Which Teen Are You?

You just got food poisoning from a new restaurant.  You...
Write a cryptic post on Facebook about not eating at that restaurant ever again.
Give them a bad review online.
Mail a strongly worded letter to the manager.
Tweet details of how much you got sick...with pictures.
Tell your friend how much you liked it, so he'll go, too.  It'll be hysterical!
You want to go see the big summer blockbuster this weekend. You…
Group text 15 of your closest friends
Tweet the details to see if anyone else wants to go.
Call your friends on the phone to make plans.
Tweet to ask if anyone wants to go. Tweet when you find out the movie times. Tweet when you decide on a time. Tweet when you get to the theater…you get the idea.
Think carefully about who you want to go with and send them a private message.
You had a fight with your best friend. You…
Unfriend her on Facebook. If you make up later, you can just friend her again.
Complain about it in a gamer forum. Those guys are pretty good listeners.
Go over to his house and talk it out.
Instagram pictures of how you’re feeling, like a boiling pot of water and a weeping willow tree.
Text his girlfriend flirty messages. She’s cute. Why not?
A new game came out this week and everyone is playing it on their phones. You…
Buy it. You don’t want to be left out when your friends talk about it.
Already have it and beat it…twice,
Don’t really care. The only app you use is your calendar to keep track of your busy schedule.
Post the score of every game you play on Facebook.
Check it out just to see what the hype is.
Your crush asks you out. You…
Stalk his Twitter account to see if he mentions you.
Send her a link to a playlist of your favorite songs.
Introduce yourself to her parents.
Change your relationship status to “In a relationship.”
Make sure she didn’t post about it online.
Your parents surprised you with a European trip over the holidays. You…
Wonder how big of a cell phone bill you’ll rack up from all that overseas texting.
Create profiles on a few travel websites and start asking people for tips on what to do.
Gladly leave your cell behind. You won’t miss it.
Call your cell phone company to make sure you’ll have full Internet access in every country.
Download a few language apps so you can ask out girls in other languages.
You lose power during a storm and your cell is about to run out of batteries. You…
Charge it in the car. Who cares about wasting gas and car batteries? You have people to talk to!
Check all of your accounts and notify your friends that you’ll be offline for a while.
Turn it off. You weren’t using it anyway.
Welcome the quiet. You were having a hard time keeping all of your accounts straight anyway.
It’s your birthday and you want to celebrate. You…
Create a Facebook event and invite everyone on your friends list.
Plan a game-a-thon with your gaming buddies from all over the world.
Go out for pizza after the game with your team. You like it simple.
Create a Twitter account named “My Birthday” and tweet things like “It’s going to be epic” and “I bought a piñata” for weeks before the party to get people excited.
Throw two parties. You need to keep some party guests separated.
{"name":"Which Teen Are You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"You just got food poisoning from a new restaurant.  You..., You want to go see the big summer blockbuster this weekend. You…, You had a fight with your best friend. You…","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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