Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 9 Dec 21
[2112.03950] Valentin Crépel, Tommaso Cea, Liang Fu et al.: Unconventional superconductivity due to interband polarization
[2112.03956] Y.A. Ovchenkov, D.A. Chareev, D.E. Presnov et al.: Crossover from nematic to magnetic low-temperature ground state in Fe(Se,Te) compounds
[2112.03966] Michael Kammermeier, Takahito Saito, Daisuke Iizasa et al.: Reliable modeling of weak antilocalization for accurate spin-lifetime extraction
[2112.03974] M. Suleymanov, M. A. Zubkov, C. X. Zhang: Hall conductivity as the topological invariant in magnetic Brillouin zone
[2112.03979] Jérémy O'Byrne, Alexandre Solon, Julien Tailleur et al.: An Introduction to Motility-Induced Phase Separation
[2112.03986] Arya Datta, Patrick Pietzonka, Andre C Barato: Second law for active heat engines
[2112.04000] Md. Fahim F. Chowdhury, Walid Al Misba, Md Mahadi Rajib et al.: Focused Surface Acoustic Wave induced nano-oscillator based reservoir computing
[2112.04004] Deborah Schwarcz, Stanislav Burov: Self-assembly of two-dimensional, amorphous materials on a liquid substrate
[2112.04012] Ashton S. Bradley, R. Kishor Kumar, Sukla Pal et al.: Spectral analysis for compressible quantum fluids
[2112.04024] Satoshi Yoshida, Yasushi Okada, Eiro Muneyuki et al.: Thermodynamic role of main reaction pathway and multi-body information flow in membrane transport
[2112.04032] P. Prakash, A. Z. Abdulla, M. Varma: Contact Force Mediated Rapid Deposition of Colloidal Microspheres Flowing Over Microstructured Barriers
[2112.04043] Francisco A. G. de Lira, Edilberto O. Silva: Theoretical model for the description of a single quantum dot using geometry
[2112.04047] Doron Grossman, Jean-Francois Joanny: Rheology of 2D vertex model
[2112.04049] Ling-Fang Lin, Yang Zhang, Gonzalo Alvarez et al.: Prediction of orbital selective Mott phases and block magnetic states in the quasi-one-dimensional iron chain Ce$_2$O$_2$FeSe$_2$ under hole a...
[2112.04055] Katherine Inzani, Nabaraj Pokhrel, Nima Leclerc et al.: Manipulation of spin orientation via ferroelectric switching in Fe-doped Bi2WO6 from first principles
[2112.04061] Alberto Pérez de Alba Ortíz, Bernd Ensing: Simultaneous sampling of multiple transition channels using adaptive paths of collective variables
[2112.04067] Michael te Vrugt: Understanding probability and irreversibility in the Mori-Zwanzig projection operator formalism
[2112.04073] Zehan Chen, Xichao Zhang, Yan Zhou et al.: Skyrmion Dynamics in the Presence of Deformation
[2112.04077] Guoliang Yu, Anlian Pan, Mingxing Chen: Interface engineering of ferroelectricity in thin films of thiophosphate ABP 2 X 6 (A = Cu, Ag; B = In, Bi, Cr, V; and X = S, Se)
[2112.04078] Shuning Tan, Yiqun Liu, Yingping Mou et al.: Renormalization of dispersion in electron-doped bilayer cuprate superconductors
[2112.04081] Jan Janssen, Edgar Makarov, Tilmann Hickel et al.: Automated optimization of convergence parameters in plane wave density functional theory calculations via a tensor decomposition-based uncer...
[2112.04099] Yue Li, Zhijun Wang, Junjie Li et al.: Revealing curvature and stochastic effects on grain growth kinetics: A thermodynamic perspective from the extremal principle
[2112.04119] C.M. Hung, R.P. Madhogaria, B. Muchharla et al.: MnP films with desired magnetic, magnetocaloric and thermoelectric properties for a perspective magneto-thermo-electric cooling device
[2112.04124] Guangzong Xing, Yoshio Miura, Terumasa Tadano: Lattice dynamics and its effects on magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy of pristine and hole-doped YCo$_5$ from first principles
[2112.04127] Yuefang Hu, Changming Yue, Danwen Yuan et al.: The evolution of Weyl nodes in Ni doped thallium niobate pyrochlore Tl$_{2-x}$Ni$_x$Nb$_2$O$_7$
[2112.04129] Yutaka Yamamoto, Masanori Ichioka, Hiroto Adachi: Antiferromagnetic spin Seebeck effect across the spin-flop transition: A stochastic Ginzburg-Landau simulation
[2112.04157] Zhen Gao, Qianqian Wang, Weikang Wu et al.: Monolayer RhB4: half-auxeticity and almost ideal spin-orbit Dirac point semimetal
[2112.04158] S. Sahar S. Hejazi, Juan Polo, Makoto Tsubota: Formation of local and global currents in a toroidal Bose--Einstein condensate via an inhomogeneous artificial gauge field
[2112.04171] Nayereh Ghobadi, Manouchehr Hosseini, Shoeib Babaee Touski: Field-Effect Transistor Based on MoSi$_2$N$_4$ and WSi$_2$N$_4$ Monolayers Under Biaxial Strain: A Computational Study of the Elect...
