Pharma q-bank

A detailed illustration of various pharmaceutical molecules and medications on a bright, educational background, emphasizing healthcare and research themes.

Pharmaceutical Knowledge Challenge

Test your knowledge on pharmacology and medication management with our engaging quiz designed for medical students and professionals.

Challenge yourself with these topics:

  • Antibiotics and Antifungals
  • Cardiovascular Drugs
  • Immunosuppressants
  • Chemotherapy Agents
  • Drug Mechanisms of Action
28 Questions7 MinutesCreated by AnalyzingPharma202
A 25 -year-old female being treated for acute myelogues leukemia, develops fever. Consultant infectious disease Doctor prescribed agents that will cover bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. Two days later, he develops acute renal failure. Which drug was most likely responsible?
Amphotericin B
A 34-year-old female with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) develops cryptococcal meningitis. She refuses all intravenous medication. She has panic attacks episodes, when she has intravenous infusion. Which antifungal agent can be given orally to treat the meningeal infection?
. Ketoconazole
Amphotericin B
A 21-year-old man from Southeast Georgia has been staying with family members in Tbilisi for the last 5 months. His sister tells to the doctors that her brother has been feeling very tired for the last month, has a poor appetite, and has lost weight. The patient has been feeling somewhat better lately except for a cough that produces a greenish sputum, sometimes specked with blood. With the exception of rales in the left upper lobe, the physical examination is unremarkable and he does not seem to be acutely ill. Laboratory values show a white count of 12,000/μL and a hematocrit of 33%. Chest x-ray film reveals an infiltrate in the left upper lobe with a possible cavity. A Gram-stained smear of the sputum shows mixed flora with no dominance. An acid-fast stain reveals many thin rods of pinkish hue. A preliminary diagnosis is made of pulmonary tuberculosis. The most active drug against Mycobacterium tuberculosis is?
Applied to the skin in a transdermal patch (transdermal therapeutic delivery system), this drug is used to prevent or reduce the occurrence of nausea and vomiting that are associated with motion sickness
All of the following drugs are used topically in the treatment of chronic wide-angle glaucoma. Which of these agents reduces intraocular pressure by decreasing the formation of the aqueous humor?
A 72-year-old professional motorcycle racer woman was admitted to the hospital following a car accident, and a blood transfusion was started. A few minutes later, she complained of nausea and pruritus and developed dyspnea with audible wheezing. Her skin was mottled and cold, heart rate was 120 bpm, and blood pressure fell to 80/40 mm Hg. An intramuscular injection of epinephrine was given. Which of the following actions of the drug most likely contributed to its therapeutic efficacy in this patient?
Increased glycogenolysis
β2 receptor−mediated vasodilation
Stimulation of platelet aggregation
Inhibition of mast cell degranulation
A 34 -year-old pilot woman had episodes of tachycardia recently diagnosed with pheochromocytoma. It is tumor arising from medullar suprarenal gland. Patient was scheduled for surgery to remove the tumor. One week before surgery, phenoxybenzamine was prescribed. Which of the following actions most likely mediated the therapeutic effect of the drug in the patient’s disease?
Decreased peripheral vascular resistance
Increased cardiac output
Decreased epinephrine release from the adrenal medulla
Increased heart rate
A 24-year-old man was admitted to the hospital for evaluation of a faint systolic murmur and an unusual electrocardiogram reading. Patient describes that, during physical activity he has a chest pain and needs relax usually. After clinical and lab evaluation, a diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ( heart wall has hypertropy) was made, and propranolol was prescribed. Which of the following actions most likely contributed to the therapeutic efficacy of the drug in the pat ient’s disease?
Decreased renin secretion
Increased duration of diastole
Blockade of an abnormal pacemaker
Decreased ejection fraction
A 71-year-old man had no bowel movements 5 days after surgery to remove a colon cancer. A diagnosis of adynamic ileus was made, and an intramuscular injection of neostigmine was given. The activation of which of the following pairs of receptors most likely mediated the therapeutic e ect of the drug in the patient’s disorder?
Nm and M2 cholinergic
Nn and M3 cholinergic
β2 adrenergic and M3 cholinergic
β2 adrenergic and Nn cholinergic
25-year-old medical student young woman with a long history of depression was brought to the emergency department with vomiting, urinary incontinence, profuse salivation, cold sweat, rapid and irregular pulse, tachypnea, and mental confusion. She admitted attempting suicide by ingesting several tablets found in her husband’s bureau drawer. Soon after admission, the woman experienced a tonic-clonic seizure. Which of the following drugs most likely caused the patient’s poisoning?
A 32-year-old woman was brought to the emergency department because of severe vomiting and diarrhea that started about 1 hour after a meal. The patient showed profuse salivation, lacrimation, and wheezing. His skin was moist, and his pupils were miotic. Skeletal muscle movements were normal. Blood pressure was 80/50 mm Hg, pulse 46 bpm. Poisoning of this patient was most likely due to which of the following agents?
Muscarine-containing mushrooms
Nicotine-containing insecticide
Organophosphate-containing insect icide
Atropine-containing mushrooms
