What Type of a Leader Are You?

When there is significant conflict within my team
I convene a team meeting to facilitate open dialogue and resolution
I emphasize our common goals that need to be achieved
I allow team members to work independently to minimize disruptions
Some of my team members possess exceptional skills and motivation
They are granted the freedom to utilize their talents to their fullest extent
They frequently engage in creative planning sessions with me
They are subject to the same workplace strategies and processes as all other team members
When faced with an eight-hour project deadline for a task I believe requires 16 hours
I communicate the deadline and trust the team to manage it, as they are experienced
I seek input from team members on the most efficient approach to completion
I assign specific instructions and deadlines to each team member
Dealing with poor performance should involve
Disciplinary measures to prevent recurrence
Constructive discussions with the individual to facilitate learning
Minimal intervention, as the issue may resolve itself
For the development and implementation of a new social media strategy
I create the strategy personally and then present it to the team
I delegate the project to team members and request a plan from them.
I inform the team of the challenge and request their input for potential solutions
In my view, exceptional leaders
Possess superior knowledge and expertise, which is why they lead
Demonstrate humility and recognize the effectiveness of collective teamwork
Provide team members with ample autonomy to perform their tasks
If I observe a team member feeling demotivated
I closely supervise their tasks to ensure adherence to procedures
I make an extra effort to involve them in team discussions and activities
I give them some space, as they likely require a bit of distance to address their concerns
{"name":"What Type of a Leader Are You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/Q5WEP3JDD","txt":"When there is significant conflict within my team, Some of my team members possess exceptional skills and motivation, When faced with an eight-hour project deadline for a task I believe requires 16 hours","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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