P quiz

Complete group of interest
An association or relationship among variables, as we might find between height and weight, or between study habits and school grades
Selection factor
A condition in a scientific study that is manipulated so that its effects may be observed
A source of bias that may occur in research findings when participants are allowed to choose for themselves a certain treatment in a scientific study
Independent variable
A measure of an assumed effect of an independent variable
A condition in a scientific study that is manipulated so that its effects may be observed dependent variables
Cells that respond to light
The fact that a neuron fires an impulse of the same strength whenever its action potential is triggered
An area near the center of the retina that is dense with cones, and where vision is, consequently, most acute
The process of adjusting to conditions of lower lighting by increasing the sensitivity of rods and cones
Dark adaptation
The process of adjusting to conditions of lower lighting by increasing the sensitivity of rods and cones
Neurons that transmit messages from sensory receptors to the spinal cord and brain; also called sensory neurons
All-or-none principle
The fact that a neuron fires an impulse of the same strength whenever its action potential is triggered
Neurons that transmit messages from the brain or spinal cord to muscles and glands; also called motor neurons
Afferent neurons
Neurons that transmit messages from the brain or spinal cord to muscles and glands; also called motor neurons
Neurons that transmit messages from sensory receptors to the spinal cord and brain; also called sensory neurons
Efferent neurons
Neurons that transmit messages from the brain or spinal cord to muscles and glands; also called motor neurons
A phase following firing during which a neuron is less sensitive to messages from other neurons and will not fire
Glial cells
Cells that remove dead neurons and waste products from the nervous system, nourish and insulate neurons, form myelin, and play a role in neural transmission of messages
A specialized cell of the nervous system that receives and transmits messages
Refractory period
A number between +1.00 and −1.00 that expresses the strength and direction (positive or negative) of the relationship between two variables
A phase following firing during which a neuron is less sensitive to messages from other neurons and will not fire
The body’s system of ductless glands that secrete hormones and release them directly into the bloodstream
A specialized cell of the nervous system that receives and transmits messages
Correlation coefficient
A number between +1.00 and −1.00 that expresses the strength and direction (positive or negative) of the relationship between two variables
Involving an inherited disposition to activate specific behavior patterns that enable an organism to reach specific goals
The school of psychology that argues that the mind consists of three basic elements—sensations, feelings, and images—that combine to form experience
The body’s system of ductless glands that secrete hormones and release them directly into the bloodstream
The culturally defined concepts of masculinity and femininity
Definiton of male and female
Endocrine system
A sudden variation in an inheritable characteristic, as distinguished from a variation that results from generations of gradual selection
The body’s system of ductless glands that secrete hormones and release them directly into the bloodstream
A sudden variation in an inheritable characteristic, as distinguished from a variation that results from generations of gradual selection
Involving an inherited disposition to activate specific behavior patterns that enable an organism to reach specific goals
A sudden variation in an inheritable characteristic, as distinguished from a variation that results from generations of gradual selection
Sensory stimulation below a person’s absolute threshold for conscious perception
Signal–detection theory
The view that the perception of sensory stimuli involves the interaction of physical, biological, and psychological factors
Sensory stimulation below a person’s absolute threshold for conscious perception
Subliminal stimulation
Nearness; the perceptual tendency to group together objects that are near one another
Sensory stimulation below a person’s absolute threshold for conscious perception
The inner ear; the bony tube that contains the basilar membrane and the organ of Corti
The tendency to perceive a broken figure as being complete or whole
Decibels (dB)
A unit expressing the loudness of a sound
Length of sound waves
Nearness; the perceptual tendency to group together objects that are near one another
The tendency to perceive a broken figure as being complete or whole
The tendency to perceive a broken figure as being complete or whole
The sense of equilibrium that informs us about our bodies’ positions relative to gravity
Vestibular sense
Melzack’s view that neurons in the spine can simultaneously transmit only a limited amount of information, so that stimulation of neurons from many regions can limit the perception of pain in one region
The sense of equilibrium that informs us about our bodies’ positions relative to gravity
Gate theory
Melzack’s view that neurons in the spine can simultaneously transmit only a limited amount of information, so that stimulation of neurons from many regions can limit the perception of pain in one region
A condition in a scientific study that is manipulated so that its effects may be observed
{"name":"P quiz", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Population, Selection factor, independent variable","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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