Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in nucl-th on Tue, 22 Dec 20
[2012.11123] N. Hizawa, K. Hagino, K. Yoshida: Generator coordinate method with a conjugate momentum: application to the particle number projection
[2012.11298] Peter C. Bruns: A formalism for the study of $K^{+}π\,Σ$ photoproduction in the $Λ^{\ast}(1405)$ region
[2012.11379] Ke Wang, Bo-Chao Liu: Polarization of $Λ(1405)$ in the $γp \rightarrow K^+ π Σ$ reaction
[2012.11438] M. Kozhevnikova, Yu. B. Ivanov, Iu. Karpenko et al.: Update of the Three-fluid Hydrodynamics-based Event Simulator: light-nuclei production in heavy-ion collisions
[2012.11454] Justin Mohs, Martha Ege, Hannah Elfner et al.: Collective flow at SIS energies within a hadronic transport approach: Influence of light nuclei formation and equation of state
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