20th Century US History Final MC

The US became an industrial and economic giant in the late 19th century. What was America's first big business:
Transatlantic shipping
Interstate cartage companies
The railroad systems that crossed the country
The manufacture and distribution of "spirituous" liquors
A farm distress in the late 19th century was mainly caused by:
Lower prices for commodities
Indifferent legislators
Reductions in agricultural subsidies
The boll weevil
Famers sought relief through:
Increased political activism
Farm organizations
Silver inflation
All of the above
Industrial laborers:
Occasionally conducted bitter strikes
Worked hard and often achieved middle class status
Sought more workers from Europe
Pioneered innovative industrial strategies
African Americans in the South were subject to Jim Crow laws. What were they:
Laws demanding separation of races in public facilities
Laws which enforced attendance at minstrel shows
Laws which encouraged African American higher education
Laws that rejected white supremacy
The Populist Party stood for all of the following EXCEPT ONE:
Free and unlimited coinage of silver at a ratio of 16 to 1
Maintainence of the gold dollar
Direct election of US senators
Sub-treasury system to provide credit
Accentuated lurid sexual and violent stories in popular magazines
Were deeply appreciated by American industrialists
Accentuated the warm class unity of America
Drew attention to challenging social, economic, and political issues
The 1896 election between Bryan and McKinley was pivotal because:
The parties had such sharply contrasting ideas on the future of America
The two candidates stayed home
Both parties were indifferent to the plight of farmers
Both parties upheld and extended the gold standard
Jane Hull pointed out challenging situations among immigrants and the working poor in this city:
Des Moines
Trusts, or business monopolies posed major problems to American social and political values. Which one was the most serious?
Large accumulations of money allowed them extensive influence over gov't
The economies of scale they practiced ruined the economy
The tycoons created by this system were sometimes ruthless and heedless of business ethics
They took over too much urban space
State reformers pressed for the following EXCEPT ONE:
Direct primaries
Tariff and trust reform
More liquor stores
A social safety net for the poor and the weak
The "Galveston Plan":
Reworked city governance in the wake of a terrible tsunami
Assembled capital and public support for an NFL team
Urged the re-working of banking regulations
Planned greater recreation facilities for urban workers and children
Theodore Roosevelt was ALL EXCEPT ONE:
Was born to wealth
Embraced "the strenuous life"
Was beloved by Republican old line politicians like Mark Hanna
Won attention and respect for his Spanish-American war feats
When Roosevelt embraced the "stewardship" theory of office, he means:
The president should represent the needs and will of all the people
The president should only do the bidding of congress
The president should be a passive and receptive chief executive
The president should unilaterally end high tariffs
The Wisconsin Idea was pioneered by:
Marcus A. Hanna
Robert LaFollette
Albert Cummins
Charles Evans Hughes
The Supreme Court of the latter 19th and 20th centuries:
Was a very conservative institution when it came to cases involving private property
Accepted the legitimacy of white supremacy
Upheld Roosevelt's tough stance in trustbusting
All of the above
The rise of gov't regulation included all of the following EXCEPT:
Creating boards and commissions to oversee the private sector
Concerned itself with the purity of food and pharmaceuticals
Never concerned itself with the internal workings of corporations
Included an enhanced Interstate Commerce Commission
William Howard Taft did all of the following EXCEPT:
Signed the Mann-Elkins Act of 1910
Prosecuted Standard Oil in anti-trust actions
Refused to break away from the golf course to attend to gov't business
Defeated Roosevelt for the Republican Party nomination in 1912
Woodrow WIlson:
Segregated the federal gov't
Relied on the advice of Louis Brandeis and his New Freedom
Reluctantly embraced women's suffrages
All of the above
Wilsonian accomplishments included all EXCEPT:
The Federal Reserve
The Federal Trade Commission
Negotiating peace between Russian and Japan
Resisted literacy tests
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