Rules of microstakes

What should you expect from your average opponent on microstakes ?
To bluff a lot
To be agressive
To be passive
If you bluff cbet a flop and your opponent calls, a blank turn should lead you to:
Giving up, your opponent is unlikely to fold
Betting again on the turn and giving up the river
Betting both turn and river
On 50bb effective you decided to defend 75s, flop comes Q84r, after your unknown opponent cbet you should:
Check/raise and give up without improving on the turn
Check/raise and barrel turn
Check/raise and barrel both turn and river
On 50bb effective you open from EP AJo and unknown BU calls, after cbetting A43ss your opponent calls, on the turn 7d you bet again and face a raise, you should expect him:
To turn 54s type of hands into a semi bluff
To raise worse top pairs for protection, like A9
To have a very strong hand
On 50bb effective you open from BU AKo and unknown SB calls, on the flop AT9r you cbet and your opponent decides to check/raise, now you should:
Call and see what he will do on the turn
Call and bluffcatch him on blank turns and rivers
Call and raise allin for protection on blank turn
Fold to a flop raise already
You bet AKo IP into an unknown BB on flop of J32r and turn Kd, on the river 5c your opponent decides to donkbet 3/4 of the pot, in such a situation you can expect him:
To have a lot of bluffs
To bet for value/protection worse hands than yours
To have a very strong hand
During the game you quickly estimate that your decision is a marginal EV+ call (non ICM-heavy situation), while potential loss would criple your stack significantly, in such a situation you should:
Call anyway, because the decision is mathematically correct
Call a fracture of time, to be balanced in this spot
Fold and wait for a better opportunity
You have opened KK from EP, after MP and BU calls the flop came KsTs2c, right now you should:
Try to get 2-3 streets from a narrow range of worse made hands and draws be betting yourself
Try to give them an opportunity to bet or see the turn and catch something by checking
Try to bloat the pot on the flop by checking with intention of raising a bet
You bet AhAc IP into an unknown SB on flop of Q84r and turn 6s, the river is 2s that completed a backdoor spades draw, right now you should:
Bet again for value with intention of folding to a raise
Bet again for value with intention of calling a raise
Check back to avoid a tough spot after getting raised
You opened KdJd from the BU into an unknown BB sitting on 30bb effective, on flop of Ah6d2c you decided to cbet 30% potsize bet, on the turn of Td you bet again for 80%, the river came 3c, now you should:
Give up because your opponent on microstakes is unlikely to fold
Bet again because you have great blockers to best top pairs
Bet again because you look very strong while betting three times on this runout
Bet again because your opponent's range is very capped and he can't call
You called KJs on the BU vs unknown MP on 40bb effective, you've both seen a flop of Kc8d5h, your opponent bets 2/3 of the pot, you called, on the turn of 9h he bets again for a size of the pot, now you should:
Call again with intention of calling the river
Call again with intention of folding the river
Raise allin to protect your hand from draws
Make a tight fold as your hand can be already drawing dead and your opponent shows strength
You've opened from EP and got called on BU, you've missed the flop completely, you should approach this spot with a plan of:
Limiting the loss and giving up already
Making an attempt to pick up the pot by cbetting the flop and giving up if called
Fiercely fighting for this pot by cbetting the flop with intention of betting good turns and rivers
{"name":"Rules of microstakes", "url":"","txt":"What should you expect from your average opponent on microstakes ?, If you bluff cbet a flop and your opponent calls, a blank turn should lead you to:, On 50bb effective you decided to defend 75s, flop comes Q84r, after your unknown opponent cbet you should:","img":""}
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