A 11-year-old girl, on vacation with his parents in Batumi, was brought unconscious to the emergency department. His parents reported that the boy had eaten an apple bought from a local vendor 3 hours earlier. Physical examination showed that the boy girl salivating profusely and was incontinent with regard to both urine and feces. She had pinpoint pupils, moist skin, and shallow respiration. A diagnosis was made, and two appropriate drugs were administered intravenously. Which of the following pairs of drugs were most likely given?
Physostigmine and pralidoxime
Physostigmine and atropine
Physostigmine and propranolol
Atropine and pralidoxime
A 22-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital because of vomiting, double vision, and muscular paralysis. The man reported that she had eaten some canned food from a local vendor the previous day. After a physical examination, a presumptive diagnosis of botulism was made. It is known that botulinum toxin causes paralysis by get ting inside the axon terminals of motor nerves, where it inhibits the release of acetylcholine. Botulinum toxin is a protein with a molecular weight greater than 100,000 daltons. Which of the following permeation processes most likely accounts for the transfer of the toxin through the nerve cell membrane?
Aqueous diffusion
Lipid diffusion
Facilitated diffusion
A 3-day-old premature male girl, born by normal vaginal delivery, presented with severe cyanosis. Chest x-rays and echocardiography con rmed the diagnosis of congenital transposition of the great arteries, and the baby was scheduled for surgery. Which of the following drugs was most likely administered by in travenous infusion to the baby until surgery?
A 17-year-old boy recently diagnosed with mild persistent asthma started treatment with albuterol as needed and oral zileuton daily. Which of the following molecular mechanisms of action most likely mediated the therapeutic effect of zileuton in the patient’s disease?
Activation of β2 receptors
Inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase
Competitive blockade of leukotriene
Receptors Inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2
A 42-year-old pilot man was seen at the clinic because of progressive exertional dyspnea and arthralgias. Further exams led to the diagnosis of primary pulmonary hypertension, and an intravenous infusion of epoprostenol was started. Which of the following molecular actions most likely mediated the therapeutic efficacy of the drug in the pat ient’s disease?
Blockade of Ca2+channels
Activation of β2adrenoceptors
Opening of K+channels
Activation of prostaglandin I2 receptors
A 32-year-old woman was brought to the emergency department because of serious breathing difficulty. Two hours earlier, she had taken a drug for a headache. The patient had been suffering from sinusitis and nasal polyps for 6 months. Physical examination showed severe bronchospasm. Which of the following drugs most likely caused the patient’s signs and symptoms?
Acetylsalicylic acid
A 55-year-old woman had been recovering from breast cancer surgery. Because her postoperative pain was severe, she received an intravenous injection of ketorolac that was able to reduce the pain. Which of the following molecular actions most likely mediated the analgesic effect of the drug?
Drug binding to prostaglandin receptors in the surgical area
Decreased concentration of prostaglandins in the surgical area
Decreased oxygen radical production in the surgical area
Inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis in the central nervous system
A 28-year-old man was admitted to the emergency department because of persistent nausea and vomiting, general malaise, and diaphoresis for the past 6 hours. The man had been over treating himself for 4 days with an analgesic medication to relieve severe pain from a neck injury. Two days earlier, he had gotten drunk at a party. Physical exam showed a slightly confused and dehydrated patient with icterus and a flapping tremor. Pertinent lab results on admission were alanine aminotransferase 300 U/L (normal 8−20 U/L), aspartate aminotransferase 480 U/L (normal 8−20 U/L). The patient had most likely taken an excessive dose of which of the following drugs?
The most effective drug for immunosuppression of rejection of the allografted kidney is
5-fluorouracil (5-FU)
A nucleophilic attack on deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that causes the disruption of base pairing occurs as a result of the administration of
The antineoplastic chemotherapeutic agent that is classified as an alkylating agent is
Which of the following agents should be administered to counteract methotrexate toxicity?
Vitamin K
Cardiotoxicity limits the clinical usefulness of which one of the following antitumor antibiotics?
A 32-year-old cancer patient, who has smoked two packs of cigarettes a day for 10 years, presents a decreased pulmonary function test. Physical examination and chest x-rays suggest preexisting pulmonary disease. Of the following drugs, which is best not prescribed?
A 50-year-old female with rheumatoid arthritis has developed erosions in her wrist bones. Which of the following agents should be administered?
A 45-year-old female has a bone marrow transplant for treatment of ovarian cancer. Cyclosporine is given as an immunosuppressant. What is the mechanism of action of cyclosporine?
Direct destruction of proliferating lymphoid cells
Inhibition of T cell response to cytokines
Inhibition of folic acid metabolism
Inhibition of factors that stimulate T cell growth
A predictably dangerous side effect of nadolol that constitutes a contraindication to its clinical use in susceptible patients is the induction of
Cardiac arrhythmia
Asthmatic attacks
Respiratory depression
{"name":"Pharma q-bank", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on pharmacology and medication management with our engaging quiz designed for medical students and professionals.Challenge yourself with these topics:Antibiotics and AntifungalsCardiovascular DrugsImmunosuppressantsChemotherapy AgentsDrug Mechanisms of Action","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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