Krishna and they are everlasting
E) Those who worship devathas go to the respective devathas but those who worship Krishna get liberated and go to his abode
What did Shankaracharya comment about those who worship devathas?
A) “Worshipping anyone is same”
B) “Any devatha is Paramathma and equal to Krishna”
C) “Worship of any devatha gives Moksha”
D) “Though there is same effort in worshipping devathas or me, why these ignorant people do not resort me alone to get infinite results? Alas! It is miserable- thus Krishna regrets”
What do foolish people think about Krishna in human form?
A) Though Krishna is an avathara, He cannot be powerful as He has taken birth as human and has limited capacity
B) Krishna is just an ordinary human being and took birth as others and He was not existing before His birth
C) Krishna is a great human but not god and took birth because of His karma. Some sentimental people think He is God and worship Him because He did some heroic acts..
D) All are correct
Those who think they are independent and that all enjoyable things of the world are their own and for their enjoyment are called
A) Naradhamah
B) Asuram Bhavam asritah
C) Maya apahrta jnanah
D) Mooda:h
Choose one or more correct answers:
A) Among the pious who approach Krishna, only the jnani is udara (very generous) but not those in distress (artah), those after wealth (artharthi) or those after kaivalya (jijnasu)
B) Even living entities in Rajo and Tamo Gunas originate from Krishna
C) Just as a seed does not exist after a tree comes from it, Krishna does not exist after the cosmos consisting of prakruti and jivas becomes manifest from Him.
D) Those who are pious worship Krishna, whereas those whose sins are completely destroyed worship Krishna with great determination
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