Transportation Big Quiz of the Year
{"name":"Transportation Big Quiz of the Year", "url":"","txt":"After the collapse of Hanjin Shipping in August, what was the value of goods left stranded at sea?, Which aircraft lessor underwent a $1.1 billion IPO in May, the largest in leasing history?, Amazon completed its first fully autonomous drone delivery in December. The package contained a","img":""}
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Violent Gamerz Server Rules
1. Respect all players and admins
2. Do NOT use Hacks/Exploits, and Bhop Scripts.(If you are suspected of hacking/scripting, you will be permanently banned)
3. No mic spam/chat or broken strings in the chat
4. No special names like (ρяєνιєω тєχт)
5. Listen to admins orders
6. Ping masks are not allowed.(Modifying in-game rates to lower your ping to 1/5/etc.)
7. If you have a report about a player, please visit and ENTER CHAT ROOM
8. If there is no admins online hit F12 to screenshot people for breaking the rules
9. Do NOT make racial comments or mock someone due to their accent. Racial comments includes hiding the term by using another word.
10. No disgusting or disturbing sprays(Includes porn, brony, furry, gore, etc)
11. Use common sense. Acting like a lawyer or being immature will get you punished. (Do not argue with admins, take it to the forums or a private chat.)
12. Do NOT advertise other clans/servers/links.
13. Do NOT teamkill purposely.
14. No voice changers, or yelling on your mic
15. Do not use malicious threats on our server. You will be removed from the server with out warning.
16. Hit 'u' on keyboard and type "@<message> to contact a admin on the server
17. Do not abuse admin chat, use it to report issues on the server not to converse or argue.
18. Don't talk over admin or you will be muted
19. No impersonating admins
20. No camping (Admins will slay you if you do)
Server commands
!light <color> <command>
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