What kind of recruiter are you?

A vibrant office setting with recruiters engaged on phone calls, lively interactions, and a humorous atmosphere. Include playful elements like recruitment accessories and a mix of dress styles.

What Kind of Recruiter Are You?

Curious about your recruitment style? This fun and engaging quiz is designed to uncover what type of recruiter you are based on your choices and reactions in various scenarios.

  • Answer simple multiple-choice questions
  • Discover your unique recruiting personality
  • Share results with your friends and colleagues
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by CharmingTalent424
A candidate calls in that you've been avoiding, what do you do?
Ignore the phone
Have your colleague answer pretending you're in a meeting
Answer the phone and speak to them
Answer the phone and pretend to be someone else
Do you like business development?
I live for it. I'm like Leonardo Di Caprio, only in Wolf Of Wall Street rather than The Beach
It's alright, I get by but I'd rather be sitting by the pool that cold calling the HR Manager at HSBC for the third time this week
It's a necessary evil but I'm not a massive fan of it
I hate it, it's the single most uncomfortable experience of my life. Even more than being caught in the act by my parents
You're on course to get on the company incentive but it's going to be filled with people you hate, what do you do?
Sabotage your own deals so you don't hit the numbers needed to get on the incentive on the first place
Sandbag some deals so you don't hit target in time to go but still get the revenue
Grin and bear it
Respectfully ask if instead of going on the trip you'd be able to use the money that would have been spent on you for another use
What is your favourite recruitment accessory?
Your phone
Your comb
Your headset
Your additional computer screens
It's 5pm and you have an hour of calls left to make, but you're realistically not going to do it, what do you do?
Subtly call your mobile from your desk phone, mute your mobile, put the desk phone on speakerphone and put the handset down, so you're wracking up call times with the phone down
Call candidates completely inappropriate for your role just for the sake of it
Stay late until you hit the times, with good quality calls and candidates
Admit defeat and take any concequences
A contact has a funny name, what do you do?
Nothing, you're not immature
Laugh about it to yourself, remembering it to tell your friends
Shout it loudly on the sales floor so everyone can laugh with you
Take a picture and put it in the group chat
What is your dress code preference?
Suited and booted
Dress down
Uniform colour scheme
Smart casual
You're 1 deal away from promotion, with 2 working days left of the quarter, what do you do?
Close absolutely anything you can, even a temp Lollipop Lady in Guernsey to hit those numbers
Sandbag your pipeline so you're not stuck managing Smithy, 21, from Romford
Speak to your manager about if there is anything you could realistically do seeing as you're so close
Admit defeat and try again next quarter
A candidate is proving difficult to close, what course of action do you take?
Play hard ball, you've offered them a great opportunity and you need to keep the power
Appease them, go back and ask the client for an extra £30,000 on the salary because you need this deal to keep your job
Pull the offer, you're not going to be messed around like this
Ask your Manager to call them
What management style works best with you?
Super friendly manager that is caring and understanding
Hard-nosed authoritarian that will crack the whip and emotionally abuse you
Silent assassin, a quiet expert that is more an example to follow than a vocal leader
Vacant body, an idiot who doesn't know what they're doing and stays out of your way
{"name":"What kind of recruiter are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Curious about your recruitment style? This fun and engaging quiz is designed to uncover what type of recruiter you are based on your choices and reactions in various scenarios.Answer simple multiple-choice questionsDiscover your unique recruiting personalityShare results with your friends and colleagues","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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