[2112.04200] Juhan Matthias Kahk, Johannes Lischner: Predicting Core Electron Binding Energies in Elements of the First Transition Series Using the $Δ$-Self-Consistent-Field Method
[2112.04240] Shahar Kasirer, Yigal Meir: Hysteresis and jumps in the $I-V$ curves of disordered two-dimensional materials
[2112.04247] Yuta Tanaka, Shinji Tsuneyuki: Development of the temperature-dependent interatomic potential for molecular dynamics simulation of metal irradiated with an ultrashort pulse laser
[2112.04260] Sourav Chakraborty, Anamitra Mukherjee, Kalpataru Pradhan: Antiferromagnetism beyond classical percolation threshold in the site-diluted half-filled one-band Hubbard model in three dimensions
[2112.04270] Eelco Empting, Nicolas Bader, Martin Oettel: Interplay of orientational order and roughness in simulated thin film growth of anisotropically interacting particles
[2112.04279] Manu Mannattil, J. M. Schwarz, Christian D. Santangelo: Thermal Fluctuations of Singular Bar-Joint Mechanisms
[2112.04284] Émile Maras, Emmanuel Clouet: Secondary slip of screw dislocations in zirconium
[2112.04303] Peng Chen, Qi Yao, Qiang Sun et al.: Tailoring Magnetic Exchange Interactions in Ferromagnet-Intercalated MnBi2Te4 Superlattices
[2112.04305] C. A. Downing, V. A. Saroka: Exceptional points in oligomer chains
[2112.04317] Cem Sevik, Mikhail Petrov, Jonas Bekaert et al.: High-temperature multigap superconductivity in two-dimensional metal-borides
[2112.04320] Razmik A. Hovhannisyan, Olena M. Kapran, Taras Golod et al.: Accurate determination of the Josephson critical current by lock-in measurements
[2112.04331] O. M. Fesenko, A. D. Yaremkevich, T.V. Tsebrienko et al.: Effect of Nb cationic substitution on Raman spectra of SrBi$_2$Ta$_2$O$_9$ thin films
[2112.04337] Bin Shen, Franziska Breitner, Danil Prishchenko et al.: Pressure-induced dimerization and collapse of antiferromagnetism in the Kitaev material $α$-Li$_2$IrO$_3$
[2112.04338] Hideyuki Miyahara: Steady-state thermodynamics for population dynamics in fluctuating environments with side information
[2112.04341] I.G. Bostrem, E.G. Ekomasov, J. Kishine et al.: Dark discrete breather modes in monoaxial chiral helimagnet with easy-plane anisotropy
[2112.04342] Ali Riza Durmaz, Erik Natkowski, Nikolai Arnaudov et al.: Micromechanical fatigue experiments for validation of microstructure-sensitive fatigue simulation models
[2112.04349] A. P. Dmitriev: Electric dipole in a magnetic field: some aspects of the problem
[2112.04376] Nicolas G. Hadjiconstantinou, Mathew M. Swisher: An atomistic model for the thermal resistance of a liquid-solid interface
[2112.04377] Mikhail V. Tamm, Maxym Dudka, Nikita Pospelov et al.: From steady-state TASEP model with open boundaries to 1D Ising model at negative fugacity
[2112.04394] Justin Copenhaver, Jukka I. Väyrynen: Edge spin transport in disordered WTe$_2$ two-dimensional topological insulator
[2112.04397] Zheyi Zhu, Stephan Kim, Shiming Lei et al.: Phase tuning of multiple Andreev reflections of Dirac fermions and the Josephson supercurrent in Al-MoTe2-Al junctions
[2112.04400] Akiyoshi Yamada, Yuki Fuseya: Negative magnetoresistance and sign change of the planar Hall effect due to the negative off-diagonal effective-mass in Weyl semimetals
[2112.04409] Sankalp Nambiar, John S Wettlaufer: The hydrodynamics of slender swimmers near deformable interfaces
[2112.04412] Sara Murciano, Pasquale Calabrese, Robert M. Konik: Post-Quantum Quench Growth of Renyi Entropies in Perturbed Luttinger Liquids
[2112.04419] Hashim Hassan, Tyler N. Tallman: Precise Damage Shaping in Self-Sensing Composites Using Electrical Impedance Tomography and Genetic Algorithms
[2112.04425] Rajeswari Roy Chowdhury, Chandan Patra, Samik DuttaGupta et al.: Modification of unconventional Hall effect with doping at the non-magnetic site in a 2D van der Waals ferromagnet
[2112.04440] Charles C. Tam, Jaewon Choi, Xiang Ding et al.: Charge density waves in infinite-layer NdNiO$_2$ nickelates
[2112.04442] Chu-Ping Yu, Thomas Friedrich, Daen Jannis et al.: Real Time Integration Centre of Mass (riCOM) Reconstruction for 4D-STEM
[2112.04450] Naveed Ahmad Shah, Alonso Contreras-Astorga, François Fillion-Gourdeau et al.: Effects of discrete topology on quantum transport across a graphene $n-p-n$ junction: A quantum gravity analogue
[2112.04472] Milad Rahimi-Majd, Juan G. Restrepo, Morteza Nattagh-Najafi: Stochastic and deterministic dynamics in networks with excitable nodes
[2112.04479] Kevin M. Roccapriore, Ondrej Dyck, Mark P. Oxley et al.: Automated experiment in 4D-STEM: exploring emergent physics and structural behaviors
[2112.04485] Vinícius Pascotto Gastaldo, Mala N. Rao, Alexey Bosak et al.: Direct observation of Jahn-Teller critical dynamics at a charge-order Verwey transition
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 9 Dec 21","img":""}
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